Abstract:Incorporating group symmetries into neural networks has been a cornerstone of success in many AI-for-science applications. Diagonal groups of isometries, which describe the invariance under a simultaneous movement of multiple objects, arise naturally in many-body quantum problems. Despite their importance, diagonal groups have received relatively little attention, as they lack a natural choice of invariant maps except in special cases. We study different ways of incorporating diagonal invariance in neural network ans\"atze trained via variational Monte Carlo methods, and consider specifically data augmentation, group averaging and canonicalization. We show that, contrary to standard ML setups, in-training symmetrization destabilizes training and can lead to worse performance. Our theoretical and numerical results indicate that this unexpected behavior may arise from a unique computational-statistical tradeoff not found in standard ML analyses of symmetrization. Meanwhile, we demonstrate that post hoc averaging is less sensitive to such tradeoffs and emerges as a simple, flexible and effective method for improving neural network solvers.