Abstract:Empowered by semantic-rich content information, multimedia recommendation has emerged as a potent personalized technique. Current endeavors center around harnessing multimedia content to refine item representation or uncovering latent item-item structures based on modality similarity. Despite the effectiveness, we posit that these methods are usually suboptimal due to the introduction of irrelevant multimedia features into recommendation tasks. This stems from the fact that generic multimedia feature extractors, while well-designed for domain-specific tasks, can inadvertently introduce task-irrelevant features, leading to potential misguidance of recommenders. In this work, we propose a denoised multimedia recommendation paradigm via the Information Bottleneck principle (IB). Specifically, we propose a novel Information Bottleneck denoised Multimedia Recommendation (IBMRec) model to tackle the irrelevant feature issue. IBMRec removes task-irrelevant features from both feature and item-item structure perspectives, which are implemented by two-level IB learning modules: feature-level (FIB) and graph-level (GIB). In particular, FIB focuses on learning the minimal yet sufficient multimedia features. This is achieved by maximizing the mutual information between multimedia representation and recommendation tasks, while concurrently minimizing it between multimedia representation and pre-trained multimedia features. Furthermore, GIB is designed to learn the robust item-item graph structure, it refines the item-item graph based on preference affinity, then minimizes the mutual information between the original graph and the refined one. Extensive experiments across three benchmarks validate the effectiveness of our proposed model, showcasing high performance, and applicability to various multimedia recommenders.
Abstract:With the emergence of social networks, social recommendation has become an essential technique for personalized services. Recently, graph-based social recommendations have shown promising results by capturing the high-order social influence. Most empirical studies of graph-based social recommendations directly take the observed social networks into formulation, and produce user preferences based on social homogeneity. Despite the effectiveness, we argue that social networks in the real-world are inevitably noisy~(existing redundant social relations), which may obstruct precise user preference characterization. Nevertheless, identifying and removing redundant social relations is challenging due to a lack of labels. In this paper, we focus on learning the denoised social structure to facilitate recommendation tasks from an information bottleneck perspective. Specifically, we propose a novel Graph Bottlenecked Social Recommendation (GBSR) framework to tackle the social noise issue.GBSR is a model-agnostic social denoising framework, that aims to maximize the mutual information between the denoised social graph and recommendation labels, meanwhile minimizing it between the denoised social graph and the original one. This enables GBSR to learn the minimal yet sufficient social structure, effectively reducing redundant social relations and enhancing social recommendations. Technically, GBSR consists of two elaborate components, preference-guided social graph refinement, and HSIC-based bottleneck learning. Extensive experimental results demonstrate the superiority of the proposed GBSR, including high performances and good generality combined with various backbones. Our code is available at: https://github.com/yimutianyang/KDD24-GBSR.
Abstract:Multimedia recommendation, which incorporates various modalities (e.g., images, texts, etc.) into user or item representation to improve recommendation quality, has received widespread attention. Recent methods mainly focus on cross-modal alignment with self-supervised learning to obtain higher quality representation. Despite remarkable performance, we argue that there is still a limitation: completely aligning representation undermines modality-unique information. We consider that cross-modal alignment is right, but it should not be the entirety, as different modalities contain generic information between them, and each modality also contains unique information. Simply aligning each modality may ignore modality-unique features, thus degrading the performance of multimedia recommendation. To tackle the above limitation, we propose a Separate Alignment aNd Distancing framework (SAND) for multimedia recommendation, which concurrently learns both modal-unique and -generic representation to achieve more comprehensive items representation. First, we split each modal feature into generic and unique part. Then, in the alignment module, for better integration of semantic information between different modalities , we design a SoloSimLoss to align generic modalities. Furthermore, in the distancing module, we aim to distance the unique modalities from the modal-generic so that each modality retains its unique and complementary information. In the light of the flexibility of our framework, we give two technical solutions, the more capable mutual information minimization and the simple negative l2 distance. Finally, extensive experimental results on three popular datasets demonstrate the effectiveness and generalization of our proposed framework.
