Abstract:Deep learning models are vulnerable to backdoor attacks, where adversaries inject malicious functionality during training that activates on trigger inputs at inference time. Extensive research has focused on developing stealthy backdoor attacks to evade detection and defense mechanisms. However, these approaches still have limitations that leave the door open for detection and mitigation due to their inherent design to cause malicious behavior in the presence of a trigger. To address this limitation, we introduce Deferred Activated Backdoor Functionality (DABF), a new paradigm in backdoor attacks. Unlike conventional attacks, DABF initially conceals its backdoor, producing benign outputs even when triggered. This stealthy behavior allows DABF to bypass multiple detection and defense methods, remaining undetected during initial inspections. The backdoor functionality is strategically activated only after the model undergoes subsequent updates, such as retraining on benign data. DABF attacks exploit the common practice in the life cycle of machine learning models to perform model updates and fine-tuning after initial deployment. To implement DABF attacks, we approach the problem by making the unlearning of the backdoor fragile, allowing it to be easily cancelled and subsequently reactivate the backdoor functionality. To achieve this, we propose a novel two-stage training scheme, called DeferBad. Our extensive experiments across various fine-tuning scenarios, backdoor attack types, datasets, and model architectures demonstrate the effectiveness and stealthiness of DeferBad.
Abstract:Retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) addresses key limitations of large language models (LLMs), such as hallucinations and outdated knowledge, by incorporating external databases. These databases typically consult multiple sources to encompass up-to-date and various information. However, standard RAG methods often overlook the heterogeneous source reliability in the multi-source database and retrieve documents solely based on relevance, making them prone to propagating misinformation. To address this, we propose Reliability-Aware RAG (RA-RAG) which estimates the reliability of multiple sources and incorporates this information into both retrieval and aggregation processes. Specifically, it iteratively estimates source reliability and true answers for a set of queries with no labelling. Then, it selectively retrieves relevant documents from a few of reliable sources and aggregates them using weighted majority voting, where the selective retrieval ensures scalability while not compromising the performance. We also introduce a benchmark designed to reflect real-world scenarios with heterogeneous source reliability and demonstrate the effectiveness of RA-RAG compared to a set of baselines.
Abstract:As text-to-image diffusion models become advanced enough for commercial applications, there is also increasing concern about their potential for malicious and harmful use. Model unlearning has been proposed to mitigate the concerns by removing undesired and potentially harmful information from the pre-trained model. So far, the success of unlearning is mainly measured by whether the unlearned model can generate a target concept while maintaining image quality. However, unlearning is typically tested under limited scenarios, and the side effects of unlearning have barely been studied in the current literature. In this work, we thoroughly analyze unlearning under various scenarios with five key aspects. Our investigation reveals that every method has side effects or limitations, especially in more complex and realistic situations. By releasing our comprehensive evaluation framework with the source codes and artifacts, we hope to inspire further research in this area, leading to more reliable and effective unlearning methods.
Abstract:Machine learning has become an effective tool for automatically annotating unstructured data (e.g., images) with structured labels (e.g., object detections). As a result, a new programming paradigm called neurosymbolic programming has emerged where users write queries against these predicted annotations. However, due to the intrinsic fallibility of machine learning models, these programs currently lack any notion of correctness. In many domains, users may want some kind of conservative guarantee that the results of their queries contain all possibly relevant instances. Conformal prediction has emerged as a promising strategy for quantifying uncertainty in machine learning by modifying models to predict sets of labels instead of individual labels; it provides a probabilistic guarantee that the prediction set contains the true label with high probability. We propose a novel framework for adapting conformal prediction to neurosymbolic programs; our strategy is to represent prediction sets as abstract values in some abstract domain, and then to use abstract interpretation to propagate prediction sets through the program. Our strategy satisfies three key desiderata: (i) correctness (i.e., the program outputs a prediction set that contains the true output with high probability), (ii) compositionality (i.e., we can quantify uncertainty separately for different modules and then compose them together), and (iii) structured values (i.e., we can provide uncertainty quantification for structured values such as lists). When the full program is available ahead-of-time, we propose an optimization that incorporates conformal prediction at intermediate program points to reduce imprecision in abstract interpretation. We evaluate our approach on programs that take MNIST and MS-COCO images as input, demonstrating that it produces reasonably sized prediction sets while satisfying a coverage guarantee.
