Abstract:In this paper, we propose a new framework for zero-shot object navigation. Existing zero-shot object navigation methods prompt LLM with the text of spatially closed objects, which lacks enough scene context for in-depth reasoning. To better preserve the information of environment and fully exploit the reasoning ability of LLM, we propose to represent the observed scene with 3D scene graph. The scene graph encodes the relationships between objects, groups and rooms with a LLM-friendly structure, for which we design a hierarchical chain-of-thought prompt to help LLM reason the goal location according to scene context by traversing the nodes and edges. Moreover, benefit from the scene graph representation, we further design a re-perception mechanism to empower the object navigation framework with the ability to correct perception error. We conduct extensive experiments on MP3D, HM3D and RoboTHOR environments, where SG-Nav surpasses previous state-of-the-art zero-shot methods by more than 10% SR on all benchmarks, while the decision process is explainable. To the best of our knowledge, SG-Nav is the first zero-shot method that achieves even higher performance than supervised object navigation methods on the challenging MP3D benchmark.
Abstract:In this paper, we propose a post-training quantization framework of large vision-language models (LVLMs) for efficient multi-modal inference. Conventional quantization methods sequentially search the layer-wise rounding functions by minimizing activation discretization errors, which fails to acquire optimal quantization strategy without considering cross-layer dependency. On the contrary, we mine the cross-layer dependency that significantly influences discretization errors of the entire vision-language model, and embed this dependency into optimal quantization strategy searching with low search cost. Specifically, we observe the strong correlation between the activation entropy and the cross-layer dependency concerning output discretization errors. Therefore, we employ the entropy as the proxy to partition blocks optimally, which aims to achieve satisfying trade-offs between discretization errors and the search cost. Moreover, we optimize the visual encoder to disentangle the cross-layer dependency for fine-grained decomposition of search space, so that the search cost is further reduced without harming the quantization accuracy. Experimental results demonstrate that our method compresses the memory by 2.78x and increase generate speed by 1.44x about 13B LLaVA model without performance degradation on diverse multi-modal reasoning tasks. Code is available at https://github.com/ChangyuanWang17/QVLM.
Abstract:Embodied tasks require the agent to fully understand 3D scenes simultaneously with its exploration, so an online, real-time, fine-grained and highly-generalized 3D perception model is desperately needed. Since high-quality 3D data is limited, directly training such a model in 3D is almost infeasible. Meanwhile, vision foundation models (VFM) has revolutionized the field of 2D computer vision with superior performance, which makes the use of VFM to assist embodied 3D perception a promising direction. However, most existing VFM-assisted 3D perception methods are either offline or too slow that cannot be applied in practical embodied tasks. In this paper, we aim to leverage Segment Anything Model (SAM) for real-time 3D instance segmentation in an online setting. This is a challenging problem since future frames are not available in the input streaming RGB-D video, and an instance may be observed in several frames so object matching between frames is required. To address these challenges, we first propose a geometric-aware query lifting module to represent the 2D masks generated by SAM by 3D-aware queries, which is then iteratively refined by a dual-level query decoder. In this way, the 2D masks are transferred to fine-grained shapes on 3D point clouds. Benefit from the query representation for 3D masks, we can compute the similarity matrix between the 3D masks from different views by efficient matrix operation, which enables real-time inference. Experiments on ScanNet, ScanNet200, SceneNN and 3RScan show our method achieves leading performance even compared with offline methods. Our method also demonstrates great generalization ability in several zero-shot dataset transferring experiments and show great potential in open-vocabulary and data-efficient setting. Code and demo are available at https://xuxw98.github.io/ESAM/, with only one RTX 3090 GPU required for training and evaluation.
