EPFL, Intelligent Maintenance and Operations Systems, Lausanne, Switzerland
Abstract:While many physical and engineering processes are most effectively described by non-linear symbolic models, existing non-linear symbolic regression (SR) methods are restricted to a limited set of continuous algebraic functions, thereby limiting their applicability to discover higher order non-linear differential relations. In this work, we introduce the Neural Operator-based symbolic Model approximaTion and discOvery (NOMTO) method, a novel approach to symbolic model discovery that leverages Neural Operators to encompass a broad range of symbolic operations. We demonstrate that NOMTO can successfully identify symbolic expressions containing elementary functions with singularities, special functions, and derivatives. Additionally, our experiments demonstrate that NOMTO can accurately rediscover second-order non-linear partial differential equations. By broadening the set of symbolic operations available for discovery, NOMTO significantly advances the capabilities of existing SR methods. It provides a powerful and flexible tool for model discovery, capable of capturing complex relations in a variety of physical systems.
Abstract:Accurate, interpretable, and real-time modeling of multi-body dynamical systems is essential for predicting behaviors and inferring physical properties in natural and engineered environments. Traditional physics-based models face scalability challenges and are computationally demanding, while data-driven approaches like Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) often lack physical consistency, interpretability, and generalization. In this paper, we propose Dynami-CAL GraphNet, a Physics-Informed Graph Neural Network that integrates the learning capabilities of GNNs with physics-based inductive biases to address these limitations. Dynami-CAL GraphNet enforces pairwise conservation of linear and angular momentum for interacting nodes using edge-local reference frames that are equivariant to rotational symmetries, invariant to translations, and equivariant to node permutations. This design ensures physically consistent predictions of node dynamics while offering interpretable, edge-wise linear and angular impulses resulting from pairwise interactions. Evaluated on a 3D granular system with inelastic collisions, Dynami-CAL GraphNet demonstrates stable error accumulation over extended rollouts, effective extrapolations to unseen configurations, and robust handling of heterogeneous interactions and external forces. Dynami-CAL GraphNet offers significant advantages in fields requiring accurate, interpretable, and real-time modeling of complex multi-body dynamical systems, such as robotics, aerospace engineering, and materials science. By providing physically consistent and scalable predictions that adhere to fundamental conservation laws, it enables the inference of forces and moments while efficiently handling heterogeneous interactions and external forces.
Abstract:Over the last decade, graph neural networks (GNNs) have made significant progress in numerous graph machine learning tasks. In real-world applications, where domain shifts occur and labels are often unavailable for a new target domain, graph domain adaptation (GDA) approaches have been proposed to facilitate knowledge transfer from the source domain to the target domain. Previous efforts in tackling distribution shifts across domains have mainly focused on aligning the node embedding distributions generated by the GNNs in the source and target domains. However, as the core part of GDA approaches, the impact of the underlying GNN architecture has received limited attention. In this work, we explore this orthogonal direction, i.e., how to facilitate GDA with architectural enhancement. In particular, we consider a class of GNNs that are designed explicitly based on optimization problems, namely unfolded GNNs (UGNNs), whose training process can be represented as bi-level optimization. Empirical and theoretical analyses demonstrate that when transferring from the source domain to the target domain, the lower-level objective value generated by the UGNNs significantly increases, resulting in an increase in the upper-level objective as well. Motivated by this observation, we propose a simple yet effective strategy called cascaded propagation (CP), which is guaranteed to decrease the lower-level objective value. The CP strategy is widely applicable to general UGNNs, and we evaluate its efficacy with three representative UGNN architectures. Extensive experiments on five real-world datasets demonstrate that the UGNNs integrated with CP outperform state-of-the-art GDA baselines.
