Abstract:Remote sensing visual question answering (RSVQA) is a task that automatically extracts information from satellite images and processes a question to predict the answer from the images in textual form, helping with the interpretation of the image. While different methods have been proposed to extract information from optical images with different spectral bands and resolutions, no method has been proposed to answer questions from Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images. SAR images capture electromagnetic information from the scene, and are less affected by atmospheric conditions, such as clouds. In this work, our objective is to introduce SAR in the RSVQA task, finding the best way to use this modality. In our research, we carry out a study on different pipelines for the task of RSVQA taking into account information from both SAR and optical data. To this purpose, we also present a dataset that allows for the introduction of SAR images in the RSVQA framework. We propose two different models to include the SAR modality. The first one is an end-to-end method in which we add an additional encoder for the SAR modality. In the second approach, we build on a two-stage framework. First, relevant information is extracted from SAR and, optionally, optical data. This information is then translated into natural language to be used in the second step which only relies on a language model to provide the answer. We find that the second pipeline allows us to obtain good results with SAR images alone. We then try various types of fusion methods to use SAR and optical images together, finding that a fusion at the decision level achieves the best results on the proposed dataset. We show that SAR data offers additional information when fused with the optical modality, particularly for questions related to specific land cover classes, such as water areas.
Abstract:Large language models (LLMs) are being used in data science code generation tasks, but they often struggle with complex sequential tasks, leading to logical errors. Their application to geospatial data processing is particularly challenging due to difficulties in incorporating complex data structures and spatial constraints, effectively utilizing diverse function calls, and the tendency to hallucinate less-used geospatial libraries. To tackle these problems, we introduce GeoAgent, a new interactive framework designed to help LLMs handle geospatial data processing more effectively. GeoAgent pioneers the integration of a code interpreter, static analysis, and Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) techniques within a Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) algorithm, offering a novel approach to geospatial data processing. In addition, we contribute a new benchmark specifically designed to evaluate the LLM-based approach in geospatial tasks. This benchmark leverages a variety of Python libraries and includes both single-turn and multi-turn tasks such as data acquisition, data analysis, and visualization. By offering a comprehensive evaluation among diverse geospatial contexts, this benchmark sets a new standard for developing LLM-based approaches in geospatial data analysis tasks. Our findings suggest that relying solely on knowledge of LLM is insufficient for accurate geospatial task programming, which requires coherent multi-step processes and multiple function calls. Compared to the baseline LLMs, the proposed GeoAgent has demonstrated superior performance, yielding notable improvements in function calls and task completion. In addition, these results offer valuable insights for the future development of LLM agents in automatic geospatial data analysis task programming.
Abstract:Remote sensing visual question answering (RSVQA) has been involved in several research in recent years, leading to an increase in new methods. RSVQA automatically extracts information from satellite images, so far only optical, and a question to automatically search for the answer in the image and provide it in a textual form. In our research, we study whether Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images can be beneficial to this field. We divide our study into three phases which include classification methods and VQA. In the first one, we explore the classification results of SAR alone and investigate the best method to extract information from SAR data. Then, we study the combination of SAR and optical data. In the last phase, we investigate how SAR images and a combination of different modalities behave in RSVQA compared to a method only using optical images. We conclude that adding the SAR modality leads to improved performances, although further research on using SAR data to automatically answer questions is needed as well as more balanced datasets.
Abstract:Visual Question Answering for Remote Sensing (RSVQA) is a task that aims at answering natural language questions about the content of a remote sensing image. The visual features extraction is therefore an essential step in a VQA pipeline. By incorporating attention mechanisms into this process, models gain the ability to focus selectively on salient regions of the image, prioritizing the most relevant visual information for a given question. In this work, we propose to embed an attention mechanism guided by segmentation into a RSVQA pipeline. We argue that segmentation plays a crucial role in guiding attention by providing a contextual understanding of the visual information, underlying specific objects or areas of interest. To evaluate this methodology, we provide a new VQA dataset that exploits very high-resolution RGB orthophotos annotated with 16 segmentation classes and question/answer pairs. Our study shows promising results of our new methodology, gaining almost 10% of overall accuracy compared to a classical method on the proposed dataset.
Abstract:Remote sensing visual question answering (RSVQA) opens new opportunities for the use of overhead imagery by the general public, by enabling human-machine interaction with natural language. Building on the recent advances in natural language processing and computer vision, the goal of RSVQA is to answer a question formulated in natural language about a remote sensing image. Language understanding is essential to the success of the task, but has not yet been thoroughly examined in RSVQA. In particular, the problem of language biases is often overlooked in the remote sensing community, which can impact model robustness and lead to wrong conclusions about the performances of the model. Thus, the present work aims at highlighting the problem of language biases in RSVQA with a threefold analysis strategy: visual blind models, adversarial testing and dataset analysis. This analysis focuses both on model and data. Moreover, we motivate the use of more informative and complementary evaluation metrics sensitive to the issue. The gravity of language biases in RSVQA is then exposed for all of these methods with the training of models discarding the image data and the manipulation of the visual input during inference. Finally, a detailed analysis of question-answer distribution demonstrates the root of the problem in the data itself. Thanks to this analytical study, we observed that biases in remote sensing are more severe than in standard VQA, likely due to the specifics of existing remote sensing datasets for the task, e.g. geographical similarities and sparsity, as well as a simpler vocabulary and question generation strategies. While new, improved and less-biased datasets appear as a necessity for the development of the promising field of RSVQA, we demonstrate that more informed, relative evaluation metrics remain much needed to transparently communicate results of future RSVQA methods.
