Abstract:Active Learning (AL) is a sequential learning approach aiming at selecting the most informative data for model training. In many systems, safety constraints appear during data evaluation, requiring the development of safe AL methods. Key challenges of AL are the repeated model training and acquisition optimization required for data selection, which become particularly restrictive under safety constraints. This repeated effort often creates a bottleneck, especially in physical systems requiring real-time decision-making. In this paper, we propose a novel amortized safe AL framework. By leveraging a pretrained neural network policy, our method eliminates the need for repeated model training and acquisition optimization, achieving substantial speed improvements while maintaining competitive learning outcomes and safety awareness. The policy is trained entirely on synthetic data utilizing a novel safe AL objective. The resulting policy is highly versatile and adapts to a wide range of systems, as we demonstrate in our experiments. Furthermore, our framework is modular and we empirically show that we also achieve superior performance for unconstrained time-sensitive AL tasks if we omit the safety requirement.
Abstract:Mobile robots frequently navigate on roadmaps, i.e., graphs where edges represent safe motions, in applications such as healthcare, hospitality, and warehouse automation. Often the environment is quasi-static, i.e., it is sufficient to construct a roadmap once and then use it for any future planning queries. Roadmaps are typically used with graph search algorithm to find feasible paths for the robots. Therefore, the roadmap should be well-connected, and graph searches should produce near-optimal solutions with short solution paths while simultaneously be computationally efficient to execute queries quickly. We propose a new method to construct roadmaps based on the Gray-Scott reaction diffusion system and Delaunay triangulation. Our approach, GSRM, produces roadmaps with evenly distributed vertices and edges that are well-connected even in environments with challenging narrow passages. Empirically, we compare to classical roadmaps generated by 8-connected grids, probabilistic roadmaps (PRM, SPARS2), and optimized roadmap graphs (ORM). Our results show that GSRM consistently produces superior roadmaps that are well-connected, have high query efficiency, and result in short solution paths.
Abstract:Stein Variational Gradient Descent (SVGD) is a highly efficient method to sample from an unnormalized probability distribution. However, the SVGD update relies on gradients of the log-density, which may not always be available. Existing gradient-free versions of SVGD make use of simple Monte Carlo approximations or gradients from surrogate distributions, both with limitations. To improve gradient-free Stein variational inference, we combine SVGD steps with evolution strategy (ES) updates. Our results demonstrate that the resulting algorithm generates high-quality samples from unnormalized target densities without requiring gradient information. Compared to prior gradient-free SVGD methods, we find that the integration of the ES update in SVGD significantly improves the performance on multiple challenging benchmark problems.
Abstract:Active learning (AL) is a sequential learning scheme aiming to select the most informative data. AL reduces data consumption and avoids the cost of labeling large amounts of data. However, AL trains the model and solves an acquisition optimization for each selection. It becomes expensive when the model training or acquisition optimization is challenging. In this paper, we focus on active nonparametric function learning, where the gold standard Gaussian process (GP) approaches suffer from cubic time complexity. We propose an amortized AL method, where new data are suggested by a neural network which is trained up-front without any real data (Figure 1). Our method avoids repeated model training and requires no acquisition optimization during the AL deployment. We (i) utilize GPs as function priors to construct an AL simulator, (ii) train an AL policy that can zero-shot generalize from simulation to real learning problems of nonparametric functions and (iii) achieve real-time data selection and comparable learning performances to time-consuming baseline methods.
Abstract:Generating diverse samples under hard constraints is a core challenge in many areas. With this work we aim to provide an integrative view and framework to combine methods from the fields of MCMC, constrained optimization, as well as robotics, and gain insights in their strengths from empirical evaluations. We propose NLP Sampling as a general problem formulation, propose a family of restarting two-phase methods as a framework to integrated methods from across the fields, and evaluate them on analytical and robotic manipulation planning problems. Complementary to this, we provide several conceptual discussions, e.g. on the role of Lagrange parameters, global sampling, and the idea of a Diffused NLP and a corresponding model-based denoising sampler.