Abstract:Open-set Domain Adaptation (OSDA) aims to adapt a model from a labeled source domain to an unlabeled target domain, where novel classes - also referred to as target-private unknown classes - are present. Source-free Open-set Domain Adaptation (SF-OSDA) methods address OSDA without accessing labeled source data, making them particularly relevant under privacy constraints. However, SF-OSDA presents significant challenges due to distribution shifts and the introduction of novel classes. Existing SF-OSDA methods typically rely on thresholding the prediction entropy of a sample to identify it as either a known or unknown class but fail to explicitly learn discriminative features for the target-private unknown classes. We propose Recall and Refine (RRDA), a novel SF-OSDA framework designed to address these limitations by explicitly learning features for target-private unknown classes. RRDA employs a two-step process. First, we enhance the model's capacity to recognize unknown classes by training a target classifier with an additional decision boundary, guided by synthetic samples generated from target domain features. This enables the classifier to effectively separate known and unknown classes. In the second step, we adapt the entire model to the target domain, addressing both domain shifts and improving generalization to unknown classes. Any off-the-shelf source-free domain adaptation method (e.g., SHOT, AaD) can be seamlessly integrated into our framework at this stage. Extensive experiments on three benchmark datasets demonstrate that RRDA significantly outperforms existing SF-OSDA and OSDA methods.
Abstract:Rigid body interactions are fundamental to numerous scientific disciplines, but remain challenging to simulate due to their abrupt nonlinear nature and sensitivity to complex, often unknown environmental factors. These challenges call for adaptable learning-based methods capable of capturing complex interactions beyond explicit physical models and simulations. While graph neural networks can handle simple scenarios, they struggle with complex scenes and long-term predictions. We introduce a novel framework for modeling rigid body dynamics and learning collision interactions, addressing key limitations of existing graph-based methods. Our approach extends the traditional representation of meshes by incorporating higher-order topology complexes, offering a physically consistent representation. Additionally, we propose a physics-informed message-passing neural architecture, embedding physical laws directly in the model. Our method demonstrates superior accuracy, even during long rollouts, and exhibits strong generalization to unseen scenarios. Importantly, this work addresses the challenge of multi-entity dynamic interactions, with applications spanning diverse scientific and engineering domains.
Abstract:The deployment of affordable Internet of Things (IoT) sensors for air pollution monitoring has increased in recent years due to their scalability and cost-effectiveness. However, accurately calibrating these sensors in uncontrolled environments remains a significant challenge. While expensive reference sensors can provide accurate ground truth data, they are often deployed on a limited scale due to high costs, leading to a scarcity of labeled data. In diverse urban environments, data distributions constantly shift due to varying factors such as traffic patterns, industrial activities, and weather conditions, which impact sensor readings. Consequently, traditional machine learning models -- despite their increasing deployment for environmental sensor calibration -- often struggle to provide reliable pollutant measurements across different locations due to domain shifts. To address these challenges, we propose a novel unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) method specifically tailored for regression tasks on graph-structured data. Our approach leverages Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) to model the relationships between sensors. To effectively capture critical spatial-temporal interactions, we incorporate spatial-temporal graph neural networks (STGNNs), which extend GNNs by incorporating temporal dynamics. To handle the resulting larger embeddings, we propose a domain adaptation method using a closed-form solution inspired by the Tikhonov-regularized least-squares problem. This method leverages Cholesky decomposition and power iteration to align the subspaces between source and target domains. By aligning these subspaces, our approach allows low-cost IoT sensors to learn calibration parameters from expensive reference sensors. This facilitates reliable pollutant measurements in new locations without the need for additional costly equipment.
