Abstract:Modeling and simulation of complex fluid flows with dynamics that span multiple spatio-temporal scales is a fundamental challenge in many scientific and engineering domains. Full-scale resolving simulations for systems such as highly turbulent flows are not feasible in the foreseeable future, and reduced-order models must capture dynamics that involve interactions across scales. In the present work, we propose a novel framework, Graph-based Learning of Effective Dynamics (Graph-LED), that leverages graph neural networks (GNNs), as well as an attention-based autoregressive model, to extract the effective dynamics from a small amount of simulation data. GNNs represent flow fields on unstructured meshes as graphs and effectively handle complex geometries and non-uniform grids. The proposed method combines a GNN based, dimensionality reduction for variable-size unstructured meshes with an autoregressive temporal attention model that can learn temporal dependencies automatically. We evaluated the proposed approach on a suite of fluid dynamics problems, including flow past a cylinder and flow over a backward-facing step over a range of Reynolds numbers. The results demonstrate robust and effective forecasting of spatio-temporal physics; in the case of the flow past a cylinder, both small-scale effects that occur close to the cylinder as well as its wake are accurately captured.
Abstract:We introduce a generative learning framework to model high-dimensional parametric systems using gradient guidance and virtual observations. We consider systems described by Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) discretized with structured or unstructured grids. The framework integrates multi-level information to generate high fidelity time sequences of the system dynamics. We demonstrate the effectiveness and versatility of our framework with two case studies in incompressible, two dimensional, low Reynolds cylinder flow on an unstructured mesh and incompressible turbulent channel flow on a structured mesh, both parameterized by the Reynolds number. Our results illustrate the framework's robustness and ability to generate accurate flow sequences across various parameter settings, significantly reducing computational costs allowing for efficient forecasting and reconstruction of flow dynamics.
Abstract:Biophysical modeling, particularly involving partial differential equations (PDEs), offers significant potential for tailoring disease treatment protocols to individual patients. However, the inverse problem-solving aspect of these models presents a substantial challenge, either due to the high computational requirements of model-based approaches or the limited robustness of deep learning (DL) methods. We propose a novel framework that leverages the unique strengths of both approaches in a synergistic manner. Our method incorporates a DL ensemble for initial parameter estimation, facilitating efficient downstream evolutionary sampling initialized with this DL-based prior. We showcase the effectiveness of integrating a rapid deep-learning algorithm with a high-precision evolution strategy in estimating brain tumor cell concentrations from magnetic resonance images. The DL-Prior plays a pivotal role, significantly constraining the effective sampling-parameter space. This reduction results in a fivefold convergence acceleration and a Dice-score of 95%
Abstract:We introduce generative models for accelerating simulations of complex systems through learning and evolving their effective dynamics. In the proposed Generative Learning of Effective Dynamics (G-LED), instances of high dimensional data are down sampled to a lower dimensional manifold that is evolved through an auto-regressive attention mechanism. In turn, Bayesian diffusion models, that map this low-dimensional manifold onto its corresponding high-dimensional space, capture the statistics of the system dynamics. We demonstrate the capabilities and drawbacks of G-LED in simulations of several benchmark systems, including the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky (KS) equation, two-dimensional high Reynolds number flow over a backward-facing step, and simulations of three-dimensional turbulent channel flow. The results demonstrate that generative learning offers new frontiers for the accurate forecasting of the statistical properties of complex systems at a reduced computational cost.
Abstract:Reliable predictions of critical phenomena, such as weather, wildfires and epidemics are often founded on models described by Partial Differential Equations (PDEs). However, simulations that capture the full range of spatio-temporal scales in such PDEs are often prohibitively expensive. Consequently, coarse-grained simulations that employ heuristics and empirical closure terms are frequently utilized as an alternative. We propose a novel and systematic approach for identifying closures in under-resolved PDEs using Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL). The MARL formulation incorporates inductive bias and exploits locality by deploying a central policy represented efficiently by Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN). We demonstrate the capabilities and limitations of MARL through numerical solutions of the advection equation and the Burgers' equation. Our results show accurate predictions for in- and out-of-distribution test cases as well as a significant speedup compared to resolving all scales.