Abstract:We consider a set of challenging sequential manipulation puzzles, where an agent has to interact with multiple movable objects and navigate narrow passages. Such settings are notoriously difficult for Task-and-Motion Planners, as they require interdependent regrasps and solving hard motion planning problems. In this paper, we propose to search over sequences of easier pick-and-place subproblems, which can lead to the solution of the manipulation puzzle. Our method combines a heuristic-driven forward search of subproblems with an optimization-based Task-and-Motion Planning solver. To guide the search, we introduce heuristics to generate and prioritize useful subgoals. We evaluate our approach on various manually designed and automatically generated scenes, demonstrating the benefits of auxiliary subproblems in sequential manipulation planning.
Abstract:Rapidly-exploring Random Trees (RRT) and its variations have emerged as a robust and efficient tool for finding collision-free paths in robotic systems. However, adding dynamic constraints makes the motion planning problem significantly harder, as it requires solving two-value boundary problems (computationally expensive) or propagating random control inputs (uninformative). Alternatively, Iterative Discontinuity Bounded A* (iDb-A*), introduced in our previous study, combines search and optimization iteratively. The search step connects short trajectories (motion primitives) while allowing a bounded discontinuity between the motion primitives, which is later repaired in the trajectory optimization step. Building upon these foundations, in this paper, we present iDb-RRT, a sampling-based kinodynamic motion planning algorithm that combines motion primitives and trajectory optimization within the RRT framework. iDb-RRT is probabilistically complete and can be implemented in forward or bidirectional mode. We have tested our algorithm across a benchmark suite comprising 30 problems, spanning 8 different systems, and shown that iDb-RRT can find solutions up to 10x faster than previous methods, especially in complex scenarios that require long trajectories or involve navigating through narrow passages.
Abstract:Sequential learning methods such as active learning and Bayesian optimization select the most informative data to learn about a task. In many medical or engineering applications, the data selection is constrained by a priori unknown safety conditions. A promissing line of safe learning methods utilize Gaussian processes (GPs) to model the safety probability and perform data selection in areas with high safety confidence. However, accurate safety modeling requires prior knowledge or consumes data. In addition, the safety confidence centers around the given observations which leads to local exploration. As transferable source knowledge is often available in safety critical experiments, we propose to consider transfer safe sequential learning to accelerate the learning of safety. We further consider a pre-computation of source components to reduce the additional computational load that is introduced by incorporating source data. In this paper, we theoretically analyze the maximum explorable safe regions of conventional safe learning methods. Furthermore, we empirically demonstrate that our approach 1) learns a task with lower data consumption, 2) globally explores multiple disjoint safe regions under guidance of the source knowledge, and 3) operates with computation comparable to conventional safe learning methods.
Abstract:Motion planning for robotic systems with complex dynamics is a challenging problem. While recent sampling-based algorithms achieve asymptotic optimality by propagating random control inputs, their empirical convergence rate is often poor, especially in high-dimensional systems such as multirotors. An alternative approach is to first plan with a simplified geometric model and then use trajectory optimization to follow the reference path while accounting for the true dynamics. However, this approach may fail to produce a valid trajectory if the initial guess is not close to a dynamically feasible trajectory. In this paper, we present Iterative Discontinuity Bounded A* (iDb-A*), a novel kinodynamic motion planner that combines search and optimization iteratively. The search step utilizes a finite set of short trajectories (motion primitives) that are interconnected while allowing for a bounded discontinuity between them. The optimization step locally repairs the discontinuities with trajectory optimization. By progressively reducing the allowed discontinuity and incorporating more motion primitives, our algorithm achieves asymptotic optimality with excellent any-time performance. We provide a benchmark of 43 problems across eight different dynamical systems, including different versions of unicycles and multirotors. Compared to state-of-the-art methods, iDb-A* consistently solves more problem instances and finds lower-cost solutions more rapidly.
Abstract:We propose a motion planner for cable-driven payload transportation using multiple unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in an environment cluttered with obstacles. Our planner is kinodynamic, i.e., it considers the full dynamics model of the transporting system including actuation constraints. Due to the high dimensionality of the planning problem, we use a hierarchical approach where we first solve the geometric motion planning using a sampling-based method with a novel sampler, followed by constrained trajectory optimization that considers the full dynamics of the system. Both planning stages consider inter-robot and robot/obstacle collisions. We demonstrate in a software-in-the-loop simulation that there is a significant benefit in kinodynamic motion planning for such payload transport systems with respect to payload tracking error and energy consumption compared to the standard methods of planning for the payload alone. Notably, we observe a significantly higher success rate in scenarios where the team formation changes are needed to move through tight spaces.