Abstract:Large language models (LLMs) have shown impressive capabilities in generating program code, opening exciting opportunities for applying program synthesis to games. In this work, we explore the potential of LLMs to directly synthesize usable code for a wide range of gaming applications, focusing on two programming languages, Python and Java. We use an evolutionary hill-climbing algorithm, where the mutations and seeds of the initial programs are controlled by LLMs. For Python, the framework covers various game-related tasks, including five miniature versions of Atari games, ten levels of Baba is You, an environment inspired by Asteroids, and a maze generation task. For Java, the framework contains 12 games from the TAG tabletop games framework. Across 29 tasks, we evaluated 12 language models for Python and 8 for Java. Our findings suggest that the performance of LLMs depends more on the task than on model size. While larger models generate more executable programs, these do not always result in higher-quality solutions but are much more expensive. No model has a clear advantage, although on any specific task, one model may be better. Trying many models on a problem and using the best results across them is more reliable than using just one.
Abstract:Despite tremendous progress, machine learning and deep learning still suffer from incomprehensible predictions. Incomprehensibility, however, is not an option for the use of (deep) reinforcement learning in the real world, as unpredictable actions can seriously harm the involved individuals. In this work, we propose a genetic programming framework to generate explanations for the decision-making process of already trained agents by imitating them with programs. Programs are interpretable and can be executed to generate explanations of why the agent chooses a particular action. Furthermore, we conduct an ablation study that investigates how extending the domain-specific language by using library learning alters the performance of the method. We compare our results with the previous state of the art for this problem and show that we are comparable in performance but require much less hardware resources and computation time.
Abstract:We study the problem of decentralized task offloading and load-balancing in a dense network with numerous devices and a set of edge servers. Solving this problem optimally is complicated due to the unknown network information and random task sizes. The shared network resources also influence the users' decisions and resource distribution. Our solution combines the mean field multi-agent multi-armed bandit (MAB) game with a load-balancing technique that adjusts the servers' rewards to achieve a target population profile despite the distributed user decision-making. Numerical results demonstrate the efficacy of our approach and the convergence to the target load distribution.
Abstract:Modern power systems integrate renewable distributed energy resources (DERs) as an environment-friendly enhancement to meet the ever-increasing demands. However, the inherent unreliability of renewable energy renders developing DER management algorithms imperative. We study the energy-sharing problem in a system consisting of several DERs. Each agent harvests and distributes renewable energy in its neighborhood to optimize the network's performance while minimizing energy waste. We model this problem as a bandit convex optimization problem with constraints that correspond to each node's limitations for energy production. We propose distributed decision-making policies to solve the formulated problem, where we utilize the notion of dynamic regret as the performance metric. We also include an adjustment strategy in our developed algorithm to reduce the constraint violations. Besides, we design a policy that deals with the non-stationary environment. Theoretical analysis shows the effectiveness of our proposed algorithm. Numerical experiments using a real-world dataset show superior performance of our proposal compared to state-of-the-art methods.
Abstract:In a conventional contextual multi-armed bandit problem, the feedback (or reward) is immediately observable after an action. Nevertheless, delayed feedback arises in numerous real-life situations and is particularly crucial in time-sensitive applications. The exploration-exploitation dilemma becomes particularly challenging under such conditions, as it couples with the interplay between delays and limited resources. Besides, a limited budget often aggravates the problem by restricting the exploration potential. A motivating example is the distribution of medical supplies at the early stage of COVID-19. The delayed feedback of testing results, thus insufficient information for learning, degraded the efficiency of resource allocation. Motivated by such applications, we study the effect of delayed feedback on constrained contextual bandits. We develop a decision-making policy, delay-oriented resource allocation with learning (DORAL), to optimize the resource expenditure in a contextual multi-armed bandit problem with arm-dependent delayed feedback.