Abstract:We wish to define the limits of a classical classification model based on deep learning when applied to abstract images, which do not represent visually identifiable objects.QR codes (Quick Response codes) fall into this category of abstract images: one bit corresponding to one encoded character, QR codes were not designed to be decoded manually. To understand the limitations of a deep learning-based model for abstract image classification, we train an image classification model on QR codes generated from information obtained when reading a health pass. We compare a classification model with a classical (deterministic) decoding method in the presence of noise. This study allows us to conclude that a model based on deep learning can be relevant for the understanding of abstract images.
Abstract:Visual question answering (VQA) has recently been introduced to remote sensing to make information extraction from overhead imagery more accessible to everyone. VQA considers a question (in natural language, therefore easy to formulate) about an image and aims at providing an answer through a model based on computer vision and natural language processing methods. As such, a VQA model needs to jointly consider visual and textual features, which is frequently done through a fusion step. In this work, we study three different fusion methodologies in the context of VQA for remote sensing and analyse the gains in accuracy with respect to the model complexity. Our findings indicate that more complex fusion mechanisms yield an improved performance, yet that seeking a trade-of between model complexity and performance is worthwhile in practice.
Abstract:Convolutional neural networks (CNN) are known to learn an image representation that captures concepts relevant to the task, but do so in an implicit way that hampers model interpretability. However, one could argue that such a representation is hidden in the neurons and can be made explicit by teaching the model to recognize semantically interpretable attributes that are present in the scene. We call such an intermediate layer a \emph{semantic bottleneck}. Once the attributes are learned, they can be re-combined to reach the final decision and provide both an accurate prediction and an explicit reasoning behind the CNN decision. In this paper, we look into semantic bottlenecks that capture context: we want attributes to be in groups of a few meaningful elements and participate jointly to the final decision. We use a two-layer semantic bottleneck that gathers attributes into interpretable, sparse groups, allowing them contribute differently to the final output depending on the context. We test our contextual semantic interpretable bottleneck (CSIB) on the task of landscape scenicness estimation and train the semantic interpretable bottleneck using an auxiliary database (SUN Attributes). Our model yields in predictions as accurate as a non-interpretable baseline when applied to a real-world test set of Flickr images, all while providing clear and interpretable explanations for each prediction.
Abstract:This paper introduces the task of visual question answering for remote sensing data (RSVQA). Remote sensing images contain a wealth of information which can be useful for a wide range of tasks including land cover classification, object counting or detection. However, most of the available methodologies are task-specific, thus inhibiting generic and easy access to the information contained in remote sensing data. As a consequence, accurate remote sensing product generation still requires expert knowledge. With RSVQA, we propose a system to extract information from remote sensing data that is accessible to every user: we use questions formulated in natural language and use them to interact with the images. With the system, images can be queried to obtain high level information specific to the image content or relational dependencies between objects visible in the images. Using an automatic method introduced in this article, we built two datasets (using low and high resolution data) of image/question/answer triplets. The information required to build the questions and answers is queried from OpenStreetMap (OSM). The datasets can be used to train (when using supervised methods) and evaluate models to solve the RSVQA task. We report the results obtained by applying a model based on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) for the visual part and on a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) for the natural language part to this task. The model is trained on the two datasets, yielding promising results in both cases.
Abstract:A main issue preventing the use of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) in end user applications is the low level of transparency in the decision process. Previous work on CNN interpretability has mostly focused either on localizing the regions of the image that contribute to the result or on building an external model that generates plausible explanations. However, the former does not provide any semantic information and the latter does not guarantee the faithfulness of the explanation. We propose an intermediate representation composed of multiple Semantically Interpretable Activation Maps (SIAM) indicating the presence of predefined attributes at different locations of the image. These attribute maps are then linearly combined to produce the final output. This gives the user insight into what the model has seen, where, and a final output directly linked to this information in a comprehensive and interpretable way. We test the method on the task of landscape scenicness (aesthetic value) estimation, using an intermediate representation of 33 attributes from the SUN Attributes database. The results confirm that SIAM makes it possible to understand what attributes in the image are contributing to the final score and where they are located. Since it is based on learning from multiple tasks and datasets, SIAM improve the explanability of the prediction without additional annotation efforts or computational overhead at inference time, while keeping good performances on both the final and intermediate tasks.