Abstract:The modeling and simulation of high-dimensional multiscale systems is a critical challenge across all areas of science and engineering. It is broadly believed that even with today's computer advances resolving all spatiotemporal scales described by the governing equations remains a remote target. This realization has prompted intense efforts to develop model order reduction techniques. In recent years, techniques based on deep recurrent neural networks have produced promising results for the modeling and simulation of complex spatiotemporal systems and offer large flexibility in model development as they can incorporate experimental and computational data. However, neural networks lack interpretability, which limits their utility and generalizability across complex systems. Here we propose a novel framework of Interpretable Learning Effective Dynamics (iLED) that offers comparable accuracy to state-of-the-art recurrent neural network-based approaches while providing the added benefit of interpretability. The iLED framework is motivated by Mori-Zwanzig and Koopman operator theory, which justifies the choice of the specific architecture. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed framework in simulations of three benchmark multiscale systems. Our results show that the iLED framework can generate accurate predictions and obtain interpretable dynamics, making it a promising approach for solving high-dimensional multiscale systems.
Abstract:Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) with high dimensionality are commonly encountered in computational physics and engineering. However, finding solutions for these PDEs can be computationally expensive, making model-order reduction crucial. We propose such a data-driven scheme that automates the identification of the time-scales involved and can produce stable predictions forward in time as well as under different initial conditions not included in the training data. To this end, we combine a non-linear autoencoder architecture with a time-continuous model for the latent dynamics in the complex space. It readily allows for the inclusion of sparse and irregularly sampled training data. The learned, latent dynamics are interpretable and reveal the different temporal scales involved. We show that this data-driven scheme can automatically learn the independent processes that decompose a system of linear ODEs along the eigenvectors of the system's matrix. Apart from this, we demonstrate the applicability of the proposed framework in a hidden Markov Model and the (discretized) Kuramoto-Shivashinsky (KS) equation. Additionally, we propose a probabilistic version, which captures predictive uncertainties and further improves upon the results of the deterministic framework.
Abstract:Deep Operator Networks (DeepONets) offer a powerful, data-driven tool for solving parametric PDEs by learning operators, i.e. maps between infinite-dimensional function spaces. In this work, we employ physics-informed DeepONets in the context of high-dimensional, Bayesian inverse problems. Traditional solution strategies necessitate an enormous, and frequently infeasible, number of forward model solves, as well as the computation of parametric derivatives. In order to enable efficient solutions, we extend DeepONets by employing a realNVP architecture which yields an invertible and differentiable map between the parametric input and the branch net output. This allows us to construct accurate approximations of the full posterior which can be readily adapted irrespective of the number of observations and the magnitude of the observation noise. As a result, no additional forward solves are required, nor is there any need for costly sampling procedures. We demonstrate the efficacy and accuracy of the proposed methodology in the context of inverse problems based on a anti-derivative, a reaction-diffusion and a Darcy-flow equation.
Abstract:Identifying the dynamics of physical systems requires a machine learning model that can assimilate observational data, but also incorporate the laws of physics. Neural Networks based on physical principles such as the Hamiltonian or Lagrangian NNs have recently shown promising results in generating extrapolative predictions and accurately representing the system's dynamics. We show that by additionally considering the actual energy level as a regularization term during training and thus using physical information as inductive bias, the results can be further improved. Especially in the case where only small amounts of data are available, these improvements can significantly enhance the predictive capability. We apply the proposed regularization term to a Hamiltonian Neural Network (HNN) and Constrained Hamiltonian Neural Network (CHHN) for a single and double pendulum, generate predictions under unseen initial conditions and report significant gains in predictive accuracy.
Abstract:The data-based discovery of effective, coarse-grained (CG) models of high-dimensional dynamical systems presents a unique challenge in computational physics and particularly in the context of multiscale problems. The present paper offers a probabilistic perspective that simultaneously identifies predictive, lower-dimensional coarse-grained (CG) variables as well as their dynamics. We make use of the expressive ability of deep neural networks in order to represent the right-hand side of the CG evolution law. Furthermore, we demonstrate how domain knowledge that is very often available in the form of physical constraints (e.g. conservation laws) can be incorporated with the novel concept of virtual observables. Such constraints, apart from leading to physically realistic predictions, can significantly reduce the requisite amount of training data which enables reducing the amount of required, computationally expensive multiscale simulations (Small Data regime). The proposed state-space model is trained using probabilistic inference tools and, in contrast to several other techniques, does not require the prescription of a fine-to-coarse (restriction) projection nor time-derivatives of the state variables. The formulation adopted is capable of quantifying the predictive uncertainty as well as of reconstructing the evolution of the full, fine-scale system which allows to select the quantities of interest a posteriori. We demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed framework in a high-dimensional system of moving particles.