Abstract:Time-series forecasting is crucial for numerous real-world applications including weather prediction and financial market modeling. While temporal-domain methods remain prevalent, frequency-domain approaches can effectively capture multi-scale periodic patterns, reduce sequence dependencies, and naturally denoise signals. However, existing approaches typically train model components for all frequencies under a unified training objective, often leading to mismatched learning speeds: high-frequency components converge faster and risk overfitting, while low-frequency components underfit due to insufficient training time. To deal with this challenge, we propose BEAT (Balanced frEquency Adaptive Tuning), a novel framework that dynamically monitors the training status for each frequency and adaptively adjusts their gradient updates. By recognizing convergence, overfitting, or underfitting for each frequency, BEAT dynamically reallocates learning priorities, moderating gradients for rapid learners and increasing those for slower ones, alleviating the tension between competing objectives across frequencies and synchronizing the overall learning process. Extensive experiments on seven real-world datasets demonstrate that BEAT consistently outperforms state-of-the-art approaches.
Abstract:Perceiving the complete shape of occluded objects is essential for human and machine intelligence. While the amodal segmentation task is to predict the complete mask of partially occluded objects, it is time-consuming and labor-intensive to annotate the pixel-level ground truth amodal masks. Box-level supervised amodal segmentation addresses this challenge by relying solely on ground truth bounding boxes and instance classes as supervision, thereby alleviating the need for exhaustive pixel-level annotations. Nevertheless, current box-level methodologies encounter limitations in generating low-resolution masks and imprecise boundaries, failing to meet the demands of practical real-world applications. We present a novel solution to tackle this problem by introducing a directed expansion approach from visible masks to corresponding amodal masks. Our approach involves a hybrid end-to-end network based on the overlapping region - the area where different instances intersect. Diverse segmentation strategies are applied for overlapping regions and non-overlapping regions according to distinct characteristics. To guide the expansion of visible masks, we introduce an elaborately-designed connectivity loss for overlapping regions, which leverages correlations with visible masks and facilitates accurate amodal segmentation. Experiments are conducted on several challenging datasets and the results show that our proposed method can outperform existing state-of-the-art methods with large margins.
Abstract:Computer vision technology is widely used in biological and medical data analysis and understanding. However, there are still two major bottlenecks in the field of cell membrane segmentation, which seriously hinder further research: lack of sufficient high-quality data and lack of suitable evaluation criteria. In order to solve these two problems, this paper first proposes an Ultra-high Resolution Image Segmentation dataset for the Cell membrane, called U-RISC, the largest annotated Electron Microscopy (EM) dataset for the Cell membrane with multiple iterative annotations and uncompressed high-resolution raw data. During the analysis process of the U-RISC, we found that the current popular segmentation evaluation criteria are inconsistent with human perception. This interesting phenomenon is confirmed by a subjective experiment involving twenty people. Furthermore, to resolve this inconsistency, we propose a new evaluation criterion called Perceptual Hausdorff Distance (PHD) to measure the quality of cell membrane segmentation results. Detailed performance comparison and discussion of classic segmentation methods along with two iterative manual annotation results under existing evaluation criteria and PHD is given.
Abstract:Intraoperative tracking of laparoscopic instruments is often a prerequisite for computer and robotic-assisted interventions. While numerous methods for detecting, segmenting and tracking of medical instruments based on endoscopic video images have been proposed in the literature, key limitations remain to be addressed: Firstly, robustness, that is, the reliable performance of state-of-the-art methods when run on challenging images (e.g. in the presence of blood, smoke or motion artifacts). Secondly, generalization; algorithms trained for a specific intervention in a specific hospital should generalize to other interventions or institutions. In an effort to promote solutions for these limitations, we organized the Robust Medical Instrument Segmentation (ROBUST-MIS) challenge as an international benchmarking competition with a specific focus on the robustness and generalization capabilities of algorithms. For the first time in the field of endoscopic image processing, our challenge included a task on binary segmentation and also addressed multi-instance detection and segmentation. The challenge was based on a surgical data set comprising 10,040 annotated images acquired from a total of 30 surgical procedures from three different types of surgery. The validation of the competing methods for the three tasks (binary segmentation, multi-instance detection and multi-instance segmentation) was performed in three different stages with an increasing domain gap between the training and the test data. The results confirm the initial hypothesis, namely that algorithm performance degrades with an increasing domain gap. While the average detection and segmentation quality of the best-performing algorithms is high, future research should concentrate on detection and segmentation of small, crossing, moving and transparent instrument(s) (parts).