Abstract:Enabling embodied agents to complete complex human instructions from natural language is crucial to autonomous systems in household services. Conventional methods can only accomplish human instructions in the known environment where all interactive objects are provided to the embodied agent, and directly deploying the existing approaches for the unknown environment usually generates infeasible plans that manipulate non-existing objects. On the contrary, we propose an embodied instruction following (EIF) method for complex tasks in the unknown environment, where the agent efficiently explores the unknown environment to generate feasible plans with existing objects to accomplish abstract instructions. Specifically, we build a hierarchical embodied instruction following framework including the high-level task planner and the low-level exploration controller with multimodal large language models. We then construct a semantic representation map of the scene with dynamic region attention to demonstrate the known visual clues, where the goal of task planning and scene exploration is aligned for human instruction. For the task planner, we generate the feasible step-by-step plans for human goal accomplishment according to the task completion process and the known visual clues. For the exploration controller, the optimal navigation or object interaction policy is predicted based on the generated step-wise plans and the known visual clues. The experimental results demonstrate that our method can achieve 45.09% success rate in 204 complex human instructions such as making breakfast and tidying rooms in large house-level scenes.
Abstract:In this paper, we propose a new framework for online 3D scene perception. Conventional 3D scene perception methods are offline, i.e., take an already reconstructed 3D scene geometry as input, which is not applicable in robotic applications where the input data is streaming RGB-D videos rather than a complete 3D scene reconstructed from pre-collected RGB-D videos. To deal with online 3D scene perception tasks where data collection and perception should be performed simultaneously, the model should be able to process 3D scenes frame by frame and make use of the temporal information. To this end, we propose an adapter-based plug-and-play module for the backbone of 3D scene perception model, which constructs memory to cache and aggregate the extracted RGB-D features to empower offline models with temporal learning ability. Specifically, we propose a queued memory mechanism to cache the supporting point cloud and image features. Then we devise aggregation modules which directly perform on the memory and pass temporal information to current frame. We further propose 3D-to-2D adapter to enhance image features with strong global context. Our adapters can be easily inserted into mainstream offline architectures of different tasks and significantly boost their performance on online tasks. Extensive experiments on ScanNet and SceneNN datasets demonstrate our approach achieves leading performance on three 3D scene perception tasks compared with state-of-the-art online methods by simply finetuning existing offline models, without any model and task-specific designs. \href{https://xuxw98.github.io/Online3D/}{Project page}.
Abstract:Due to the high price and heavy energy consumption of GPUs, deploying deep models on IoT devices such as microcontrollers makes significant contributions for ecological AI. Conventional methods successfully enable convolutional neural network inference of high resolution images on microcontrollers, while the framework for vision transformers that achieve the state-of-the-art performance in many vision applications still remains unexplored. In this paper, we propose a hardware-algorithm co-optimizations method called MCUFormer to deploy vision transformers on microcontrollers with extremely limited memory, where we jointly design transformer architecture and construct the inference operator library to fit the memory resource constraint. More specifically, we generalize the one-shot network architecture search (NAS) to discover the optimal architecture with highest task performance given the memory budget from the microcontrollers, where we enlarge the existing search space of vision transformers by considering the low-rank decomposition dimensions and patch resolution for memory reduction. For the construction of the inference operator library of vision transformers, we schedule the memory buffer during inference through operator integration, patch embedding decomposition, and token overwriting, allowing the memory buffer to be fully utilized to adapt to the forward pass of the vision transformer. Experimental results demonstrate that our MCUFormer achieves 73.62\% top-1 accuracy on ImageNet for image classification with 320KB memory on STM32F746 microcontroller. Code is available at https://github.com/liangyn22/MCUFormer.
