Abstract:This paper describes our submission to ICASSP 2022 Multi-channel Multi-party Meeting Transcription (M2MeT) Challenge. For Track 1, we propose several approaches to empower the clustering-based speaker diarization system to handle overlapped speech. Front-end dereverberation and the direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation are used to improve the accuracy of speaker diarization. Multi-channel combination and overlap detection are applied to reduce the missed speaker error. A modified DOVER-Lap is also proposed to fuse the results of different systems. We achieve the final DER of 5.79% on the Eval set and 7.23% on the Test set. For Track 2, we develop our system using the Conformer model in a joint CTC-attention architecture. Serialized output training is adopted to multi-speaker overlapped speech recognition. We propose a neural front-end module to model multi-channel audio and train the model end-to-end. Various data augmentation methods are utilized to mitigate over-fitting in the multi-channel multi-speaker E2E system. Transformer language model fusion is developed to achieve better performance. The final CER is 19.2% on the Eval set and 20.8% on the Test set.
Abstract:In single-channel speech enhancement, methods based on full-band spectral features have been widely studied. However, only a few methods pay attention to non-full-band spectral features. In this paper, we explore a knowledge distillation framework based on sub-band spectral mapping for single-channel speech enhancement. Specifically, we divide the full frequency band into multiple sub-bands and pre-train an elite-level sub-band enhancement model (teacher model) for each sub-band. These teacher models are dedicated to processing their own sub-bands. Next, under the teacher models' guidance, we train a general sub-band enhancement model (student model) that works for all sub-bands. Without increasing the number of model parameters and computational complexity, the student model's performance is further improved. To evaluate our proposed method, we conducted a large number of experiments on an open-source data set. The final experimental results show that the guidance from the elite-level teacher models dramatically improves the student model's performance, which exceeds the full-band model by employing fewer parameters.