Abstract:Incorporating group symmetries into neural networks has been a cornerstone of success in many AI-for-science applications. Diagonal groups of isometries, which describe the invariance under a simultaneous movement of multiple objects, arise naturally in many-body quantum problems. Despite their importance, diagonal groups have received relatively little attention, as they lack a natural choice of invariant maps except in special cases. We study different ways of incorporating diagonal invariance in neural network ans\"atze trained via variational Monte Carlo methods, and consider specifically data augmentation, group averaging and canonicalization. We show that, contrary to standard ML setups, in-training symmetrization destabilizes training and can lead to worse performance. Our theoretical and numerical results indicate that this unexpected behavior may arise from a unique computational-statistical tradeoff not found in standard ML analyses of symmetrization. Meanwhile, we demonstrate that post hoc averaging is less sensitive to such tradeoffs and emerges as a simple, flexible and effective method for improving neural network solvers.
Abstract:Message passing graph neural networks (GNNs) would appear to be powerful tools to learn distributed algorithms via gradient descent, but generate catastrophically incorrect predictions when nodes update asynchronously during inference. This failure under asynchrony effectively excludes these architectures from many potential applications, such as learning local communication policies between resource-constrained agents in, e.g., robotic swarms or sensor networks. In this work we explore why this failure occurs in common GNN architectures, and identify "implicitly-defined" GNNs as a class of architectures which is provably robust to partially asynchronous "hogwild" inference, adapting convergence guarantees from work in asynchronous and distributed optimization, e.g., Bertsekas (1982); Niu et al. (2011). We then propose a novel implicitly-defined GNN architecture, which we call an energy GNN. We show that this architecture outperforms other GNNs from this class on a variety of synthetic tasks inspired by multi-agent systems, and achieves competitive performance on real-world datasets.
Abstract:We introduce marginalization models (MaMs), a new family of generative models for high-dimensional discrete data. They offer scalable and flexible generative modeling with tractable likelihoods by explicitly modeling all induced marginal distributions. Marginalization models enable fast evaluation of arbitrary marginal probabilities with a single forward pass of the neural network, which overcomes a major limitation of methods with exact marginal inference, such as autoregressive models (ARMs). We propose scalable methods for learning the marginals, grounded in the concept of "marginalization self-consistency". Unlike previous methods, MaMs support scalable training of any-order generative models for high-dimensional problems under the setting of energy-based training, where the goal is to match the learned distribution to a given desired probability (specified by an unnormalized (log) probability function such as energy function or reward function). We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed model on a variety of discrete data distributions, including binary images, language, physical systems, and molecules, for maximum likelihood and energy-based training settings. MaMs achieve orders of magnitude speedup in evaluating the marginal probabilities on both settings. For energy-based training tasks, MaMs enable any-order generative modeling of high-dimensional problems beyond the capability of previous methods. Code is at https://github.com/PrincetonLIPS/MaM.
Abstract:Crystallographic groups describe the symmetries of crystals and other repetitive structures encountered in nature and the sciences. These groups include the wallpaper and space groups. We derive linear and nonlinear representations of functions that are (1) smooth and (2) invariant under such a group. The linear representation generalizes the Fourier basis to crystallographically invariant basis functions. We show that such a basis exists for each crystallographic group, that it is orthonormal in the relevant $L_2$ space, and recover the standard Fourier basis as a special case for pure shift groups. The nonlinear representation embeds the orbit space of the group into a finite-dimensional Euclidean space. We show that such an embedding exists for every crystallographic group, and that it factors functions through a generalization of a manifold called an orbifold. We describe algorithms that, given a standardized description of the group, compute the Fourier basis and an embedding map. As examples, we construct crystallographically invariant neural networks, kernel machines, and Gaussian processes.
Abstract:Intelligent biological systems are characterized by their embodiment in a complex environment and the intimate interplay between their nervous systems and the nonlinear mechanical properties of their bodies. This coordination, in which the dynamics of the motor system co-evolved to reduce the computational burden on the brain, is referred to as ``mechanical intelligence'' or ``morphological computation''. In this work, we seek to develop machine learning analogs of this process, in which we jointly learn the morphology of complex nonlinear elastic solids along with a deep neural network to control it. By using a specialized differentiable simulator of elastic mechanics coupled to conventional deep learning architectures -- which we refer to as neuromechanical autoencoders -- we are able to learn to perform morphological computation via gradient descent. Key to our approach is the use of mechanical metamaterials -- cellular solids, in particular -- as the morphological substrate. Just as deep neural networks provide flexible and massively-parametric function approximators for perceptual and control tasks, cellular solid metamaterials are promising as a rich and learnable space for approximating a variety of actuation tasks. In this work we take advantage of these complementary computational concepts to co-design materials and neural network controls to achieve nonintuitive mechanical behavior. We demonstrate in simulation how it is possible to achieve translation, rotation, and shape matching, as well as a ``digital MNIST'' task. We additionally manufacture and evaluate one of the designs to verify its real-world behavior.
