Abstract:Knowledge Graph Foundation Models (KGFMs) are at the frontier for deep learning on knowledge graphs (KGs), as they can generalize to completely novel knowledge graphs with different relational vocabularies. Despite their empirical success, our theoretical understanding of KGFMs remains very limited. In this paper, we conduct a rigorous study of the expressive power of KGFMs. Specifically, we show that the expressive power of KGFMs directly depends on the motifs that are used to learn the relation representations. We then observe that the most typical motifs used in the existing literature are binary, as the representations are learned based on how pairs of relations interact, which limits the model's expressiveness. As part of our study, we design more expressive KGFMs using richer motifs, which necessitate learning relation representations based on, e.g., how triples of relations interact with each other. Finally, we empirically validate our theoretical findings, showing that the use of richer motifs results in better performance on a wide range of datasets drawn from different domains.
Abstract:Line graph transformation has been widely studied in graph theory, where each node in a line graph corresponds to an edge in the original graph. This has inspired a series of graph neural networks (GNNs) applied to transformed line graphs, which have proven effective in various graph representation learning tasks. However, there is limited theoretical study on how line graph transformation affects the expressivity of GNN models. In this study, we focus on two types of graphs known to be challenging to the Weisfeiler-Leman (WL) tests: Cai-F\"urer-Immerman (CFI) graphs and strongly regular graphs, and show that applying line graph transformation helps exclude these challenging graph properties, thus potentially assist WL tests in distinguishing these graphs. We empirically validate our findings by conducting a series of experiments that compare the accuracy and efficiency of graph isomorphism tests and GNNs on both line-transformed and original graphs across these graph structure types.
Abstract:Traditional query answering over knowledge graphs -- or broadly over relational data -- is one of the most fundamental problems in data management. Motivated by the incompleteness of modern knowledge graphs, a new setup for query answering has emerged, where the goal is to predict answers that do not necessarily appear in the knowledge graph, but are present in its completion. In this work, we propose AnyCQ, a graph neural network model that can classify answers to any conjunctive query on any knowledge graph, following training. At the core of our framework lies a graph neural network model trained using a reinforcement learning objective to answer Boolean queries. Our approach and problem setup differ from existing query answering studies in multiple dimensions. First, we focus on the problem of query answer classification: given a query and a set of possible answers, classify these proposals as true or false relative to the complete knowledge graph. Second, we study the problem of query answer retrieval: given a query, retrieve an answer to the query relative to the complete knowledge graph or decide that no correct solutions exist. Trained on simple, small instances, AnyCQ can generalize to large queries of arbitrary structure, reliably classifying and retrieving answers to samples where existing approaches fail, which is empirically validated on new and challenging benchmarks. Furthermore, we demonstrate that our AnyCQ models effectively transfer to out-of-distribution knowledge graphs, when equipped with a relevant link predictor, highlighting their potential to serve as a general engine for query answering.
Abstract:Link prediction with knowledge graphs has been thoroughly studied in graph machine learning, leading to a rich landscape of graph neural network architectures with successful applications. Nonetheless, it remains challenging to transfer the success of these architectures to link prediction with relational hypergraphs. The presence of relational hyperedges makes link prediction a task between $k$ nodes for varying choices of $k$, which is substantially harder than link prediction with knowledge graphs, where every relation is binary ($k=2$). In this paper, we propose two frameworks for link prediction with relational hypergraphs and conduct a thorough analysis of the expressive power of the resulting model architectures via corresponding relational Weisfeiler-Leman algorithms, and also via some natural logical formalisms. Through extensive empirical analysis, we validate the power of the proposed model architectures on various relational hypergraph benchmarks. The resulting model architectures substantially outperform every baseline for inductive link prediction, and lead to state-of-the-art results for transductive link prediction. Our study therefore unlocks applications of graph neural networks to fully relational structures.
Abstract:Graph neural networks are popular architectures for graph machine learning, based on iterative computation of node representations of an input graph through a series of invariant transformations. A large class of graph neural networks follow a standard message-passing paradigm: at every layer, each node state is updated based on an aggregate of messages from its neighborhood. In this work, we propose a novel framework for training graph neural networks, where every node is viewed as a player that can choose to either 'listen', 'broadcast', 'listen and broadcast', or to 'isolate'. The standard message propagation scheme can then be viewed as a special case of this framework where every node 'listens and broadcasts' to all neighbors. Our approach offers a more flexible and dynamic message-passing paradigm, where each node can determine its own strategy based on their state, effectively exploring the graph topology while learning. We provide a theoretical analysis of the new message-passing scheme which is further supported by an extensive empirical analysis on a synthetic dataset and on real-world datasets.
Abstract:Graph neural networks are prominent models for representation learning over graph-structured data. While the capabilities and limitations of these models are well-understood for simple graphs, our understanding remains highly incomplete in the context of knowledge graphs. The goal of this work is to provide a systematic understanding of the landscape of graph neural networks for knowledge graphs pertaining the prominent task of link prediction. Our analysis entails a unifying perspective on seemingly unrelated models, and unlocks a series of other models. The expressive power of various models is characterized via a corresponding relational Weisfeiler-Leman algorithm with different initialization regimes. This analysis is extended to provide a precise logical characterization of the class of functions captured by a class of graph neural networks. Our theoretical findings explain the benefits of some widely employed practical design choices, which are validated empirically.