Abstract:This study presents a new image super-resolution (SR) technique based on diffusion inversion, aiming at harnessing the rich image priors encapsulated in large pre-trained diffusion models to improve SR performance. We design a Partial noise Prediction strategy to construct an intermediate state of the diffusion model, which serves as the starting sampling point. Central to our approach is a deep noise predictor to estimate the optimal noise maps for the forward diffusion process. Once trained, this noise predictor can be used to initialize the sampling process partially along the diffusion trajectory, generating the desirable high-resolution result. Compared to existing approaches, our method offers a flexible and efficient sampling mechanism that supports an arbitrary number of sampling steps, ranging from one to five. Even with a single sampling step, our method demonstrates superior or comparable performance to recent state-of-the-art approaches. The code and model are publicly available at https://github.com/zsyOAOA/InvSR.
Abstract:Depth estimation from a monocular 360 image is important to the perception of the entire 3D environment. However, the inherent distortion and large field of view (FoV) in 360 images pose great challenges for this task. To this end, existing mainstream solutions typically introduce additional perspective-based 360 representations (\textit{e.g.}, Cubemap) to achieve effective feature extraction. Nevertheless, regardless of the introduced representations, they eventually need to be unified into the equirectangular projection (ERP) format for the subsequent depth estimation, which inevitably reintroduces the troublesome distortions. In this work, we propose an oriented distortion-aware Gabor Fusion framework (PGFuse) to address the above challenges. First, we introduce Gabor filters that analyze texture in the frequency domain, thereby extending the receptive fields and enhancing depth cues. To address the reintroduced distortions, we design a linear latitude-aware distortion representation method to generate customized, distortion-aware Gabor filters (PanoGabor filters). Furthermore, we design a channel-wise and spatial-wise unidirectional fusion module (CS-UFM) that integrates the proposed PanoGabor filters to unify other representations into the ERP format, delivering effective and distortion-free features. Considering the orientation sensitivity of the Gabor transform, we introduce a spherical gradient constraint to stabilize this sensitivity. Experimental results on three popular indoor 360 benchmarks demonstrate the superiority of the proposed PGFuse to existing state-of-the-art solutions. Code can be available upon acceptance.
Abstract:Although deep learning-based image restoration methods have made significant progress, they still struggle with limited generalization to real-world scenarios due to the substantial domain gap caused by training on synthetic data. Existing methods address this issue by improving data synthesis pipelines, estimating degradation kernels, employing deep internal learning, and performing domain adaptation and regularization. Previous domain adaptation methods have sought to bridge the domain gap by learning domain-invariant knowledge in either feature or pixel space. However, these techniques often struggle to extend to low-level vision tasks within a stable and compact framework. In this paper, we show that it is possible to perform domain adaptation via the noise-space using diffusion models. In particular, by leveraging the unique property of how the multi-step denoising process is influenced by auxiliary conditional inputs, we obtain meaningful gradients from noise prediction to gradually align the restored results of both synthetic and real-world data to a common clean distribution. We refer to this method as denoising as adaptation. To prevent shortcuts during training, we present useful techniques such as channel shuffling and residual-swapping contrastive learning. Experimental results on three classical image restoration tasks, namely denoising, deblurring, and deraining, demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. Code will be released at: https://github.com/KangLiao929/Noise-DA/.
Abstract:Recently, diffusion-based depth estimation methods have drawn widespread attention due to their elegant denoising patterns and promising performance. However, they are typically unreliable under adverse conditions prevalent in real-world scenarios, such as rainy, snowy, etc. In this paper, we propose a novel robust depth estimation method called D4RD, featuring a custom contrastive learning mode tailored for diffusion models to mitigate performance degradation in complex environments. Concretely, we integrate the strength of knowledge distillation into contrastive learning, building the `trinity' contrastive scheme. This scheme utilizes the sampled noise of the forward diffusion process as a natural reference, guiding the predicted noise in diverse scenes toward a more stable and precise optimum. Moreover, we extend noise-level trinity to encompass more generic feature and image levels, establishing a multi-level contrast to distribute the burden of robust perception across the overall network. Before addressing complex scenarios, we enhance the stability of the baseline diffusion model with three straightforward yet effective improvements, which facilitate convergence and remove depth outliers. Extensive experiments demonstrate that D4RD surpasses existing state-of-the-art solutions on synthetic corruption datasets and real-world weather conditions. The code for D4RD will be made available for further exploration and adoption.
Abstract:While recent image warping approaches achieved remarkable success on existing benchmarks, they still require training separate models for each specific task and cannot generalize well to different camera models or customized manipulations. To address diverse types of warping in practice, we propose a Multiple-in-One image WArping model (named MOWA) in this work. Specifically, we mitigate the difficulty of multi-task learning by disentangling the motion estimation at both the region level and pixel level. To further enable dynamic task-aware image warping, we introduce a lightweight point-based classifier that predicts the task type, serving as prompts to modulate the feature maps for better estimation. To our knowledge, this is the first work that solves multiple practical warping tasks in one single model. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our MOWA, which is trained on six tasks for multiple-in-one image warping, outperforms state-of-the-art task-specific models across most tasks. Moreover, MOWA also exhibits promising potential to generalize into unseen scenes, as evidenced by cross-domain and zero-shot evaluations. The code will be made publicly available.
