KOVAN Research Lab, Dept. of Computer Engineering, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey
Abstract:Zero-shot composed image retrieval (ZS-CIR) enables image search using a reference image and text prompt without requiring specialized text-image composition networks trained on large-scale paired data. However, current ZS-CIR approaches face three critical limitations in their reliance on composed text embeddings: static query embedding representations, insufficient utilization of image embeddings, and suboptimal performance when fusing text and image embeddings. To address these challenges, we introduce the Prompt Directional Vector (PDV), a simple yet effective training-free enhancement that captures semantic modifications induced by user prompts. PDV enables three key improvements: (1) dynamic composed text embeddings where prompt adjustments are controllable via a scaling factor, (2) composed image embeddings through semantic transfer from text prompts to image features, and (3) weighted fusion of composed text and image embeddings that enhances retrieval by balancing visual and semantic similarity. Our approach serves as a plug-and-play enhancement for existing ZS-CIR methods with minimal computational overhead. Extensive experiments across multiple benchmarks demonstrate that PDV consistently improves retrieval performance when integrated with state-of-the-art ZS-CIR approaches, particularly for methods that generate accurate compositional embeddings. The code will be publicly available.
Abstract:This paper presents the very first attempt to evaluate machine learning fairness for depression detection using electroencephalogram (EEG) data. We conduct experiments using different deep learning architectures such as Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks, and Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) networks across three EEG datasets: Mumtaz, MODMA and Rest. We employ five different bias mitigation strategies at the pre-, in- and post-processing stages and evaluate their effectiveness. Our experimental results show that bias exists in existing EEG datasets and algorithms for depression detection, and different bias mitigation methods address bias at different levels across different fairness measures.
Abstract:Machine learning bias in mental health is becoming an increasingly pertinent challenge. Despite promising efforts indicating that multitask approaches often work better than unitask approaches, there is minimal work investigating the impact of multitask learning on performance and fairness in depression detection nor leveraged it to achieve fairer prediction outcomes. In this work, we undertake a systematic investigation of using a multitask approach to improve performance and fairness for depression detection. We propose a novel gender-based task-reweighting method using uncertainty grounded in how the PHQ-8 questionnaire is structured. Our results indicate that, although a multitask approach improves performance and fairness compared to a unitask approach, the results are not always consistent and we see evidence of negative transfer and a reduction in the Pareto frontier, which is concerning given the high-stake healthcare setting. Our proposed approach of gender-based reweighting with uncertainty improves performance and fairness and alleviates both challenges to a certain extent. Our findings on each PHQ-8 subitem task difficulty are also in agreement with the largest study conducted on the PHQ-8 subitem discrimination capacity, thus providing the very first tangible evidence linking ML findings with large-scale empirical population studies conducted on the PHQ-8.
Abstract:Ranking-based loss functions, such as Average Precision Loss and Rank&Sort Loss, outperform widely used score-based losses in object detection. These loss functions better align with the evaluation criteria, have fewer hyperparameters, and offer robustness against the imbalance between positive and negative classes. However, they require pairwise comparisons among $P$ positive and $N$ negative predictions, introducing a time complexity of $\mathcal{O}(PN)$, which is prohibitive since $N$ is often large (e.g., $10^8$ in ATSS). Despite their advantages, the widespread adoption of ranking-based losses has been hindered by their high time and space complexities. In this paper, we focus on improving the efficiency of ranking-based loss functions. To this end, we propose Bucketed Ranking-based Losses which group negative predictions into $B$ buckets ($B \ll N$) in order to reduce the number of pairwise comparisons so that time complexity can be reduced. Our method enhances the time complexity, reducing it to $\mathcal{O}(\max (N \log(N), P^2))$. To validate our method and show its generality, we conducted experiments on 2 different tasks, 3 different datasets, 7 different detectors. We show that Bucketed Ranking-based (BR) Losses yield the same accuracy with the unbucketed versions and provide $2\times$ faster training on average. We also train, for the first time, transformer-based object detectors using ranking-based losses, thanks to the efficiency of our BR. When we train CoDETR, a state-of-the-art transformer-based object detector, using our BR Loss, we consistently outperform its original results over several different backbones. Code is available at https://github.com/blisgard/BucketedRankingBasedLosses
Abstract:In many applications, a mobile manipulator robot is required to grasp a set of objects distributed in space. This may not be feasible from a single base pose and the robot must plan the sequence of base poses for grasping all objects, minimizing the total navigation and grasping time. This is a Combinatorial Optimization problem that can be solved using exact methods, which provide optimal solutions but are computationally expensive, or approximate methods, which offer computationally efficient but sub-optimal solutions. Recent studies have shown that learning-based methods can solve Combinatorial Optimization problems, providing near-optimal and computationally efficient solutions. In this work, we present BASENET - a learning-based approach to plan the sequence of base poses for the robot to grasp all the objects in the scene. We propose a Reinforcement Learning based solution that learns the base poses for grasping individual objects and the sequence in which the objects should be grasped to minimize the total navigation and grasping costs using Layered Learning. As the problem has a varying number of states and actions, we represent states and actions as a graph and use Graph Neural Networks for learning. We show that the proposed method can produce comparable solutions to exact and approximate methods with significantly less computation time.
