Abstract:Despite its widespread adoption, Adam's advantage over Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) lacks a comprehensive theoretical explanation. This paper investigates Adam's sensitivity to rotations of the parameter space. We demonstrate that Adam's performance in training transformers degrades under random rotations of the parameter space, indicating a crucial sensitivity to the choice of basis. This reveals that conventional rotation-invariant assumptions are insufficient to capture Adam's advantages theoretically. To better understand the rotation-dependent properties that benefit Adam, we also identify structured rotations that preserve or even enhance its empirical performance. We then examine the rotation-dependent assumptions in the literature, evaluating their adequacy in explaining Adam's behavior across various rotation types. This work highlights the need for new, rotation-dependent theoretical frameworks to fully understand Adam's empirical success in modern machine learning tasks.
Abstract:Constrained optimization offers a powerful framework to prescribe desired behaviors in neural network models. Typically, constrained problems are solved via their min-max Lagrangian formulations, which exhibit unstable oscillatory dynamics when optimized using gradient descent-ascent. The adoption of constrained optimization techniques in the machine learning community is currently limited by the lack of reliable, general-purpose update schemes for the Lagrange multipliers. This paper proposes the $\nu$PI algorithm and contributes an optimization perspective on Lagrange multiplier updates based on PI controllers, extending the work of Stooke, Achiam and Abbeel (2020). We provide theoretical and empirical insights explaining the inability of momentum methods to address the shortcomings of gradient descent-ascent, and contrast this with the empirical success of our proposed $\nu$PI controller. Moreover, we prove that $\nu$PI generalizes popular momentum methods for single-objective minimization. Our experiments demonstrate that $\nu$PI reliably stabilizes the multiplier dynamics and its hyperparameters enjoy robust and predictable behavior.
Abstract:We study Thompson Sampling-based algorithms for stochastic bandits with bounded rewards. As the existing problem-dependent regret bound for Thompson Sampling with Gaussian priors [Agrawal and Goyal, 2017] is vacuous when $T \le 288 e^{64}$, we derive a more practical bound that tightens the coefficient of the leading term %from $288 e^{64}$ to $1270$. Additionally, motivated by large-scale real-world applications that require scalability, adaptive computational resource allocation, and a balance in utility and computation, we propose two parameterized Thompson Sampling-based algorithms: Thompson Sampling with Model Aggregation (TS-MA-$\alpha$) and Thompson Sampling with Timestamp Duelling (TS-TD-$\alpha$), where $\alpha \in [0,1]$ controls the trade-off between utility and computation. Both algorithms achieve $O \left(K\ln^{\alpha+1}(T)/\Delta \right)$ regret bound, where $K$ is the number of arms, $T$ is the finite learning horizon, and $\Delta$ denotes the single round performance loss when pulling a sub-optimal arm.