Abstract:Partial differential equations (PDEs) are often computationally challenging to solve, and in many settings many related PDEs must be be solved either at every timestep or for a variety of candidate boundary conditions, parameters, or geometric domains. We present a meta-learning based method which learns to rapidly solve problems from a distribution of related PDEs. We use meta-learning (MAML and LEAP) to identify initializations for a neural network representation of the PDE solution such that a residual of the PDE can be quickly minimized on a novel task. We apply our meta-solving approach to a nonlinear Poisson's equation, 1D Burgers' equation, and hyperelasticity equations with varying parameters, geometries, and boundary conditions. The resulting Meta-PDE method finds qualitatively accurate solutions to most problems within a few gradient steps; for the nonlinear Poisson and hyper-elasticity equation this results in an intermediate accuracy approximation up to an order of magnitude faster than a baseline finite element analysis (FEA) solver with equivalent accuracy. In comparison to other learned solvers and surrogate models, this meta-learning approach can be trained without supervision from expensive ground-truth data, does not require a mesh, and can even be used when the geometry and topology varies between tasks.
Abstract:Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) is an established approach for uncertainty quantification and propagation in scientific applications. A key challenge in applying MCMC to scientific domains is computation: the target density of interest is often a function of expensive computations, such as a high-fidelity physical simulation, an intractable integral, or a slowly-converging iterative algorithm. Thus, using an MCMC algorithms with an expensive target density becomes impractical, as these expensive computations need to be evaluated at each iteration of the algorithm. In practice, these computations often approximated via a cheaper, low-fidelity computation, leading to bias in the resulting target density. Multi-fidelity MCMC algorithms combine models of varying fidelities in order to obtain an approximate target density with lower computational cost. In this paper, we describe a class of asymptotically exact multi-fidelity MCMC algorithms for the setting where a sequence of models of increasing fidelity can be computed that approximates the expensive target density of interest. We take a pseudo-marginal MCMC approach for multi-fidelity inference that utilizes a cheaper, randomized-fidelity unbiased estimator of the target fidelity constructed via random truncation of a telescoping series of the low-fidelity sequence of models. Finally, we discuss and evaluate the proposed multi-fidelity MCMC approach on several applications, including log-Gaussian Cox process modeling, Bayesian ODE system identification, PDE-constrained optimization, and Gaussian process regression parameter inference.
Abstract:Safety-critical applications require controllers/policies that can guarantee safety with high confidence. The control barrier function is a useful tool to guarantee safety if we have access to the ground-truth system dynamics. In practice, we have inaccurate knowledge of the system dynamics, which can lead to unsafe behaviors due to unmodeled residual dynamics. Learning the residual dynamics with deterministic machine learning models can prevent the unsafe behavior but can fail when the predictions are imperfect. In this situation, a probabilistic learning method that reasons about the uncertainty of its predictions can help provide robust safety margins. In this work, we use a Gaussian process to model the projection of the residual dynamics onto a control barrier function. We propose a novel optimization procedure to generate safe controls that can guarantee safety with high probability. The safety filter is provided with the ability to reason about the uncertainty of the predictions from the GP. We show the efficacy of this method through experiments on Segway and Quadrotor simulations. Our proposed probabilistic approach is able to reduce the number of safety violations significantly as compared to the deterministic approach with a neural network.
Abstract:Parametric computer-aided design (CAD) tools are the predominant way that engineers specify physical structures, from bicycle pedals to airplanes to printed circuit boards. The key characteristic of parametric CAD is that design intent is encoded not only via geometric primitives, but also by parameterized constraints between the elements. This relational specification can be viewed as the construction of a constraint program, allowing edits to coherently propagate to other parts of the design. Machine learning offers the intriguing possibility of accelerating the design process via generative modeling of these structures, enabling new tools such as autocompletion, constraint inference, and conditional synthesis. In this work, we present such an approach to generative modeling of parametric CAD sketches, which constitute the basic computational building blocks of modern mechanical design. Our model, trained on real-world designs from the SketchGraphs dataset, autoregressively synthesizes sketches as sequences of primitives, with initial coordinates, and constraints that reference back to the sampled primitives. As samples from the model match the constraint graph representation used in standard CAD software, they may be directly imported, solved, and edited according to downstream design tasks. In addition, we condition the model on various contexts, including partial sketches (primers) and images of hand-drawn sketches. Evaluation of the proposed approach demonstrates its ability to synthesize realistic CAD sketches and its potential to aid the mechanical design workflow.
Abstract:Generalization is a central challenge for the deployment of reinforcement learning (RL) systems in the real world. In this paper, we show that the sequential structure of the RL problem necessitates new approaches to generalization beyond the well-studied techniques used in supervised learning. While supervised learning methods can generalize effectively without explicitly accounting for epistemic uncertainty, we show that, perhaps surprisingly, this is not the case in RL. We show that generalization to unseen test conditions from a limited number of training conditions induces implicit partial observability, effectively turning even fully-observed MDPs into POMDPs. Informed by this observation, we recast the problem of generalization in RL as solving the induced partially observed Markov decision process, which we call the epistemic POMDP. We demonstrate the failure modes of algorithms that do not appropriately handle this partial observability, and suggest a simple ensemble-based technique for approximately solving the partially observed problem. Empirically, we demonstrate that our simple algorithm derived from the epistemic POMDP achieves significant gains in generalization over current methods on the Procgen benchmark suite.