Abstract:We introduce the Binary Diffusion Probabilistic Model (BDPM), a novel generative model optimized for binary data representations. While denoising diffusion probabilistic models (DDPMs) have demonstrated notable success in tasks like image synthesis and restoration, traditional DDPMs rely on continuous data representations and mean squared error (MSE) loss for training, applying Gaussian noise models that may not be optimal for discrete or binary data structures. BDPM addresses this by decomposing images into bitplanes and employing XOR-based noise transformations, with a denoising model trained using binary cross-entropy loss. This approach enables precise noise control and computationally efficient inference, significantly lowering computational costs and improving model convergence. When evaluated on image restoration tasks such as image super-resolution, inpainting, and blind image restoration, BDPM outperforms state-of-the-art methods on the FFHQ, CelebA, and CelebA-HQ datasets. Notably, BDPM requires fewer inference steps than traditional DDPM models to reach optimal results, showcasing enhanced inference efficiency.
Abstract:In this paper, we present a semi-supervised fine-tuning approach designed to improve the performance of foundation models on downstream tasks with limited labeled data. By leveraging content-style decomposition within an information-theoretic framework, our method enhances the latent representations of pre-trained vision foundation models, aligning them more effectively with specific task objectives and addressing the problem of distribution shift. We evaluate our approach on multiple datasets, including MNIST, its augmented variations (with yellow and white stripes), CIFAR-10, SVHN, and GalaxyMNIST. The experiments show improvements over purely supervised baselines, particularly in low-labeled data regimes, across both frozen and trainable backbones for the majority of the tested datasets.
Abstract:The vast amounts of digital content captured from the real world or AI-generated media necessitate methods for copyright protection, traceability, or data provenance verification. Digital watermarking serves as a crucial approach to address these challenges. Its evolution spans three generations: handcrafted, autoencoder-based, and foundation model based methods. %Its evolution spans three generations: handcrafted methods, autoencoder-based schemes, and methods based on foundation models. While the robustness of these systems is well-documented, the security against adversarial attacks remains underexplored. This paper evaluates the security of foundation models' latent space digital watermarking systems that utilize adversarial embedding techniques. A series of experiments investigate the security dimensions under copy and removal attacks, providing empirical insights into these systems' vulnerabilities. All experimental codes and results are available at https://github.com/vkinakh/ssl-watermarking-attacks}{repository
Abstract:Generating synthetic tabular data is critical in machine learning, especially when real data is limited or sensitive. Traditional generative models often face challenges due to the unique characteristics of tabular data, such as mixed data types and varied distributions, and require complex preprocessing or large pretrained models. In this paper, we introduce a novel, lossless binary transformation method that converts any tabular data into fixed-size binary representations, and a corresponding new generative model called Binary Diffusion, specifically designed for binary data. Binary Diffusion leverages the simplicity of XOR operations for noise addition and removal and employs binary cross-entropy loss for training. Our approach eliminates the need for extensive preprocessing, complex noise parameter tuning, and pretraining on large datasets. We evaluate our model on several popular tabular benchmark datasets, demonstrating that Binary Diffusion outperforms existing state-of-the-art models on Travel, Adult Income, and Diabetes datasets while being significantly smaller in size.
Abstract:Reconstructing sky models from dirty radio images for accurate source localization and flux estimation is crucial for studying galaxy evolution at high redshift, especially in deep fields using instruments like the Atacama Large Millimetre Array (ALMA). With new projects like the Square Kilometre Array (SKA), there's a growing need for better source extraction methods. Current techniques, such as CLEAN and PyBDSF, often fail to detect faint sources, highlighting the need for more accurate methods. This study proposes using stochastic neural networks to rebuild sky models directly from dirty images. This method can pinpoint radio sources and measure their fluxes with related uncertainties, marking a potential improvement in radio source characterization. We tested this approach on 10164 images simulated with the CASA tool simalma, based on ALMA's Cycle 5.3 antenna setup. We applied conditional Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models (DDPMs) for sky models reconstruction, then used Photutils to determine source coordinates and fluxes, assessing the model's performance across different water vapor levels. Our method showed excellence in source localization, achieving more than 90% completeness at a signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) as low as 2. It also surpassed PyBDSF in flux estimation, accurately identifying fluxes for 96% of sources in the test set, a significant improvement over CLEAN+ PyBDSF's 57%. Conditional DDPMs is a powerful tool for image-to-image translation, yielding accurate and robust characterisation of radio sources, and outperforming existing methodologies. While this study underscores its significant potential for applications in radio astronomy, we also acknowledge certain limitations that accompany its usage, suggesting directions for further refinement and research.
