Abstract:Large language models have revolutionized natural language processing but face significant challenges of high storage and runtime costs, due to the transformer architecture's reliance on self-attention, particularly the large Key-Value (KV) cache for long-sequence inference. Recent efforts to reduce KV cache size by pruning less critical entries based on attention weights remain empirical and lack formal grounding. This paper presents a formal study on identifying critical KV cache entries by analyzing attention output perturbation. Our analysis reveals that, beyond attention weights, the value states within KV entries and pretrained parameter matrices are also crucial. Based on this, we propose a perturbation-constrained selection algorithm that optimizes the worst-case output perturbation to identify critical entries. Evaluations on the Needle-in-a-Haystack test and Longbench benchmark show our algorithm enhances state-of-the-art cache eviction methods. Further empirical analysis confirms that our algorithm achieves lower output perturbations in over 92% attention heads in Llama model, thereby providing a significant improvement over existing methods.
Abstract:To mitigate the hallucination and knowledge deficiency in large language models (LLMs), Knowledge Graph (KG)-based Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) has shown promising potential by utilizing KGs as external resource to enhance LLMs reasoning.However, existing KG-RAG approaches struggle with a trade-off between flexibility and retrieval quality.Modular methods prioritize flexibility by avoiding the use of KG-fine-tuned models during retrieval, leading to fixed retrieval strategies and suboptimal retrieval quality.Conversely, coupled methods embed KG information within models to improve retrieval quality, but at the expense of flexibility.In this paper, we propose a novel flexible modular KG-RAG framework, termed FRAG, which synergizes the advantages of both approaches.FRAG estimates the hop range of reasoning paths based solely on the query and classify it as either simple or complex.To match the complexity of the query, tailored pipelines are applied to ensure efficient and accurate reasoning path retrieval, thus fostering the final reasoning process.By using the query text instead of the KG to infer the structural information of reasoning paths and employing adaptable retrieval strategies, FRAG improves retrieval quality while maintaining flexibility.Moreover, FRAG does not require extra LLMs fine-tuning or calls, significantly boosting efficiency and conserving resources.Extensive experiments show that FRAG achieves state-of-the-art performance with high efficiency and low resource consumption.
Abstract:Detecting Out-of-Distribution (OOD) inputs is crucial for improving the reliability of deep neural networks in the real-world deployment. In this paper, inspired by the inherent distribution shift between ID and OOD data, we propose a novel method that leverages optimal transport to measure the distribution discrepancy between test inputs and ID prototypes. The resulting transport costs are used to quantify the individual contribution of each test input to the overall discrepancy, serving as a desirable measure for OOD detection. To address the issue that solely relying on the transport costs to ID prototypes is inadequate for identifying OOD inputs closer to ID data, we generate virtual outliers to approximate the OOD region via linear extrapolation. By combining the transport costs to ID prototypes with the costs to virtual outliers, the detection of OOD data near ID data is emphasized, thereby enhancing the distinction between ID and OOD inputs. Experiments demonstrate the superiority of our method over state-of-the-art methods.
Abstract:Although Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated potential in processing graphs, they struggle with comprehending graphical structure information through prompts of graph description sequences, especially as the graph size increases. We attribute this challenge to the uneven memory performance of LLMs across different positions in graph description sequences, known as ''positional biases''. To address this, we propose GraphInsight, a novel framework aimed at improving LLMs' comprehension of both macro- and micro-level graphical information. GraphInsight is grounded in two key strategies: 1) placing critical graphical information in positions where LLMs exhibit stronger memory performance, and 2) investigating a lightweight external knowledge base for regions with weaker memory performance, inspired by retrieval-augmented generation (RAG). Moreover, GraphInsight explores integrating these two strategies into LLM agent processes for composite graph tasks that require multi-step reasoning. Extensive empirical studies on benchmarks with a wide range of evaluation tasks show that GraphInsight significantly outperforms all other graph description methods (e.g., prompting techniques and reordering strategies) in understanding graph structures of varying sizes.
Abstract:Large Language Models have excelled in various fields but encounter efficiency limitations due to the extensive KV cache required for long sequences inference. Many efforts try to evict non-critical cache elements during runtime, thereby reducing cache size within a given memory budget while preserving generation quality. Our reexamination of their underlying principles discerns that prevailing strategies essentially aim to minimize an upper bound of eviction loss within a specific budget allocation. However, we observe that the current practice of uniformly allocating budgets across different attention heads during the eviction procedure tends to degrade the quality of generation posten-eviction. In light of these findings, we propose a simple yet effective adaptive allocation algorithm that not only theoretically ensures its loss upper bound does not exceed that of previous uniform allocation methods, but also effectively aligns with the characteristics of the self-attention mechanism, thus practically reducing the upper bound. Further, integrating this algorithm with two of the most advanced methods yields Ada-SnapKV and Ada-Pyramid. Extensive experimental validation across 16 datasets and the Needle-in-a-Haystack test confirm that Ada-SnapKV and Ada-Pyramid achieve further enhancements, establishing new benchmarks in state-of-the-art performance.
