Abstract:Temporally causal representation learning aims to identify the latent causal process from time series observations, but most methods require the assumption that the latent causal processes do not have instantaneous relations. Although some recent methods achieve identifiability in the instantaneous causality case, they require either interventions on the latent variables or grouping of the observations, which are in general difficult to obtain in real-world scenarios. To fill this gap, we propose an \textbf{ID}entification framework for instantane\textbf{O}us \textbf{L}atent dynamics (\textbf{IDOL}) by imposing a sparse influence constraint that the latent causal processes have sparse time-delayed and instantaneous relations. Specifically, we establish identifiability results of the latent causal process based on sufficient variability and the sparse influence constraint by employing contextual information of time series data. Based on these theories, we incorporate a temporally variational inference architecture to estimate the latent variables and a gradient-based sparsity regularization to identify the latent causal process. Experimental results on simulation datasets illustrate that our method can identify the latent causal process. Furthermore, evaluations on multiple human motion forecasting benchmarks with instantaneous dependencies indicate the effectiveness of our method in real-world settings.
Abstract:Extracting a stable and compact representation of the environment is crucial for efficient reinforcement learning in high-dimensional, noisy, and non-stationary environments. Different categories of information coexist in such environments -- how to effectively extract and disentangle these information remains a challenging problem. In this paper, we propose IFactor, a general framework to model four distinct categories of latent state variables that capture various aspects of information within the RL system, based on their interactions with actions and rewards. Our analysis establishes block-wise identifiability of these latent variables, which not only provides a stable and compact representation but also discloses that all reward-relevant factors are significant for policy learning. We further present a practical approach to learning the world model with identifiable blocks, ensuring the removal of redundants but retaining minimal and sufficient information for policy optimization. Experiments in synthetic worlds demonstrate that our method accurately identifies the ground-truth latent variables, substantiating our theoretical findings. Moreover, experiments in variants of the DeepMind Control Suite and RoboDesk showcase the superior performance of our approach over baselines.
Abstract:Playing an important role in Model-Based Reinforcement Learning (MBRL), environment models aim to predict future states based on the past. Existing works usually ignore instantaneous dependence in the state, that is, assuming that the future state variables are conditionally independent given the past states. However, instantaneous dependence is prevalent in many RL environments. For instance, in the stock market, instantaneous dependence can exist between two stocks because the fluctuation of one stock can quickly affect the other and the resolution of price change is lower than that of the effect. In this paper, we prove that with few exceptions, ignoring instantaneous dependence can result in suboptimal policy learning in MBRL. To address the suboptimality problem, we propose a simple plug-and-play method to enable existing MBRL algorithms to take instantaneous dependence into account. Through experiments on two benchmarks, we (1) confirm the existence of instantaneous dependence with visualization; (2) validate our theoretical findings that ignoring instantaneous dependence leads to suboptimal policy; (3) verify that our method effectively enables reinforcement learning with instantaneous dependence and improves policy performance.