Abstract:Echocardiography plays a fundamental role in the extraction of important clinical parameters (e.g. left ventricular volume and ejection fraction) required to determine the presence and severity of heart-related conditions. When deploying automated techniques for computing these parameters, uncertainty estimation is crucial for assessing their utility. Since clinical parameters are usually derived from segmentation maps, there is no clear path for converting pixel-wise uncertainty values into uncertainty estimates in the downstream clinical metric calculation. In this work, we propose a novel uncertainty estimation method based on contouring rather than segmentation. Our method explicitly predicts contour location uncertainty from which contour samples can be drawn. Finally, the sampled contours can be used to propagate uncertainty to clinical metrics. Our proposed method not only provides accurate uncertainty estimations for the task of contouring but also for the downstream clinical metrics on two cardiac ultrasound datasets. Code is available at: https://github.com/ThierryJudge/contouring-uncertainty.
Abstract:Neural networks can learn spurious correlations that lead to the correct prediction in a validation set, but generalise poorly because the predictions are right for the wrong reason. This undesired learning of naive shortcuts (Clever Hans effect) can happen for example in echocardiogram view classification when background cues (e.g. metadata) are biased towards a class and the model learns to focus on those background features instead of on the image content. We propose a simple, yet effective random background augmentation method called BackMix, which samples random backgrounds from other examples in the training set. By enforcing the background to be uncorrelated with the outcome, the model learns to focus on the data within the ultrasound sector and becomes invariant to the regions outside this. We extend our method in a semi-supervised setting, finding that the positive effects of BackMix are maintained with as few as 5% of segmentation labels. A loss weighting mechanism, wBackMix, is also proposed to increase the contribution of the augmented examples. We validate our method on both in-distribution and out-of-distribution datasets, demonstrating significant improvements in classification accuracy, region focus and generalisability. Our source code is available at: https://github.com/kitbransby/BackMix
Abstract:We propose a new method to automatically contour the left ventricle on 2D echocardiographic images. Unlike most existing segmentation methods, which are based on predicting segmentation masks, we focus at predicting the endocardial contour and the key landmark points within this contour (basal points and apex). This provides a representation that is closer to how experts perform manual annotations and hence produce results that are physiologically more plausible. Our proposed method uses a two-headed network based on the U-Net architecture. One head predicts the 7 contour points, and the other head predicts a distance map to the contour. This approach was compared to the U-Net and to a point based approach, achieving performance gains of up to 30\% in terms of landmark localisation (<4.5mm) and distance to the ground truth contour (<3.5mm).