Abstract:Observability in cloud infrastructure is critical for service providers, driving the widespread adoption of anomaly detection systems for monitoring metrics. However, existing systems often struggle to simultaneously achieve explainability, reproducibility, and autonomy, which are three indispensable properties for production use. We introduce Argos, an agentic system for detecting time-series anomalies in cloud infrastructure by leveraging large language models (LLMs). Argos proposes to use explainable and reproducible anomaly rules as intermediate representation and employs LLMs to autonomously generate such rules. The system will efficiently train error-free and accuracy-guaranteed anomaly rules through multiple collaborative agents and deploy the trained rules for low-cost online anomaly detection. Through evaluation results, we demonstrate that Argos outperforms state-of-the-art methods, increasing $F_1$ scores by up to $9.5\%$ and $28.3\%$ on public anomaly detection datasets and an internal dataset collected from Microsoft, respectively.
Abstract:This paper demonstrates the potential of vibration-based Foundation Models (FMs), pre-trained with unlabeled sensing data, to improve the robustness of run-time inference in (a class of) IoT applications. A case study is presented featuring a vehicle classification application using acoustic and seismic sensing. The work is motivated by the success of foundation models in the areas of natural language processing and computer vision, leading to generalizations of the FM concept to other domains as well, where significant amounts of unlabeled data exist that can be used for self-supervised pre-training. One such domain is IoT applications. Foundation models for selected sensing modalities in the IoT domain can be pre-trained in an environment-agnostic fashion using available unlabeled sensor data and then fine-tuned to the deployment at hand using a small amount of labeled data. The paper shows that the pre-training/fine-tuning approach improves the robustness of downstream inference and facilitates adaptation to different environmental conditions. More specifically, we present a case study in a real-world setting to evaluate a simple (vibration-based) FM-like model, called FOCAL, demonstrating its superior robustness and adaptation, compared to conventional supervised deep neural networks (DNNs). We also demonstrate its superior convergence over supervised solutions. Our findings highlight the advantages of vibration-based FMs (and FM-inspired selfsupervised models in general) in terms of inference robustness, runtime efficiency, and model adaptation (via fine-tuning) in resource-limited IoT settings.