Abstract:In this paper, we propose a novel network framework for indoor 3D object detection to handle variable input frame numbers in practical scenarios. Existing methods only consider fixed frames of input data for a single detector, such as monocular RGB-D images or point clouds reconstructed from dense multi-view RGB-D images. While in practical application scenes such as robot navigation and manipulation, the raw input to the 3D detectors is the RGB-D images with variable frame numbers instead of the reconstructed scene point cloud. However, the previous approaches can only handle fixed frame input data and have poor performance with variable frame input. In order to facilitate 3D object detection methods suitable for practical tasks, we present a novel 3D detection framework named AnyView for our practical applications, which generalizes well across different numbers of input frames with a single model. To be specific, we propose a geometric learner to mine the local geometric features of each input RGB-D image frame and implement local-global feature interaction through a designed spatial mixture module. Meanwhile, we further utilize a dynamic token strategy to adaptively adjust the number of extracted features for each frame, which ensures consistent global feature density and further enhances the generalization after fusion. Extensive experiments on the ScanNet dataset show our method achieves both great generalizability and high detection accuracy with a simple and clean architecture containing a similar amount of parameters with the baselines.
Abstract:Equipping embodied agents with commonsense is important for robots to successfully complete complex human instructions in general environments. Recent large language models (LLM) can embed rich semantic knowledge for agents in plan generation of complex tasks, while they lack the information about the realistic world and usually yield infeasible action sequences. In this paper, we propose a TAsk Planing Agent (TaPA) in embodied tasks for grounded planning with physical scene constraint, where the agent generates executable plans according to the existed objects in the scene by aligning LLMs with the visual perception models. Specifically, we first construct a multimodal dataset containing triplets of indoor scenes, instructions and action plans, where we provide the designed prompts and the list of existing objects in the scene for GPT-3.5 to generate a large number of instructions and corresponding planned actions. The generated data is leveraged for grounded plan tuning of pre-trained LLMs. During inference, we discover the objects in the scene by extending open-vocabulary object detectors to multi-view RGB images collected in different achievable locations. Experimental results show that the generated plan from our TaPA framework can achieve higher success rate than LLaVA and GPT-3.5 by a sizable margin, which indicates the practicality of embodied task planning in general and complex environments.
Abstract:In this paper, we propose an accurate data-free post-training quantization framework of diffusion models (ADP-DM) for efficient image generation. Conventional data-free quantization methods learn shared quantization functions for tensor discretization regardless of the generation timesteps, while the activation distribution differs significantly across various timesteps. The calibration images are acquired in random timesteps which fail to provide sufficient information for generalizable quantization function learning. Both issues cause sizable quantization errors with obvious image generation performance degradation. On the contrary, we design group-wise quantization functions for activation discretization in different timesteps and sample the optimal timestep for informative calibration image generation, so that our quantized diffusion model can reduce the discretization errors with negligible computational overhead. Specifically, we partition the timesteps according to the importance weights of quantization functions in different groups, which are optimized by differentiable search algorithms. We also select the optimal timestep for calibration image generation by structural risk minimizing principle in order to enhance the generalization ability in the deployment of quantized diffusion model. Extensive experimental results show that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art post-training quantization of diffusion model by a sizable margin with similar computational cost.
Abstract:In this paper, we propose a new detection framework for 3D small object detection. Although deep learning-based 3D object detection methods have achieved great success in recent years, current methods still struggle on small objects due to weak geometric information. With in-depth study, we find increasing the spatial resolution of the feature maps significantly boosts the performance of 3D small object detection. And more interestingly, though the computational overhead increases dramatically with resolution, the growth mainly comes from the upsampling operation of the decoder. Inspired by this, we present a high-resolution multi-level detector with dynamic spatial pruning named DSPDet3D, which detects objects from large to small by iterative upsampling and meanwhile prunes the spatial representation of the scene at regions where there is no smaller object to be detected in higher resolution. As the 3D detector only needs to predict sparse bounding boxes, pruning a large amount of uninformative features does not degrade the detection performance but significantly reduces the computational cost of upsampling. In this way, our DSPDet3D achieves high accuracy on small object detection while requiring even less memory footprint and inference time. On ScanNet and TO-SCENE dataset, our method improves the detection performance of small objects to a new level while achieving leading inference speed among all mainstream indoor 3D object detection methods.