Abstract:Achieving the EU's climate neutrality goal requires retrofitting existing buildings to reduce energy use and emissions. A critical step in this process is the precise assessment of geometric building envelope characteristics to inform retrofitting decisions. Previous methods for estimating building characteristics, such as window-to-wall ratio, building footprint area, and the location of architectural elements, have primarily relied on applying deep-learning-based detection or segmentation techniques on 2D images. However, these approaches tend to focus on planar facade properties, limiting their accuracy and comprehensiveness when analyzing complete building envelopes in 3D. While neural scene representations have shown exceptional performance in indoor scene reconstruction, they remain under-explored for external building envelope analysis. This work addresses this gap by leveraging cutting-edge neural surface reconstruction techniques based on signed distance function (SDF) representations for 3D building analysis. We propose BuildNet3D, a novel framework to estimate geometric building characteristics from 2D image inputs. By integrating SDF-based representation with semantic modality, BuildNet3D recovers fine-grained 3D geometry and semantics of building envelopes, which are then used to automatically extract building characteristics. Our framework is evaluated on a range of complex building structures, demonstrating high accuracy and generalizability in estimating window-to-wall ratio and building footprint. The results underscore the effectiveness of BuildNet3D for practical applications in building analysis and retrofitting.
Abstract:Deriving health indicators of rotating machines is crucial for their maintenance. However, this process is challenging for the prevalent adopted intelligent methods since they may take the whole data distributions, not only introducing noise interference but also lacking the explainability. To address these issues, we propose a diffusion-based weakly-supervised approach for deriving health indicators of rotating machines, enabling early fault detection and continuous monitoring of condition evolution. This approach relies on a classifier-free diffusion model trained using healthy samples and a few anomalies. This model generates healthy samples. and by comparing the differences between the original samples and the generated ones in the envelope spectrum, we construct an anomaly map that clearly identifies faults. Health indicators are then derived, which can explain the fault types and mitigate noise interference. Comparative studies on two cases demonstrate that the proposed method offers superior health monitoring effectiveness and robustness compared to baseline models.
Abstract:Detecting and localizing leakages is a significant challenge for the efficient and sustainable management of water distribution networks (WDN). Leveraging the inherent graph structure of WDNs, recent approaches have used graph-based data-driven methods. However, these methods often learn shortcuts that work well with in-distribution data but fail to generalize to out-of-distribution data. To address this limitation and inspired by the perfect generalization ability of classical algorithms, we propose an algorithm-informed graph neural network (AIGNN). Recognizing that WDNs function as flow networks, incorporating max-flow information can be beneficial for inferring pressures. In the proposed framework, we first train AIGNN to emulate the Ford-Fulkerson algorithm for solving max-flow problems. This algorithmic knowledge is then transferred to address the pressure estimation problem in WDNs. Two AIGNNs are deployed, one to reconstruct pressure based on the current measurements, and another to predict pressure based on previous measurements. Leakages are detected and localized by comparing the outputs of the reconstructor and the predictor. By pretraining AIGNNs to reason like algorithms, they are expected to extract more task-relevant and generalizable features. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm-informed approach achieves superior results with better generalization ability compared to GNNs that do not incorporate algorithmic knowledge.
Abstract:Real-time condition monitoring is crucial for the reliable and efficient operation of complex systems. However, relying solely on physical sensors can be limited due to their cost, placement constraints, or inability to directly measure certain critical parameters. Virtual sensing addresses these limitations by leveraging readily available sensor data and system knowledge to estimate inaccessible parameters or infer system states. The increasing complexity of industrial systems necessitates deployments of sensors with diverse modalities to provide a comprehensive understanding of system states. These sensors capture data at varying frequencies to monitor both rapid and slowly varying system dynamics, as well as local and global state evolutions of the systems. This leads to heterogeneous temporal dynamics, which, particularly under varying operational end environmental conditions, pose a significant challenge for accurate virtual sensing. To address this, we propose a Heterogeneous Temporal Graph Neural Network (HTGNN) framework. HTGNN explicitly models signals from diverse sensors and integrates operating conditions into the model architecture. We evaluate HTGNN using two newly released datasets: a bearing dataset with diverse load conditions for bearing load prediction and a year-long simulated dataset for predicting bridge live loads. Our results demonstrate that HTGNN significantly outperforms established baseline methods in both tasks, particularly under highly varying operating conditions. These results highlight HTGNN's potential as a robust and accurate virtual sensing approach for complex systems, paving the way for improved monitoring, predictive maintenance, and enhanced system performance.