Abstract:When deploying a trained machine learning model in the real world, it is inevitable to receive inputs from out-of-distribution (OOD) sources. For instance, in continual learning settings, it is common to encounter OOD samples due to the non-stationarity of a domain. More generally, when we have access to a set of test inputs, the existing rich line of OOD detection solutions, especially the recent promise of distance-based methods, falls short in effectively utilizing the distribution information from training samples and test inputs. In this paper, we argue that empirical probability distributions that incorporate geometric information from both training samples and test inputs can be highly beneficial for OOD detection in the presence of test inputs available. To address this, we propose to model OOD detection as a discrete optimal transport problem. Within the framework of optimal transport, we propose a novel score function known as the \emph{conditional distribution entropy} to quantify the uncertainty of a test input being an OOD sample. Our proposal inherits the merits of certain distance-based methods while eliminating the reliance on distribution assumptions, a-prior knowledge, and specific training mechanisms. Extensive experiments conducted on benchmark datasets demonstrate that our method outperforms its competitors in OOD detection.
Abstract:Interactive data exploration (IDE) is an effective way of comprehending big data, whose volume and complexity are beyond human abilities. The main goal of IDE is to discover user interest regions from a database through multi-rounds of user labelling. Existing IDEs adopt active-learning framework, where users iteratively discriminate or label the interestingness of selected tuples. The process of data exploration can be viewed as the process of training a classifier, which determines whether a database tuple is interesting to a user. An efficient exploration thus takes very few iterations of user labelling to reach the data region of interest. In this work, we consider the data exploration as the process of few-shot learning, where the classifier is learned with only a few training examples, or exploration iterations. To this end, we propose a learning-to-explore framework, based on meta-learning, which learns how to learn a classifier with automatically generated meta-tasks, so that the exploration process can be much shortened. Extensive experiments on real datasets show that our proposal outperforms existing explore-by-example solutions in terms of accuracy and efficiency.
Abstract:The high dynamics and heterogeneous interactions in the complicated urban systems have raised the issue of uncertainty quantification in spatiotemporal human mobility, to support critical decision-makings in risk-aware web applications such as urban event prediction where fluctuations are of significant interests. Given the fact that uncertainty quantifies the potential variations around prediction results, traditional learning schemes always lack uncertainty labels, and conventional uncertainty quantification approaches mostly rely upon statistical estimations with Bayesian Neural Networks or ensemble methods. However, they have never involved any spatiotemporal evolution of uncertainties under various contexts, and also have kept suffering from the poor efficiency of statistical uncertainty estimation while training models with multiple times. To provide high-quality uncertainty quantification for spatiotemporal forecasting, we propose an uncertainty learning mechanism to simultaneously estimate internal data quality and quantify external uncertainty regarding various contextual interactions. To address the issue of lacking labels of uncertainty, we propose a hierarchical data turbulence scheme where we can actively inject controllable uncertainty for guidance, and hence provide insights to both uncertainty quantification and weak supervised learning. Finally, we re-calibrate and boost the prediction performance by devising a gated-based bridge to adaptively leverage the learned uncertainty into predictions. Extensive experiments on three real-world spatiotemporal mobility sets have corroborated the superiority of our proposed model in terms of both forecasting and uncertainty quantification.
Abstract:Predicting the link between two nodes is a fundamental problem for graph data analytics. In attributed graphs, both the structure and attribute information can be utilized for link prediction. Most existing studies focus on transductive link prediction where both nodes are already in the graph. However, many real-world applications require inductive prediction for new nodes having only attribute information. It is more challenging since the new nodes do not have structure information and cannot be seen during the model training. To solve this problem, we propose a model called DEAL, which consists of three components: two node embedding encoders and one alignment mechanism. The two encoders aim to output the attribute-oriented node embedding and the structure-oriented node embedding, and the alignment mechanism aligns the two types of embeddings to build the connections between the attributes and links. Our model DEAL is versatile in the sense that it works for both inductive and transductive link prediction. Extensive experiments on several benchmark datasets show that our proposed model significantly outperforms existing inductive link prediction methods, and also outperforms the state-of-the-art methods on transductive link prediction.
Abstract:Real-time traffic accident forecasting is increasingly important for public safety and urban management (e.g., real-time safe route planning and emergency response deployment). Previous works on accident forecasting are often performed on hour levels, utilizing existed neural networks with static region-wise correlations taken into account. However, it is still challenging when the granularity of forecasting step improves as the highly dynamic nature of road network and inherent rareness of accident records in one training sample, which leads to biased results and zero-inflated issue. In this work, we propose a novel framework RiskOracle, to improve the prediction granularity to minute levels. Specifically, we first transform the zero-risk values in labels to fit the training network. Then, we propose the Differential Time-varying Graph neural network (DTGN) to capture the immediate changes of traffic status and dynamic inter-subregion correlations. Furthermore, we adopt multi-task and region selection schemes to highlight citywide most-likely accident subregions, bridging the gap between biased risk values and sporadic accident distribution. Extensive experiments on two real-world datasets demonstrate the effectiveness and scalability of our RiskOracle framework.