Abstract:In traditional sound event localization and detection (SELD) tasks, the focus is typically on sound event detection (SED) and direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation, but they fall short of providing full spatial information about the sound source. The 3D SELD task addresses this limitation by integrating source distance estimation (SDE), allowing for complete spatial localization. We propose three approaches to tackle this challenge: a novel method with independent training and joint prediction, which firstly treats DOA and distance estimation as separate tasks and then combines them to solve 3D SELD; a dual-branch representation with source Cartesian coordinate used for simultaneous DOA and distance estimation; and a three-branch structure that jointly models SED, DOA, and SDE within a unified framework. Our proposed method ranked first in the DCASE 2024 Challenge Task 3, demonstrating the effectiveness of joint modeling for addressing the 3D SELD task. The relevant code for this paper will be open-sourced in the future.
Abstract:This study presents an audio-visual information fusion approach to sound event localization and detection (SELD) in low-resource scenarios. We aim at utilizing audio and video modality information through cross-modal learning and multi-modal fusion. First, we propose a cross-modal teacher-student learning (TSL) framework to transfer information from an audio-only teacher model, trained on a rich collection of audio data with multiple data augmentation techniques, to an audio-visual student model trained with only a limited set of multi-modal data. Next, we propose a two-stage audio-visual fusion strategy, consisting of an early feature fusion and a late video-guided decision fusion to exploit synergies between audio and video modalities. Finally, we introduce an innovative video pixel swapping (VPS) technique to extend an audio channel swapping (ACS) method to an audio-visual joint augmentation. Evaluation results on the Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events (DCASE) 2023 Challenge data set demonstrate significant improvements in SELD performances. Furthermore, our submission to the SELD task of the DCASE 2023 Challenge ranks first place by effectively integrating the proposed techniques into a model ensemble.
Abstract:Methods for watermarking large language models have been proposed that distinguish AI-generated text from human-generated text by slightly altering the model output distribution, but they also distort the quality of the text, exposing the watermark to adversarial detection. More recently, distortion-free watermarking methods were proposed that require a secret key to detect the watermark. The prior methods generally embed zero-bit watermarks that do not provide additional information beyond tagging a text as being AI-generated. We extend an existing zero-bit distortion-free watermarking method by embedding multiple bits of meta-information as part of the watermark. We also develop a computationally efficient decoder that extracts the embedded information from the watermark with low bit error rate.
Abstract:In this paper, we propose a novel framework for recognizing both discrete and dimensional emotions. In our framework, deep features extracted from foundation models are used as robust acoustic and visual representations of raw video. Three different structures based on attention-guided feature gathering (AFG) are designed for deep feature fusion. Then, we introduce a joint decoding structure for emotion classification and valence regression in the decoding stage. A multi-task loss based on uncertainty is also designed to optimize the whole process. Finally, by combining three different structures on the posterior probability level, we obtain the final predictions of discrete and dimensional emotions. When tested on the dataset of multimodal emotion recognition challenge (MER 2023), the proposed framework yields consistent improvements in both emotion classification and valence regression. Our final system achieves state-of-the-art performance and ranks third on the leaderboard on MER-MULTI sub-challenge.
Abstract:In this paper, we propose a deep learning based multi-speaker direction of arrival (DOA) estimation with audio and visual signals by using permutation-free loss function. We first collect a data set for multi-modal sound source localization (SSL) where both audio and visual signals are recorded in real-life home TV scenarios. Then we propose a novel spatial annotation method to produce the ground truth of DOA for each speaker with the video data by transformation between camera coordinate and pixel coordinate according to the pin-hole camera model. With spatial location information served as another input along with acoustic feature, multi-speaker DOA estimation could be solved as a classification task of active speaker detection. Label permutation problem in multi-speaker related tasks will be addressed since the locations of each speaker are used as input. Experiments conducted on both simulated data and real data show that the proposed audio-visual DOA estimation model outperforms audio-only DOA estimation model by a large margin.