Abstract:Foundation models have revolutionized the paradigm of digital pathology, as they leverage general-purpose features to emulate real-world pathological practices, enabling the quantitative analysis of critical histological patterns and the dissection of cancer-specific signals. However, these static general features constrain the flexibility and pathological relevance in the ever-evolving needs of clinical applications, hindering the broad use of the current models. Here we introduce PathFiT, a dynamic feature learning method that can be effortlessly plugged into various pathology foundation models to unlock their adaptability. Meanwhile, PathFiT performs seamless implementation across diverse pathology applications regardless of downstream specificity. To validate PathFiT, we construct a digital pathology benchmark with over 20 terabytes of Internet and real-world data comprising 28 H\&E-stained tasks and 7 specialized imaging tasks including Masson's Trichrome staining and immunofluorescence images. By applying PathFiT to the representative pathology foundation models, we demonstrate state-of-the-art performance on 34 out of 35 tasks, with significant improvements on 23 tasks and outperforming by 10.20% on specialized imaging tasks. The superior performance and versatility of PathFiT open up new avenues in computational pathology.
Abstract:Model-based Reinforcement Learning (RL) has shown its high training efficiency and capability of handling high-dimensional tasks. Regarding safety issues, safe model-based RL can achieve nearly zero-cost performance and effectively manage the trade-off between performance and safety. Nevertheless, prior works still pose safety challenges due to the online exploration in real-world deployment. To address this, some offline RL methods have emerged as solutions, which learn from a static dataset in a safe way by avoiding interactions with the environment. In this paper, we aim to further enhance safety during the deployment stage for vision-based robotic tasks by fine-tuning an offline-trained policy. We incorporate in-sample optimization, model-based policy expansion, and reachability guidance to construct a safe offline-to-online framework. Moreover, our method proves to improve the generalization of offline policy in unseen safety-constrained scenarios. Finally, the efficiency of our method is validated on simulation benchmarks with five vision-only tasks and a real robot by solving some deployment problems using limited data.
Abstract:Implicit Q-learning (IQL) serves as a strong baseline for offline RL, which learns the value function using only dataset actions through quantile regression. However, it is unclear how to recover the implicit policy from the learned implicit Q-function and why IQL can utilize weighted regression for policy extraction. IDQL reinterprets IQL as an actor-critic method and gets weights of implicit policy, however, this weight only holds for the optimal value function. In this work, we introduce a different way to solve the implicit policy-finding problem (IPF) by formulating this problem as an optimization problem. Based on this optimization problem, we further propose two practical algorithms AlignIQL and AlignIQL-hard, which inherit the advantages of decoupling actor from critic in IQL and provide insights into why IQL can use weighted regression for policy extraction. Compared with IQL and IDQL, we find our method keeps the simplicity of IQL and solves the implicit policy-finding problem. Experimental results on D4RL datasets show that our method achieves competitive or superior results compared with other SOTA offline RL methods. Especially in complex sparse reward tasks like Antmaze and Adroit, our method outperforms IQL and IDQL by a significant margin.
Abstract:Offline goal-conditioned reinforcement learning (GCRL) aims at solving goal-reaching tasks with sparse rewards from an offline dataset. While prior work has demonstrated various approaches for agents to learn near-optimal policies, these methods encounter limitations when dealing with diverse constraints in complex environments, such as safety constraints. Some of these approaches prioritize goal attainment without considering safety, while others excessively focus on safety at the expense of training efficiency. In this paper, we study the problem of constrained offline GCRL and propose a new method called Recovery-based Supervised Learning (RbSL) to accomplish safety-critical tasks with various goals. To evaluate the method performance, we build a benchmark based on the robot-fetching environment with a randomly positioned obstacle and use expert or random policies to generate an offline dataset. We compare RbSL with three offline GCRL algorithms and one offline safe RL algorithm. As a result, our method outperforms the existing state-of-the-art methods to a large extent. Furthermore, we validate the practicality and effectiveness of RbSL by deploying it on a real Panda manipulator. Code is available at https://github.com/Sunlighted/RbSL.git.
Abstract:Constrained policy search (CPS) is a fundamental problem in offline reinforcement learning, which is generally solved by advantage weighted regression (AWR). However, previous methods may still encounter out-of-distribution actions due to the limited expressivity of Gaussian-based policies. On the other hand, directly applying the state-of-the-art models with distribution expression capabilities (i.e., diffusion models) in the AWR framework is insufficient since AWR requires exact policy probability densities, which is intractable in diffusion models. In this paper, we propose a novel approach called $\textbf{Diffusion Model based Constrained Policy Search (DiffCPS)}$, which tackles the diffusion-based constrained policy search without resorting to AWR. The theoretical analysis reveals our key insights by leveraging the action distribution of the diffusion model to eliminate the policy distribution constraint in the CPS and then utilizing the Evidence Lower Bound (ELBO) of diffusion-based policy to approximate the KL constraint. Consequently, DiffCPS admits the high expressivity of diffusion models while circumventing the cumbersome density calculation brought by AWR. Extensive experimental results based on the D4RL benchmark demonstrate the efficacy of our approach. We empirically show that DiffCPS achieves better or at least competitive performance compared to traditional AWR-based baselines as well as recent diffusion-based offline RL methods. The code is now available at $\href{https://github.com/felix-thu/DiffCPS}{https://github.com/felix-thu/DiffCPS}$.
Abstract:Manual oropharyngeal (OP) swab sampling is an intensive and risky task. In this article, a novel OP swab sampling device of low cost and high compliance is designed by combining the visuo-tactile sensor and the pneumatic actuator-based gripper. Here, a concave visuo-tactile sensor called CoTac is first proposed to address the problems of high cost and poor reliability of traditional multi-axis force sensors. Besides, by imitating the doctor's fingers, a soft pneumatic actuator with a rigid skeleton structure is designed, which is demonstrated to be reliable and safe via finite element modeling and experiments. Furthermore, we propose a sampling method that adopts a compliant control algorithm based on the adaptive virtual force to enhance the safety and compliance of the swab sampling process. The effectiveness of the device has been verified through sampling experiments as well as in vivo tests, indicating great application potential. The cost of the device is around 30 US dollars and the total weight of the functional part is less than 0.1 kg, allowing the device to be rapidly deployed on various robotic arms. Videos, hardware, and source code are available at: https://sites.google.com/view/swab-sampling/.