Abstract:This study investigates the behavior of model-integrated routers in Mixture of Experts (MoE) models, focusing on how tokens are routed based on their linguistic features, specifically Part-of-Speech (POS) tags. The goal is to explore across different MoE architectures whether experts specialize in processing tokens with similar linguistic traits. By analyzing token trajectories across experts and layers, we aim to uncover how MoE models handle linguistic information. Findings from six popular MoE models reveal expert specialization for specific POS categories, with routing paths showing high predictive accuracy for POS, highlighting the value of routing paths in characterizing tokens.
Abstract:Open Information Extraction (OIE) is a field of natural language processing that aims to present textual information in a format that allows it to be organized, analyzed and reflected upon. Numerous OIE systems are developed, claiming ever-increasing performance, marking the need for objective benchmarks. BenchIE is the latest reference we know of. Despite being very well thought out, we noticed a number of issues we believe are limiting. Therefore, we propose $\textit{BenchIE}^{FL}$, a new OIE benchmark which fully enforces the principles of BenchIE while containing fewer errors, omissions and shortcomings when candidate facts are matched towards reference ones. $\textit{BenchIE}^{FL}$ allows insightful conclusions to be drawn on the actual performance of OIE extractors.
Abstract:In this work, we dive deep into one of the popular knowledge-grounded dialogue benchmarks that focus on faithfulness, FaithDial. We show that a significant portion of the FaithDial data contains annotation artifacts, which may bias models towards completely ignoring the conversation history. We therefore introduce CHARP, a diagnostic test set, designed for an improved evaluation of hallucinations in conversational model. CHARP not only measures hallucination but also the compliance of the models to the conversation task. Our extensive analysis reveals that models primarily exhibit poor performance on CHARP due to their inability to effectively attend to and reason over the conversation history. Furthermore, the evaluation methods of FaithDial fail to capture these shortcomings, neglecting the conversational history. Our findings indicate that there is substantial room for contribution in both dataset creation and hallucination evaluation for knowledge-grounded dialogue, and that CHARP can serve as a tool for monitoring the progress in this particular research area. CHARP is publicly available at https://huggingface.co/datasets/huawei-noah/CHARP
Abstract:Keyphrase generation has primarily been explored within the context of academic research articles, with a particular focus on scientific domains and the English language. In this work, we present EUROPA, a dataset for multilingual keyphrase generation in the legal domain. It is derived from legal judgments from the Court of Justice of the European Union (EU), and contains instances in all 24 EU official languages. We run multilingual models on our corpus and analyze the results, showing room for improvement on a domain-specific multilingual corpus such as the one we present.
Abstract:Textual data augmentation (DA) is a prolific field of study where novel techniques to create artificial data are regularly proposed, and that has demonstrated great efficiency on small data settings, at least for text classification tasks. In this paper, we challenge those results, showing that classical data augmentation is simply a way of performing better fine-tuning, and that spending more time fine-tuning before applying data augmentation negates its effect. This is a significant contribution as it answers several questions that were left open in recent years, namely~: which DA technique performs best (all of them as long as they generate data close enough to the training set as to not impair training) and why did DA show positive results (facilitates training of network). We furthermore show that zero and few-shot data generation via conversational agents such as ChatGPT or LLama2 can increase performances, concluding that this form of data augmentation does still work, even if classical methods do not.
Abstract:Pretraining monolingual language models have been proven to be vital for performance in Arabic Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks. In this paper, we conduct a comprehensive study on the role of data in Arabic Pretrained Language Models (PLMs). More precisely, we reassess the performance of a suite of state-of-the-art Arabic PLMs by retraining them on massive-scale, high-quality Arabic corpora. We have significantly improved the performance of the leading Arabic encoder-only BERT-base and encoder-decoder T5-base models on the ALUE and ORCA leaderboards, thereby reporting state-of-the-art results in their respective model categories. In addition, our analysis strongly suggests that pretraining data by far is the primary contributor to performance, surpassing other factors. Our models and source code are publicly available at https://github.com/huawei-noah/Pretrained-Language-Model/tree/master/JABER-PyTorch.
Abstract:Regularization techniques are crucial to improving the generalization performance and training efficiency of deep neural networks. Many deep learning algorithms rely on weight decay, dropout, batch/layer normalization to converge faster and generalize. Label Smoothing (LS) is another simple, versatile and efficient regularization which can be applied to various supervised classification tasks. Conventional LS, however, regardless of the training instance assumes that each non-target class is equally likely. In this work, we present a general framework for training with label regularization, which includes conventional LS but can also model instance-specific variants. Based on this formulation, we propose an efficient way of learning LAbel regularization by devising a Bi-level Optimization (LABO) problem. We derive a deterministic and interpretable solution of the inner loop as the optimal label smoothing without the need to store the parameters or the output of a trained model. Finally, we conduct extensive experiments and demonstrate our LABO consistently yields improvement over conventional label regularization on various fields, including seven machine translation and three image classification tasks across various
Abstract:Knowledge Distillation (KD) is a commonly used technique for improving the generalization of compact Pre-trained Language Models (PLMs) on downstream tasks. However, such methods impose the additional burden of training a separate teacher model for every new dataset. Alternatively, one may directly work on the improvement of the optimization procedure of the compact model toward better generalization. Recent works observe that the flatness of the local minimum correlates well with better generalization. In this work, we adapt Stochastic Weight Averaging (SWA), a method encouraging convergence to a flatter minimum, to fine-tuning PLMs. We conduct extensive experiments on various NLP tasks (text classification, question answering, and generation) and different model architectures and demonstrate that our adaptation improves the generalization without extra computation cost. Moreover, we observe that this simple optimization technique is able to outperform the state-of-the-art KD methods for compact models.
Abstract:There is a growing body of work in recent years to develop pre-trained language models (PLMs) for the Arabic language. This work concerns addressing two major problems in existing Arabic PLMs which constraint progress of the Arabic NLU and NLG fields.First, existing Arabic PLMs are not well-explored and their pre-trainig can be improved significantly using a more methodical approach. Second, there is a lack of systematic and reproducible evaluation of these models in the literature. In this work, we revisit both the pre-training and evaluation of Arabic PLMs. In terms of pre-training, we explore improving Arabic LMs from three perspectives: quality of the pre-training data, size of the model, and incorporating character-level information. As a result, we release three new Arabic BERT-style models ( JABER, Char-JABER, and SABER), and two T5-style models (AT5S and AT5B). In terms of evaluation, we conduct a comprehensive empirical study to systematically evaluate the performance of existing state-of-the-art models on ALUE that is a leaderboard-powered benchmark for Arabic NLU tasks, and on a subset of the ARGEN benchmark for Arabic NLG tasks. We show that our models significantly outperform existing Arabic PLMs and achieve a new state-of-the-art performance on discriminative and generative Arabic NLU and NLG tasks. Our models and source code to reproduce of results will be made available shortly.
Abstract:Knowledge distillation (KD) is an efficient framework for compressing large-scale pre-trained language models. Recent years have seen a surge of research aiming to improve KD by leveraging Contrastive Learning, Intermediate Layer Distillation, Data Augmentation, and Adversarial Training. In this work, we propose a learning based data augmentation technique tailored for knowledge distillation, called CILDA. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that intermediate layer representations of the main task are used in improving the quality of augmented samples. More precisely, we introduce an augmentation technique for KD based on intermediate layer matching using contrastive loss to improve masked adversarial data augmentation. CILDA outperforms existing state-of-the-art KD approaches on the GLUE benchmark, as well as in an out-of-domain evaluation.