Michael Pokorny
Abstract:Benchmarks are important tools for tracking the rapid advancements in large language model (LLM) capabilities. However, benchmarks are not keeping pace in difficulty: LLMs now achieve over 90\% accuracy on popular benchmarks like MMLU, limiting informed measurement of state-of-the-art LLM capabilities. In response, we introduce Humanity's Last Exam (HLE), a multi-modal benchmark at the frontier of human knowledge, designed to be the final closed-ended academic benchmark of its kind with broad subject coverage. HLE consists of 3,000 questions across dozens of subjects, including mathematics, humanities, and the natural sciences. HLE is developed globally by subject-matter experts and consists of multiple-choice and short-answer questions suitable for automated grading. Each question has a known solution that is unambiguous and easily verifiable, but cannot be quickly answered via internet retrieval. State-of-the-art LLMs demonstrate low accuracy and calibration on HLE, highlighting a significant gap between current LLM capabilities and the expert human frontier on closed-ended academic questions. To inform research and policymaking upon a clear understanding of model capabilities, we publicly release HLE at https://lastexam.ai.
Abstract:Large policies pretrained on diverse robot datasets have the potential to transform robotic learning: instead of training new policies from scratch, such generalist robot policies may be finetuned with only a little in-domain data, yet generalize broadly. However, to be widely applicable across a range of robotic learning scenarios, environments, and tasks, such policies need to handle diverse sensors and action spaces, accommodate a variety of commonly used robotic platforms, and finetune readily and efficiently to new domains. In this work, we aim to lay the groundwork for developing open-source, widely applicable, generalist policies for robotic manipulation. As a first step, we introduce Octo, a large transformer-based policy trained on 800k trajectories from the Open X-Embodiment dataset, the largest robot manipulation dataset to date. It can be instructed via language commands or goal images and can be effectively finetuned to robot setups with new sensory inputs and action spaces within a few hours on standard consumer GPUs. In experiments across 9 robotic platforms, we demonstrate that Octo serves as a versatile policy initialization that can be effectively finetuned to new observation and action spaces. We also perform detailed ablations of design decisions for the Octo model, from architecture to training data, to guide future research on building generalist robot models.
Abstract:Unsupervised and self-supervised objectives, such as next token prediction, have enabled pre-training generalist models from large amounts of unlabeled data. In reinforcement learning (RL), however, finding a truly general and scalable unsupervised pre-training objective for generalist policies from offline data remains a major open question. While a number of methods have been proposed to enable generic self-supervised RL, based on principles such as goal-conditioned RL, behavioral cloning, and unsupervised skill learning, such methods remain limited in terms of either the diversity of the discovered behaviors, the need for high-quality demonstration data, or the lack of a clear prompting or adaptation mechanism for downstream tasks. In this work, we propose a novel unsupervised framework to pre-train generalist policies that capture diverse, optimal, long-horizon behaviors from unlabeled offline data such that they can be quickly adapted to any arbitrary new tasks in a zero-shot manner. Our key insight is to learn a structured representation that preserves the temporal structure of the underlying environment, and then to span this learned latent space with directional movements, which enables various zero-shot policy "prompting" schemes for downstream tasks. Through our experiments on simulated robotic locomotion and manipulation benchmarks, we show that our unsupervised policies can solve goal-conditioned and general RL tasks in a zero-shot fashion, even often outperforming prior methods designed specifically for each setting. Our code and videos are available at https://seohong.me/projects/hilp/