We introduce the Binary Diffusion Probabilistic Model (BDPM), a novel generative model optimized for binary data representations. While denoising diffusion probabilistic models (DDPMs) have demonstrated notable success in tasks like image synthesis and restoration, traditional DDPMs rely on continuous data representations and mean squared error (MSE) loss for training, applying Gaussian noise models that may not be optimal for discrete or binary data structures. BDPM addresses this by decomposing images into bitplanes and employing XOR-based noise transformations, with a denoising model trained using binary cross-entropy loss. This approach enables precise noise control and computationally efficient inference, significantly lowering computational costs and improving model convergence. When evaluated on image restoration tasks such as image super-resolution, inpainting, and blind image restoration, BDPM outperforms state-of-the-art methods on the FFHQ, CelebA, and CelebA-HQ datasets. Notably, BDPM requires fewer inference steps than traditional DDPM models to reach optimal results, showcasing enhanced inference efficiency.