Abstract:Diffusion models are a powerful framework for tackling ill-posed problems, with recent advancements extending their use to point cloud upsampling. Despite their potential, existing diffusion models struggle with inefficiencies as they map Gaussian noise to real point clouds, overlooking the geometric information inherent in sparse point clouds. To address these inefficiencies, we propose PUFM, a flow matching approach to directly map sparse point clouds to their high-fidelity dense counterparts. Our method first employs midpoint interpolation to sparse point clouds, resolving the density mismatch between sparse and dense point clouds. Since point clouds are unordered representations, we introduce a pre-alignment method based on Earth Mover's Distance (EMD) optimization to ensure coherent interpolation between sparse and dense point clouds, which enables a more stable learning path in flow matching. Experiments on synthetic datasets demonstrate that our method delivers superior upsampling quality but with fewer sampling steps. Further experiments on ScanNet and KITTI also show that our approach generalizes well on RGB-D point clouds and LiDAR point clouds, making it more practical for real-world applications.
Abstract:Image style transfer has attracted widespread attention in the past few years. Despite its remarkable results, it requires additional style images available as references, making it less flexible and inconvenient. Using text is the most natural way to describe the style. More importantly, text can describe implicit abstract styles, like styles of specific artists or art movements. In this paper, we propose a Contrastive Learning for Artistic Style Transfer (CLAST) that leverages advanced image-text encoders to control arbitrary style transfer. We introduce a supervised contrastive training strategy to effectively extract style descriptions from the image-text model (i.e., CLIP), which aligns stylization with the text description. To this end, we also propose a novel and efficient adaLN based state space models that explore style-content fusion. Finally, we achieve a text-driven image style transfer. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our approach outperforms the state-of-the-art methods in artistic style transfer. More importantly, it does not require online fine-tuning and can render a 512x512 image in 0.03s.
Abstract:Learning fine-scale details of a coastal ocean simulation from a coarse representation is a challenging task. For real-world applications, high-resolution simulations are necessary to advance understanding of many coastal processes, specifically, to predict flooding resulting from tsunamis and storm surges. We propose a Deep Network for Coastal Super-Resolution (DNCSR) for spatiotemporal enhancement to efficiently learn the high-resolution numerical solution. Given images of coastal simulations produced on low-resolution computational meshes using low polynomial order discontinuous Galerkin discretizations and a coarse temporal resolution, the proposed DNCSR learns to produce high-resolution free surface elevation and velocity visualizations in both time and space. To efficiently model the dynamic changes over time and space, we propose grid-aware spatiotemporal attention to project the temporal features to the spatial domain for non-local feature matching. The coordinate information is also utilized via positional encoding. For the final reconstruction, we use the spatiotemporal bilinear operation to interpolate the missing frames and then expand the feature maps to the frequency domain for residual mapping. Besides data-driven losses, the proposed physics-informed loss guarantees gradient consistency and momentum changes. Their combination contributes to the overall 24% improvements in RMSE. To train the proposed model, we propose a large-scale coastal simulation dataset and use it for model optimization and evaluation. Our method shows superior super-resolution quality and fast computation compared to the state-of-the-art methods.
Abstract:Modeling atmospheric chemistry is complex and computationally intense. Given the recent success of Deep neural networks in digital signal processing, we propose a Neural Network Emulator for fast chemical concentration modeling. We consider atmospheric chemistry as a time-dependent Ordinary Differential Equation. To extract the hidden correlations between initial states and future time evolution, we propose ChemNNE, an Attention based Neural Network Emulator (NNE) that can model the atmospheric chemistry as a neural ODE process. To efficiently simulate the chemical changes, we propose the sinusoidal time embedding to estimate the oscillating tendency over time. More importantly, we use the Fourier neural operator to model the ODE process for efficient computation. We also propose three physical-informed losses to supervise the training optimization. To evaluate our model, we propose a large-scale chemical dataset that can be used for neural network training and evaluation. The extensive experiments show that our approach achieves state-of-the-art performance in modeling accuracy and computational speed.
Abstract:We present StyleMamba, an efficient image style transfer framework that translates text prompts into corresponding visual styles while preserving the content integrity of the original images. Existing text-guided stylization requires hundreds of training iterations and takes a lot of computing resources. To speed up the process, we propose a conditional State Space Model for Efficient Text-driven Image Style Transfer, dubbed StyleMamba, that sequentially aligns the image features to the target text prompts. To enhance the local and global style consistency between text and image, we propose masked and second-order directional losses to optimize the stylization direction to significantly reduce the training iterations by 5 times and the inference time by 3 times. Extensive experiments and qualitative evaluation confirm the robust and superior stylization performance of our methods compared to the existing baselines.
