Abstract:Reconstructing the surrounding surface geometry from recorded driving sequences poses a significant challenge due to the limited image overlap and complex topology of urban environments. SoTA neural implicit surface reconstruction methods often struggle in such setting, either failing due to small vision overlap or exhibiting suboptimal performance in accurately reconstructing both the surface and fine structures. To address these limitations, we introduce CoStruction, a novel hybrid implicit surface reconstruction method tailored for large driving sequences with limited camera overlap. CoStruction leverages cross-representation uncertainty estimation to filter out ambiguous geometry caused by limited observations. Our method performs joint optimization of both radiance fields in addition to guided sampling achieving accurate reconstruction of large areas along with fine structures in complex urban scenarios. Extensive evaluation on major driving datasets demonstrates the superiority of our approach in reconstructing large driving sequences with limited image overlap, outperforming concurrent SoTA methods.
Abstract:In this paper, we present PointmapDiffusion, a novel framework for single-image novel view synthesis (NVS) that utilizes pre-trained 2D diffusion models. Our method is the first to leverage pointmaps (i.e. rasterized 3D scene coordinates) as a conditioning signal, capturing geometric prior from the reference images to guide the diffusion process. By embedding reference attention blocks and a ControlNet for pointmap features, our model balances between generative capability and geometric consistency, enabling accurate view synthesis across varying viewpoints. Extensive experiments on diverse real-world datasets demonstrate that PointmapDiffusion achieves high-quality, multi-view consistent results with significantly fewer trainable parameters compared to other baselines for single-image NVS tasks.
Abstract:Neural implicit surface representation methods have recently shown impressive 3D reconstruction results. However, existing solutions struggle to reconstruct urban outdoor scenes due to their large, unbounded, and highly detailed nature. Hence, to achieve accurate reconstructions, additional supervision data such as LiDAR, strong geometric priors, and long training times are required. To tackle such issues, we present SCILLA, a new hybrid implicit surface learning method to reconstruct large driving scenes from 2D images. SCILLA's hybrid architecture models two separate implicit fields: one for the volumetric density and another for the signed distance to the surface. To accurately represent urban outdoor scenarios, we introduce a novel volume-rendering strategy that relies on self-supervised probabilistic density estimation to sample points near the surface and transition progressively from volumetric to surface representation. Our solution permits a proper and fast initialization of the signed distance field without relying on any geometric prior on the scene, compared to concurrent methods. By conducting extensive experiments on four outdoor driving datasets, we show that SCILLA can learn an accurate and detailed 3D surface scene representation in various urban scenarios while being two times faster to train compared to previous state-of-the-art solutions.
Abstract:The task of separating dynamic objects from static environments using NeRFs has been widely studied in recent years. However, capturing large-scale scenes still poses a challenge due to their complex geometric structures and unconstrained dynamics. Without the help of 3D motion cues, previous methods often require simplified setups with slow camera motion and only a few/single dynamic actors, leading to suboptimal solutions in most urban setups. To overcome such limitations, we present RoDUS, a pipeline for decomposing static and dynamic elements in urban scenes, with thoughtfully separated NeRF models for moving and non-moving components. Our approach utilizes a robust kernel-based initialization coupled with 4D semantic information to selectively guide the learning process. This strategy enables accurate capturing of the dynamics in the scene, resulting in reduced artifacts caused by NeRF on background reconstruction, all by using self-supervision. Notably, experimental evaluations on KITTI-360 and Pandaset datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our method in decomposing challenging urban scenes into precise static and dynamic components.
Abstract:In rapidly-evolving domains such as autonomous driving, the use of multiple sensors with different modalities is crucial to ensure high operational precision and stability. To correctly exploit the provided information by each sensor in a single common frame, it is essential for these sensors to be accurately calibrated. In this paper, we leverage the ability of Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) to represent different sensors modalities in a common volumetric representation to achieve robust and accurate spatio-temporal sensor calibration. By designing a partitioning approach based on the visible part of the scene for each sensor, we formulate the calibration problem using only the overlapping areas. This strategy results in a more robust and accurate calibration that is less prone to failure. We demonstrate that our approach works on outdoor urban scenes by validating it on multiple established driving datasets. Results show that our method is able to get better accuracy and robustness compared to existing methods.