Abstract:We present a novel information-theoretic framework, termed as TURBO, designed to systematically analyse and generalise auto-encoding methods. We start by examining the principles of information bottleneck and bottleneck-based networks in the auto-encoding setting and identifying their inherent limitations, which become more prominent for data with multiple relevant, physics-related representations. The TURBO framework is then introduced, providing a comprehensive derivation of its core concept consisting of the maximisation of mutual information between various data representations expressed in two directions reflecting the information flows. We illustrate that numerous prevalent neural network models are encompassed within this framework. The paper underscores the insufficiency of the information bottleneck concept in elucidating all such models, thereby establishing TURBO as a preferable theoretical reference. The introduction of TURBO contributes to a richer understanding of data representation and the structure of neural network models, enabling more efficient and versatile applications.
Abstract:Copy detection patterns (CDP) present an efficient technique for product protection against counterfeiting. However, the complexity of studying CDP production variability often results in time-consuming and costly procedures, limiting CDP scalability. Recent advancements in computer modelling, notably the concept of a "digital twin" for printing-imaging channels, allow for enhanced scalability and the optimization of authentication systems. Yet, the development of an accurate digital twin is far from trivial. This paper extends previous research which modelled a printing-imaging channel using a machine learning-based digital twin for CDP. This model, built upon an information-theoretic framework known as "Turbo", demonstrated superior performance over traditional generative models such as CycleGAN and pix2pix. However, the emerging field of Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models (DDPM) presents a potential advancement in generative models due to its ability to stochastically model the inherent randomness of the printing-imaging process, and its impressive performance in image-to-image translation tasks. This study aims at comparing the capabilities of the Turbo framework and DDPM on the same CDP datasets, with the goal of establishing the real-world benefits of DDPM models for digital twin applications in CDP security. Furthermore, the paper seeks to evaluate the generative potential of the studied models in the context of mobile phone data acquisition. Despite the increased complexity of DDPM methods when compared to traditional approaches, our study highlights their advantages and explores their potential for future applications.
Abstract:We present a new method of self-supervised learning and knowledge distillation based on the multi-views and multi-representations (MV-MR). The MV-MR is based on the maximization of dependence between learnable embeddings from augmented and non-augmented views, jointly with the maximization of dependence between learnable embeddings from augmented view and multiple non-learnable representations from non-augmented view. We show that the proposed method can be used for efficient self-supervised classification and model-agnostic knowledge distillation. Unlike other self-supervised techniques, our approach does not use any contrastive learning, clustering, or stop gradients. MV-MR is a generic framework allowing the incorporation of constraints on the learnable embeddings via the usage of image multi-representations as regularizers. Along this line, knowledge distillation is considered a particular case of such a regularization. MV-MR provides the state-of-the-art performance on the STL10 and ImageNet-1K datasets among non-contrastive and clustering-free methods. We show that a lower complexity ResNet50 model pretrained using proposed knowledge distillation based on the CLIP ViT model achieves state-of-the-art performance on STL10 linear evaluation. The code is available at: https://github.com/vkinakh/mv-mr
Abstract:We present Turbo-Sim, a generalised autoencoder framework derived from principles of information theory that can be used as a generative model. By maximising the mutual information between the input and the output of both the encoder and the decoder, we are able to rediscover the loss terms usually found in adversarial autoencoders and generative adversarial networks, as well as various more sophisticated related models. Our generalised framework makes these models mathematically interpretable and allows for a diversity of new ones by setting the weight of each loss term separately. The framework is also independent of the intrinsic architecture of the encoder and the decoder thus leaving a wide choice for the building blocks of the whole network. We apply Turbo-Sim to a collider physics generation problem: the transformation of the properties of several particles from a theory space, right after the collision, to an observation space, right after the detection in an experiment.
Abstract:Conditional generation is a subclass of generative problems where the output of the generation is conditioned by the attribute information. In this paper, we present a stochastic contrastive conditional generative adversarial network (InfoSCC-GAN) with an explorable latent space. The InfoSCC-GAN architecture is based on an unsupervised contrastive encoder built on the InfoNCE paradigm, an attribute classifier and an EigenGAN generator. We propose a novel training method, based on generator regularization using external or internal attributes every $n$-th iteration, using a pre-trained contrastive encoder and a pre-trained classifier. The proposed InfoSCC-GAN is derived based on an information-theoretic formulation of mutual information maximization between input data and latent space representation as well as latent space and generated data. Thus, we demonstrate a link between the training objective functions and the above information-theoretic formulation. The experimental results show that InfoSCC-GAN outperforms the "vanilla" EigenGAN in the image generation on AFHQ and CelebA datasets. In addition, we investigate the impact of discriminator architectures and loss functions by performing ablation studies. Finally, we demonstrate that thanks to the EigenGAN generator, the proposed framework enjoys a stochastic generation in contrast to vanilla deterministic GANs yet with the independent training of encoder, classifier, and generator in contrast to existing frameworks. Code, experimental results, and demos are available online at https://github.com/vkinakh/InfoSCC-GAN.