Abstract:Test-time adaptation (TTA) has emerged as a promising solution to address performance decay due to unforeseen distribution shifts between training and test data. While recent TTA methods excel in adapting to test data variations, such adaptability exposes a model to vulnerability against malicious examples, an aspect that has received limited attention. Previous studies have uncovered security vulnerabilities within TTA even when a small proportion of the test batch is maliciously manipulated. In response to the emerging threat, we propose median batch normalization (MedBN), leveraging the robustness of the median for statistics estimation within the batch normalization layer during test-time inference. Our method is algorithm-agnostic, thus allowing seamless integration with existing TTA frameworks. Our experimental results on benchmark datasets, including CIFAR10-C, CIFAR100-C and ImageNet-C, consistently demonstrate that MedBN outperforms existing approaches in maintaining robust performance across different attack scenarios, encompassing both instant and cumulative attacks. Through extensive experiments, we show that our approach sustains the performance even in the absence of attacks, achieving a practical balance between robustness and performance.
Abstract:Prediction sets capture uncertainty by predicting sets of labels rather than individual labels, enabling downstream decisions to conservatively account for all plausible outcomes. Conformal inference algorithms construct prediction sets guaranteed to contain the true label with high probability. These guarantees fail to hold in the face of distribution shift, which is precisely when reliable uncertainty quantification can be most useful. We propose a novel algorithm for constructing prediction sets with PAC guarantees in the label shift setting. This method estimates the predicted probabilities of the classes in a target domain, as well as the confusion matrix, then propagates uncertainty in these estimates through a Gaussian elimination algorithm to compute confidence intervals for importance weights. Finally, it uses these intervals to construct prediction sets. We evaluate our approach on five datasets: the CIFAR-10, ChestX-Ray and Entity-13 image datasets, the tabular CDC Heart dataset, and the AGNews text dataset. Our algorithm satisfies the PAC guarantee while producing smaller, more informative, prediction sets compared to several baselines.
Abstract:Uncertainty learning and quantification of models are crucial tasks to enhance the trustworthiness of the models. Importantly, the recent surge of generative language models (GLMs) emphasizes the need for reliable uncertainty quantification due to the concerns on generating hallucinated facts. In this paper, we propose to learn neural prediction set models that comes with the probably approximately correct (PAC) guarantee for quantifying the uncertainty of GLMs. Unlike existing prediction set models, which are parameterized by a scalar value, we propose to parameterize prediction sets via neural networks, which achieves more precise uncertainty quantification but still satisfies the PAC guarantee. We demonstrate the efficacy of our method on four types of language datasets and six types of models by showing that our method improves the quantified uncertainty by $63\%$ on average, compared to a standard baseline method.
Abstract:Although conversational AIs have demonstrated fantastic performance, they often generate incorrect information, or hallucinations. Retrieval augmented generation has emerged as a promising solution to reduce these hallucinations. However, these techniques still cannot guarantee correctness. Focusing on question answering, we propose a framework that can provide statistical guarantees for the retrieval augmented question answering system by combining conformal prediction and global testing. In addition, we use Bayesian optimization to choose hyperparameters of the global test to maximize the performance of the system. Our empirical results on the Natural Questions dataset demonstrate that our method can provide the desired coverage guarantee while minimizing the average prediction set size.
Abstract:Blockchains with smart contracts are distributed ledger systems which achieve block state consistency among distributed nodes by only allowing deterministic operations of smart contracts. However, the power of smart contracts is enabled by interacting with stochastic off-chain data, which in turn opens the possibility to undermine the block state consistency. To address this issue, an oracle smart contract is used to provide a single consistent source of external data; but, simultaneously this introduces a single point of failure, which is called the oracle problem. To address the oracle problem, we propose an adaptive conformal consensus (ACon$^2$) algorithm, which derives consensus from multiple oracle contracts via the recent advance in online uncertainty quantification learning. In particular, the proposed algorithm returns a consensus set, which quantifies the uncertainty of data and achieves a desired correctness guarantee in the presence of Byzantine adversaries and distribution shift. We demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed algorithm on two price datasets and an Ethereum case study. In particular, the Solidity implementation of the proposed algorithm shows the practicality of the proposed algorithm, implying that online machine learning algorithms are applicable to address issues in blockchains.
Abstract:Memory-safety bugs introduce critical software-security issues. Rust provides memory-safe mechanisms to avoid memory-safety bugs in programming, while still allowing unsafe escape hatches via unsafe code. However, the unsafe code that enhances the usability of Rust provides clear spots for finding memory-safety bugs in Rust source code. In this paper, we claim that these unsafe spots can still be identifiable in Rust binary code via machine learning and be leveraged for finding memory-safety bugs. To support our claim, we propose the tool textttrustspot, that enables reverse engineering to learn an unsafe classifier that proposes a list of functions in Rust binaries for downstream analysis. We empirically show that the function proposals by textttrustspot can recall $92.92\%$ of memory-safety bugs, while it covers only $16.79\%$ of the entire binary code. As an application, we demonstrate that the function proposals are used in targeted fuzzing on Rust packages, which contribute to reducing the fuzzing time compared to non-targeted fuzzing.