Abstract:As its availability and generality in online services, implicit feedback is more commonly used in recommender systems. However, implicit feedback usually presents noisy samples in real-world recommendation scenarios (such as misclicks or non-preferential behaviors), which will affect precise user preference learning. To overcome the noisy samples problem, a popular solution is based on dropping noisy samples in the model training phase, which follows the observation that noisy samples have higher training losses than clean samples. Despite the effectiveness, we argue that this solution still has limits. (1) High training losses can result from model optimization instability or hard samples, not just noisy samples. (2) Completely dropping of noisy samples will aggravate the data sparsity, which lacks full data exploitation. To tackle the above limitations, we propose a Double Correction Framework for Denoising Recommendation (DCF), which contains two correction components from views of more precise sample dropping and avoiding more sparse data. In the sample dropping correction component, we use the loss value of the samples over time to determine whether it is noise or not, increasing dropping stability. Instead of averaging directly, we use the damping function to reduce the bias effect of outliers. Furthermore, due to the higher variance exhibited by hard samples, we derive a lower bound for the loss through concentration inequality to identify and reuse hard samples. In progressive label correction, we iteratively re-label highly deterministic noisy samples and retrain them to further improve performance. Finally, extensive experimental results on three datasets and four backbones demonstrate the effectiveness and generalization of our proposed framework.
Abstract:By treating users' interactions as a user-item graph, graph learning models have been widely deployed in Collaborative Filtering(CF) based recommendation. Recently, researchers have introduced Graph Contrastive Learning(GCL) techniques into CF to alleviate the sparse supervision issue, which first constructs contrastive views by data augmentations and then provides self-supervised signals by maximizing the mutual information between contrastive views. Despite the effectiveness, we argue that current GCL-based recommendation models are still limited as current data augmentation techniques, either structure augmentation or feature augmentation. First, structure augmentation randomly dropout nodes or edges, which is easy to destroy the intrinsic nature of the user-item graph. Second, feature augmentation imposes the same scale noise augmentation on each node, which neglects the unique characteristics of nodes on the graph. To tackle the above limitations, we propose a novel Variational Graph Generative-Contrastive Learning(VGCL) framework for recommendation. Specifically, we leverage variational graph reconstruction to estimate a Gaussian distribution of each node, then generate multiple contrastive views through multiple samplings from the estimated distributions, which builds a bridge between generative and contrastive learning. Besides, the estimated variances are tailored to each node, which regulates the scale of contrastive loss for each node on optimization. Considering the similarity of the estimated distributions, we propose a cluster-aware twofold contrastive learning, a node-level to encourage consistency of a node's contrastive views and a cluster-level to encourage consistency of nodes in a cluster. Finally, extensive experimental results on three public datasets clearly demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed model.
Abstract:In many recommender systems, users and items are associated with attributes, and users show preferences to items. The attribute information describes users'(items') characteristics and has a wide range of applications, such as user profiling, item annotation, and feature-enhanced recommendation. As annotating user (item) attributes is a labor intensive task, the attribute values are often incomplete with many missing attribute values. Therefore, item recommendation and attribute inference have become two main tasks in these platforms. Researchers have long converged that user (item) attributes and the preference behavior are highly correlated. Some researchers proposed to leverage one kind of data for the remaining task, and showed to improve performance. Nevertheless, these models either neglected the incompleteness of user (item) attributes or regarded the correlation of the two tasks with simple models, leading to suboptimal performance of these two tasks. To this end, in this paper, we define these two tasks in an attributed user-item bipartite graph, and propose an Adaptive Graph Convolutional Network (AGCN) approach for joint item recommendation and attribute inference. The key idea of AGCN is to iteratively perform two parts: 1) Learning graph embedding parameters with previously learned approximated attribute values to facilitate two tasks; 2) Sending the approximated updated attribute values back to the attributed graph for better graph embedding learning. Therefore, AGCN could adaptively adjust the graph embedding learning parameters by incorporating both the given attributes and the estimated attribute values, in order to provide weakly supervised information to refine the two tasks. Extensive experimental results on three real-world datasets clearly show the effectiveness of the proposed model.