Abstract:Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) enable 3D scene reconstruction from 2D images and camera poses for Novel View Synthesis (NVS). Although NeRF can produce photorealistic results, it often suffers from overfitting to training views, leading to poor geometry reconstruction, especially in low-texture areas. This limitation restricts many important applications which require accurate geometry, such as extrapolated NVS, HD mapping and scene editing. To address this limitation, we propose a new method to improve NeRF's 3D structure using only RGB images and semantic maps. Our approach introduces a novel plane regularization based on Singular Value Decomposition (SVD), that does not rely on any geometric prior. In addition, we leverage the Structural Similarity Index Measure (SSIM) in our loss design to properly initialize the volumetric representation of NeRF. Quantitative and qualitative results show that our method outperforms popular regularization approaches in accurate geometry reconstruction for large-scale outdoor scenes and achieves SoTA rendering quality on the KITTI-360 NVS benchmark.
Abstract:With the recent advances in autonomous driving and the decreasing cost of LiDARs, the use of multi-modal sensor systems is on the rise. However, in order to make use of the information provided by a variety of complimentary sensors, it is necessary to accurately calibrate them. We take advantage of recent advances in computer graphics and implicit volumetric scene representation to tackle the problem of multi-sensor spatial and temporal calibration. Thanks to a new formulation of the implicit model optimization, we are able to jointly optimize calibration parameters along with scene representation based on radiometric and geometric measurements. Our method enables accurate and robust calibration from data captured in uncontrolled and unstructured urban environments, making our solution more scalable than existing calibration solutions. We demonstrate the accuracy and robustness of our method in urban scenes typically encountered in autonomous driving scenarios.
Abstract:We introduce a new approach for multiscale 3D semantic scene completion from sparse 3D occupancy grid like voxelized LiDAR scans. As opposed to the literature, we use a 2D UNet backbone with comprehensive multiscale skip connections to enhance feature flow, along with 3D segmentation heads. On the SemanticKITTI benchmark, our method performs on par on semantic completion and better on completion than all other published methods - while being significantly lighter and faster. As such it provides a great performance/speed trade-off for mobile-robotics applications. The ablation studies demonstrate our method is robust to lower density inputs, and that it enables very high speed semantic completion at the coarsest level. Qualitative results of our approach are provided at http://tiny.cc/lmscnet.
Abstract:The Cybernetic Transportation Systems (CTS) is an urban mobility concept based on two ideas: the car sharing and the automation of dedicated systems with door-to-door capabilities. In the last decade, many European projects have been developed in this context, where some of the most important are: Cybercars, Cybercars2, CyberMove, CyberC3 and CityMobil. Different companies have developed a first fleet of CTSs in collaboration with research centers around Europe, Asia and America. Considering these previous works, the FP7 project CityMobil2 is on progress since 2012. Its goal is to solve some of the limitations found so far, including the definition of the legal framework for autonomous vehicles on urban environment. This work describes the different improvements, adaptation and instrumentation of the CTS prototypes involved in European cities. Results show tests in our facilities at INRIA-Rocquencourt (France) and the first showcase at Le\'on (Spain)
Abstract:To achieve fully autonomous navigation, vehicles need to compute an accurate model of their direct surrounding. In this paper, a 3D surface reconstruction algorithm from heterogeneous density 3D data is presented. The proposed method is based on a TSDF voxel-based representation, where an adaptive neighborhood kernel sourced on a Gaussian confidence evaluation is introduced. This enables to keep a good trade-off between the density of the reconstructed mesh and its accuracy. Experimental evaluations carried on both synthetic (CARLA) and real (KITTI) 3D data show a good performance compared to a state of the art method used for surface reconstruction.