Abstract:In this paper, we retarget video stitching to an emerging issue, named warping shake, when extending image stitching to video stitching. It unveils the temporal instability of warped content in non-overlapping regions, despite image stitching having endeavored to preserve the natural structures. Therefore, in most cases, even if the input videos to be stitched are stable, the stitched video will inevitably cause undesired warping shakes and affect the visual experience. To eliminate the shakes, we propose StabStitch to simultaneously realize video stitching and video stabilization in a unified unsupervised learning framework. Starting from the camera paths in video stabilization, we first derive the expression of stitching trajectories in video stitching by elaborately integrating spatial and temporal warps. Then a warp smoothing model is presented to optimize them with a comprehensive consideration regarding content alignment, trajectory smoothness, spatial consistency, and online collaboration. To establish an evaluation benchmark and train the learning framework, we build a video stitching dataset with a rich diversity in camera motions and scenes. Compared with existing stitching solutions, StabStitch exhibits significant superiority in scene robustness and inference speed in addition to stitching and stabilization performance, contributing to a robust and real-time online video stitching system. The code and dataset will be available at https://github.com/nie-lang/StabStitch.
Abstract:Thin-plate spline (TPS) is a principal warp that allows for representing elastic, nonlinear transformation with control point motions. With the increase of control points, the warp becomes increasingly flexible but usually encounters a bottleneck caused by undesired issues, e.g., content distortion. In this paper, we explore generic applications of TPS in single-image-based warping tasks, such as rotation correction, rectangling, and portrait correction. To break this bottleneck, we propose the coupled thin-plate spline model (CoupledTPS), which iteratively couples multiple TPS with limited control points into a more flexible and powerful transformation. Concretely, we first design an iterative search to predict new control points according to the current latent condition. Then, we present the warping flow as a bridge for the coupling of different TPS transformations, effectively eliminating interpolation errors caused by multiple warps. Besides, in light of the laborious annotation cost, we develop a semi-supervised learning scheme to improve warping quality by exploiting unlabeled data. It is formulated through dual transformation between the searched control points of unlabeled data and its graphic augmentation, yielding an implicit correction consistency constraint. Finally, we collect massive unlabeled data to exhibit the benefit of our semi-supervised scheme in rotation correction. Extensive experiments demonstrate the superiority and universality of CoupledTPS over the existing state-of-the-art (SoTA) solutions for rotation correction and beyond. The code and data will be available at https://github.com/nie-lang/CoupledTPS.
Abstract:Existing panoramic layout estimation solutions tend to recover room boundaries from a vertically compressed sequence, yielding imprecise results as the compression process often muddles the semantics between various planes. Besides, these data-driven approaches impose an urgent demand for massive data annotations, which are laborious and time-consuming. For the first problem, we propose an orthogonal plane disentanglement network (termed DOPNet) to distinguish ambiguous semantics. DOPNet consists of three modules that are integrated to deliver distortion-free, semantics-clean, and detail-sharp disentangled representations, which benefit the subsequent layout recovery. For the second problem, we present an unsupervised adaptation technique tailored for horizon-depth and ratio representations. Concretely, we introduce an optimization strategy for decision-level layout analysis and a 1D cost volume construction method for feature-level multi-view aggregation, both of which are designed to fully exploit the geometric consistency across multiple perspectives. The optimizer provides a reliable set of pseudo-labels for network training, while the 1D cost volume enriches each view with comprehensive scene information derived from other perspectives. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our solution outperforms other SoTA models on both monocular layout estimation and multi-view layout estimation tasks.
Abstract:Camera calibration involves estimating camera parameters to infer geometric features from captured sequences, which is crucial for computer vision and robotics. However, conventional calibration is laborious and requires dedicated collection. Recent efforts show that learning-based solutions have the potential to be used in place of the repeatability works of manual calibrations. Among these solutions, various learning strategies, networks, geometric priors, and datasets have been investigated. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive survey of learning-based camera calibration techniques, by analyzing their strengths and limitations. Our main calibration categories include the standard pinhole camera model, distortion camera model, cross-view model, and cross-sensor model, following the research trend and extended applications. As there is no benchmark in this community, we collect a holistic calibration dataset that can serve as a public platform to evaluate the generalization of existing methods. It comprises both synthetic and real-world data, with images and videos captured by different cameras in diverse scenes. Toward the end of this paper, we discuss the challenges and provide further research directions. To our knowledge, this is the first survey for the learning-based camera calibration (spanned 8 years). The summarized methods, datasets, and benchmarks are available and will be regularly updated at https://github.com/KangLiao929/Awesome-Deep-Camera-Calibration.
Abstract:Based on the Manhattan World assumption, most existing indoor layout estimation schemes focus on recovering layouts from vertically compressed 1D sequences. However, the compression procedure confuses the semantics of different planes, yielding inferior performance with ambiguous interpretability. To address this issue, we propose to disentangle this 1D representation by pre-segmenting orthogonal (vertical and horizontal) planes from a complex scene, explicitly capturing the geometric cues for indoor layout estimation. Considering the symmetry between the floor boundary and ceiling boundary, we also design a soft-flipping fusion strategy to assist the pre-segmentation. Besides, we present a feature assembling mechanism to effectively integrate shallow and deep features with distortion distribution awareness. To compensate for the potential errors in pre-segmentation, we further leverage triple attention to reconstruct the disentangled sequences for better performance. Experiments on four popular benchmarks demonstrate our superiority over existing SoTA solutions, especially on the 3DIoU metric. The code is available at \url{https://github.com/zhijieshen-bjtu/DOPNet}.