Abstract:Representation rank is an important concept for understanding the role of Neural Networks (NNs) in Deep Reinforcement learning (DRL), which measures the expressive capacity of value networks. Existing studies focus on unboundedly maximizing this rank; nevertheless, that approach would introduce overly complex models in the learning, thus undermining performance. Hence, fine-tuning representation rank presents a challenging and crucial optimization problem. To address this issue, we find a guiding principle for adaptive control of the representation rank. We employ the Bellman equation as a theoretical foundation and derive an upper bound on the cosine similarity of consecutive state-action pairs representations of value networks. We then leverage this upper bound to propose a novel regularizer, namely BEllman Equation-based automatic rank Regularizer (BEER). This regularizer adaptively regularizes the representation rank, thus improving the DRL agent's performance. We first validate the effectiveness of automatic control of rank on illustrative experiments. Then, we scale up BEER to complex continuous control tasks by combining it with the deterministic policy gradient method. Among 12 challenging DeepMind control tasks, BEER outperforms the baselines by a large margin. Besides, BEER demonstrates significant advantages in Q-value approximation. Our code is available at https://github.com/sweetice/BEER-ICLR2024.
Abstract:We study the problem of meta-learning several contextual stochastic bandits tasks by leveraging their concentration around a low-dimensional affine subspace, which we learn via online principal component analysis to reduce the expected regret over the encountered bandits. We propose and theoretically analyze two strategies that solve the problem: One based on the principle of optimism in the face of uncertainty and the other via Thompson sampling. Our framework is generic and includes previously proposed approaches as special cases. Besides, the empirical results show that our methods significantly reduce the regret on several bandit tasks.
Abstract:Understanding the interactions of agents trained with deep reinforcement learning is crucial for deploying agents in games or the real world. In the former, unreasonable actions confuse players. In the latter, that effect is even more significant, as unexpected behavior cause accidents with potentially grave and long-lasting consequences for the involved individuals. In this work, we propose using program synthesis to imitate reinforcement learning policies after seeing a trajectory of the action sequence. Programs have the advantage that they are inherently interpretable and verifiable for correctness. We adapt the state-of-the-art program synthesis system DreamCoder for learning concepts in grid-based environments, specifically, a navigation task and two miniature versions of Atari games, Space Invaders and Asterix. By inspecting the generated libraries, we can make inferences about the concepts the black-box agent has learned and better understand the agent's behavior. We achieve the same by visualizing the agent's decision-making process for the imitated sequences. We evaluate our approach with different types of program synthesizers based on a search-only method, a neural-guided search, and a language model fine-tuned on code.
Abstract:Federated learning (FL) involves several devices that collaboratively train a shared model without transferring their local data. FL reduces the communication overhead, making it a promising learning method in UAV-enhanced wireless networks with scarce energy resources. Despite the potential, implementing FL in UAV-enhanced networks is challenging, as conventional UAV placement methods that maximize coverage increase the FL delay significantly. Moreover, the uncertainty and lack of a priori information about crucial variables, such as channel quality, exacerbate the problem. In this paper, we first analyze the statistical characteristics of a UAV-enhanced wireless sensor network (WSN) with energy harvesting. We then develop a model and solution based on the multi-objective multi-armed bandit theory to maximize the network coverage while minimizing the FL delay. Besides, we propose another solution that is particularly useful with large action sets and strict energy constraints at the UAVs. Our proposal uses a scalarized best-arm identification algorithm to find the optimal arms that maximize the ratio of the expected reward to the expected energy cost by sequentially eliminating one or more arms in each round. Then, we derive the upper bound on the error probability of our multi-objective and cost-aware algorithm. Numerical results show the effectiveness of our approach.
Abstract:We study the piecewise stationary combinatorial semi-bandit problem with causally related rewards. In our nonstationary environment, variations in the base arms' distributions, causal relationships between rewards, or both, change the reward generation process. In such an environment, an optimal decision-maker must follow both sources of change and adapt accordingly. The problem becomes aggravated in the combinatorial semi-bandit setting, where the decision-maker only observes the outcome of the selected bundle of arms. The core of our proposed policy is the Upper Confidence Bound (UCB) algorithm. We assume the agent relies on an adaptive approach to overcome the challenge. More specifically, it employs a change-point detector based on the Generalized Likelihood Ratio (GLR) test. Besides, we introduce the notion of group restart as a new alternative restarting strategy in the decision making process in structured environments. Finally, our algorithm integrates a mechanism to trace the variations of the underlying graph structure, which captures the causal relationships between the rewards in the bandit setting. Theoretically, we establish a regret upper bound that reflects the effects of the number of structural- and distribution changes on the performance. The outcome of our numerical experiments in real-world scenarios exhibits applicability and superior performance of our proposal compared to the state-of-the-art benchmarks.