Abstract:Few-shot learning problem focuses on recognizing unseen classes given a few labeled images. In recent effort, more attention is paid to fine-grained feature embedding, ignoring the relationship among different distance metrics. In this paper, for the first time, we investigate the contributions of different distance metrics, and propose an adaptive fusion scheme, bringing significant improvements in few-shot classification. We start from a naive baseline of confidence summation and demonstrate the necessity of exploiting the complementary property of different distance metrics. By finding the competition problem among them, built upon the baseline, we propose an Adaptive Metrics Module (AMM) to decouple metrics fusion into metric-prediction fusion and metric-losses fusion. The former encourages mutual complementary, while the latter alleviates metric competition via multi-task collaborative learning. Based on AMM, we design a few-shot classification framework AMTNet, including the AMM and the Global Adaptive Loss (GAL), to jointly optimize the few-shot task and auxiliary self-supervised task, making the embedding features more robust. In the experiment, the proposed AMM achieves 2% higher performance than the naive metrics fusion module, and our AMTNet outperforms the state-of-the-arts on multiple benchmark datasets.
Abstract:Restoring the clean background from the superimposed images containing a noisy layer is the common crux of a classical category of tasks on image restoration such as image reflection removal, image deraining and image dehazing. These tasks are typically formulated and tackled individually due to the diverse and complicated appearance patterns of noise layers within the image. In this work we present the Deep-Masking Generative Network (DMGN), which is a unified framework for background restoration from the superimposed images and is able to cope with different types of noise. Our proposed DMGN follows a coarse-to-fine generative process: a coarse background image and a noise image are first generated in parallel, then the noise image is further leveraged to refine the background image to achieve a higher-quality background image. In particular, we design the novel Residual Deep-Masking Cell as the core operating unit for our DMGN to enhance the effective information and suppress the negative information during image generation via learning a gating mask to control the information flow. By iteratively employing this Residual Deep-Masking Cell, our proposed DMGN is able to generate both high-quality background image and noisy image progressively. Furthermore, we propose a two-pronged strategy to effectively leverage the generated noise image as contrasting cues to facilitate the refinement of the background image. Extensive experiments across three typical tasks for image background restoration, including image reflection removal, image rain steak removal and image dehazing, show that our DMGN consistently outperforms state-of-the-art methods specifically designed for each single task.