Abstract:Automatically understanding funny moments (i.e., the moments that make people laugh) when watching comedy is challenging, as they relate to various features, such as body language, dialogues and culture. In this paper, we propose FunnyNet-W, a model that relies on cross- and self-attention for visual, audio and text data to predict funny moments in videos. Unlike most methods that rely on ground truth data in the form of subtitles, in this work we exploit modalities that come naturally with videos: (a) video frames as they contain visual information indispensable for scene understanding, (b) audio as it contains higher-level cues associated with funny moments, such as intonation, pitch and pauses and (c) text automatically extracted with a speech-to-text model as it can provide rich information when processed by a Large Language Model. To acquire labels for training, we propose an unsupervised approach that spots and labels funny audio moments. We provide experiments on five datasets: the sitcoms TBBT, MHD, MUStARD, Friends, and the TED talk UR-Funny. Extensive experiments and analysis show that FunnyNet-W successfully exploits visual, auditory and textual cues to identify funny moments, while our findings reveal FunnyNet-W's ability to predict funny moments in the wild. FunnyNet-W sets the new state of the art for funny moment detection with multimodal cues on all datasets with and without using ground truth information.
Abstract:We present See360, which is a versatile and efficient framework for 360 panoramic view interpolation using latent space viewpoint estimation. Most of the existing view rendering approaches only focus on indoor or synthetic 3D environments and render new views of small objects. In contrast, we suggest to tackle camera-centered view synthesis as a 2D affine transformation without using point clouds or depth maps, which enables an effective 360? panoramic scene exploration. Given a pair of reference images, the See360 model learns to render novel views by a proposed novel Multi-Scale Affine Transformer (MSAT), enabling the coarse-to-fine feature rendering. We also propose a Conditional Latent space AutoEncoder (C-LAE) to achieve view interpolation at any arbitrary angle. To show the versatility of our method, we introduce four training datasets, namely UrbanCity360, Archinterior360, HungHom360 and Lab360, which are collected from indoor and outdoor environments for both real and synthetic rendering. Experimental results show that the proposed method is generic enough to achieve real-time rendering of arbitrary views for all four datasets. In addition, our See360 model can be applied to view synthesis in the wild: with only a short extra training time (approximately 10 mins), and is able to render unknown real-world scenes. The superior performance of See360 opens up a promising direction for camera-centered view rendering and 360 panoramic view interpolation.
Abstract:Continuous image super-resolution (SR) recently receives a lot of attention from researchers, for its practical and flexible image scaling for various displays. Local implicit image representation is one of the methods that can map the coordinates and 2D features for latent space interpolation. Inspired by Variational AutoEncoder, we propose a Soft-introVAE for continuous latent space image super-resolution (SVAE-SR). A novel latent space adversarial training is achieved for photo-realistic image restoration. To further improve the quality, a positional encoding scheme is used to extend the original pixel coordinates by aggregating frequency information over the pixel areas. We show the effectiveness of the proposed SVAE-SR through quantitative and qualitative comparisons, and further, illustrate its generalization in denoising and real-image super-resolution.
Abstract:Point clouds acquired from 3D sensors are usually sparse and noisy. Point cloud upsampling is an approach to increase the density of the point cloud so that detailed geometric information can be restored. In this paper, we propose a Dual Back-Projection network for point cloud upsampling (DBPnet). A Dual Back-Projection is formulated in an up-down-up manner for point cloud upsampling. It not only back projects feature residues but also coordinates residues so that the network better captures the point correlations in the feature and space domains, achieving lower reconstruction errors on both uniform and non-uniform sparse point clouds. Our proposed method is also generalizable for arbitrary upsampling tasks (e.g. 4x, 5.5x). Experimental results show that the proposed method achieves the lowest point set matching losses with respect to the benchmark. In addition, the success of our approach demonstrates that generative networks are not necessarily needed for non-uniform point clouds.
Abstract:Image style transfer has attracted widespread attention in the past few years. Despite its remarkable results, it requires additional style images available as references, making it less flexible and inconvenient. Using text is the most natural way to describe the style. More importantly, text can describe implicit abstract styles, like styles of specific artists or art movements. In this paper, we propose a text-driven image style transfer (TxST) that leverages advanced image-text encoders to control arbitrary style transfer. We introduce a contrastive training strategy to effectively extract style descriptions from the image-text model (i.e., CLIP), which aligns stylization with the text description. To this end, we also propose a novel and efficient attention module that explores cross-attentions to fuse style and content features. Finally, we achieve an arbitrary artist-aware image style transfer to learn and transfer specific artistic characters such as Picasso, oil painting, or a rough sketch. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our approach outperforms the state-of-the-art methods on both image and textual styles. Moreover, it can mimic the styles of one or many artists to achieve attractive results, thus highlighting a promising direction in image style transfer.