Abstract:Heatmaps have been instrumental in helping understand deep network decisions, and are a common approach for Explainable AI (XAI). While significant progress has been made in enhancing the informativeness and accessibility of heatmaps, heatmap analysis is typically very subjective and limited to domain experts. As such, developing automatic, scalable, and numerical analysis methods to make heatmap-based XAI more objective, end-user friendly, and cost-effective is vital. In addition, there is a need for comprehensive evaluation metrics to assess heatmap quality at a granular level.
Abstract:We introduce, XoFTR, a cross-modal cross-view method for local feature matching between thermal infrared (TIR) and visible images. Unlike visible images, TIR images are less susceptible to adverse lighting and weather conditions but present difficulties in matching due to significant texture and intensity differences. Current hand-crafted and learning-based methods for visible-TIR matching fall short in handling viewpoint, scale, and texture diversities. To address this, XoFTR incorporates masked image modeling pre-training and fine-tuning with pseudo-thermal image augmentation to handle the modality differences. Additionally, we introduce a refined matching pipeline that adjusts for scale discrepancies and enhances match reliability through sub-pixel level refinement. To validate our approach, we collect a comprehensive visible-thermal dataset, and show that our method outperforms existing methods on many benchmarks.
Abstract:Detecting edges in images suffers from the problems of (P1) heavy imbalance between positive and negative classes as well as (P2) label uncertainty owing to disagreement between different annotators. Existing solutions address P1 using class-balanced cross-entropy loss and dice loss and P2 by only predicting edges agreed upon by most annotators. In this paper, we propose RankED, a unified ranking-based approach that addresses both the imbalance problem (P1) and the uncertainty problem (P2). RankED tackles these two problems with two components: One component which ranks positive pixels over negative pixels, and the second which promotes high confidence edge pixels to have more label certainty. We show that RankED outperforms previous studies and sets a new state-of-the-art on NYUD-v2, BSDS500 and Multi-cue datasets. Code is available at https://ranked-cvpr24.github.io.
Abstract:This paper introduces Generalized Mask-aware Intersection-over-Union (GmaIoU) as a new measure for positive-negative assignment of anchor boxes during training of instance segmentation methods. Unlike conventional IoU measure or its variants, which only consider the proximity of anchor and ground-truth boxes; GmaIoU additionally takes into account the segmentation mask. This enables GmaIoU to provide more accurate supervision during training. We demonstrate the effectiveness of GmaIoU by replacing IoU with our GmaIoU in ATSS, a state-of-the-art (SOTA) assigner. Then, we train YOLACT, a real-time instance segmentation method, using our GmaIoU-based ATSS assigner. The resulting YOLACT based on the GmaIoU assigner outperforms (i) ATSS with IoU by $\sim 1.0-1.5$ mask AP, (ii) YOLACT with a fixed IoU threshold assigner by $\sim 1.5-2$ mask AP over different image sizes and (iii) decreases the inference time by $25 \%$ owing to using less anchors. Taking advantage of this efficiency, we further devise GmaYOLACT, a faster and $+7$ mask AP points more accurate detector than YOLACT. Our best model achieves $38.7$ mask AP at $26$ fps on COCO test-dev establishing a new state-of-the-art for real-time instance segmentation.
Abstract:Unfair predictions of machine learning (ML) models impede their broad acceptance in real-world settings. Tackling this arduous challenge first necessitates defining what it means for an ML model to be fair. This has been addressed by the ML community with various measures of fairness that depend on the prediction outcomes of the ML models, either at the group level or the individual level. These fairness measures are limited in that they utilize point predictions, neglecting their variances, or uncertainties, making them susceptible to noise, missingness and shifts in data. In this paper, we first show that an ML model may appear to be fair with existing point-based fairness measures but biased against a demographic group in terms of prediction uncertainties. Then, we introduce new fairness measures based on different types of uncertainties, namely, aleatoric uncertainty and epistemic uncertainty. We demonstrate on many datasets that (i) our uncertainty-based measures are complementary to existing measures of fairness, and (ii) they provide more insights about the underlying issues leading to bias.