Abstract:Data with underlying nonlinear structure are collected across numerous application domains, necessitating new data processing and analysis methods adapted to nonlinear domain structure. Riemannanian manifolds present a rich environment in which to develop such tools, as manifold-valued data arise in a variety of scientific settings, and Riemannian geometry provides a solid theoretical grounding for geometric data analysis. Low-rank approximations, such as nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF), are the foundation of many Euclidean data analysis methods, so adaptations of these factorizations for manifold-valued data are important building blocks for further development of manifold data analysis. In this work, we propose curvature corrected nonnegative manifold data factorization (CC-NMDF) as a geometry-aware method for extracting interpretable factors from manifold-valued data, analogous to nonnegative matrix factorization. We develop an efficient iterative algorithm for computing CC-NMDF and demonstrate our method on real-world diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging data.
Abstract:In order to better understand manifold neural networks (MNNs), we introduce Manifold Filter-Combine Networks (MFCNs). The filter-combine framework parallels the popular aggregate-combine paradigm for graph neural networks (GNNs) and naturally suggests many interesting families of MNNs which can be interpreted as the manifold analog of various popular GNNs. We then propose a method for implementing MFCNs on high-dimensional point clouds that relies on approximating the manifold by a sparse graph. We prove that our method is consistent in the sense that it converges to a continuum limit as the number of data points tends to infinity.
Abstract:Directed graphs are a natural model for many phenomena, in particular scientific knowledge graphs such as molecular interaction or chemical reaction networks that define cellular signaling relationships. In these situations, source nodes typically have distinct biophysical properties from sinks. Due to their ordered and unidirectional relationships, many such networks also have hierarchical and multiscale structure. However, the majority of methods performing node- and edge-level tasks in machine learning do not take these properties into account, and thus have not been leveraged effectively for scientific tasks such as cellular signaling network inference. We propose a new framework called Directed Scattering Autoencoder (DSAE) which uses a directed version of a geometric scattering transform, combined with the non-linear dimensionality reduction properties of an autoencoder and the geometric properties of the hyperbolic space to learn latent hierarchies. We show this method outperforms numerous others on tasks such as embedding directed graphs and learning cellular signaling networks.
Abstract:We introduce a class of manifold neural networks (MNNs) that we call Manifold Filter-Combine Networks (MFCNs), that aims to further our understanding of MNNs, analogous to how the aggregate-combine framework helps with the understanding of graph neural networks (GNNs). This class includes a wide variety of subclasses that can be thought of as the manifold analog of various popular GNNs. We then consider a method, based on building a data-driven graph, for implementing such networks when one does not have global knowledge of the manifold, but merely has access to finitely many sample points. We provide sufficient conditions for the network to provably converge to its continuum limit as the number of sample points tends to infinity. Unlike previous work (which focused on specific graph constructions), our rate of convergence does not directly depend on the number of filters used. Moreover, it exhibits linear dependence on the depth of the network rather than the exponential dependence obtained previously. Additionally, we provide several examples of interesting subclasses of MFCNs and of the rates of convergence that are obtained under specific graph constructions.
Abstract:Societal biases in the usage of words, including harmful stereotypes, are frequently learned by common word embedding methods. These biases manifest not only between a word and an explicit marker of its stereotype, but also between words that share related stereotypes. This latter phenomenon, sometimes called "indirect bias,'' has resisted prior attempts at debiasing. In this paper, we propose a novel method called Biased Indirect Relationship Modification (BIRM) to mitigate indirect bias in distributional word embeddings by modifying biased relationships between words before embeddings are learned. This is done by considering how the co-occurrence probability of a given pair of words changes in the presence of words marking an attribute of bias, and using this to average out the effect of a bias attribute. To evaluate this method, we perform a series of common tests and demonstrate that measures of bias in the word embeddings are reduced in exchange for minor reduction in the semantic quality of the embeddings. In addition, we conduct novel tests for measuring indirect stereotypes by extending the Word Embedding Association Test (WEAT) with new test sets for indirect binary gender stereotypes. With these tests, we demonstrate the presence of more subtle stereotypes not addressed by previous work. The proposed method is able to reduce the presence of some of these new stereotypes, serving as a crucial next step towards non-stereotyped word embeddings.
Abstract:High-dimensional data arises in numerous applications, and the rapidly developing field of geometric deep learning seeks to develop neural network architectures to analyze such data in non-Euclidean domains, such as graphs and manifolds. Recent work by Z. Wang, L. Ruiz, and A. Ribeiro has introduced a method for constructing manifold neural networks using the spectral decomposition of the Laplace Beltrami operator. Moreover, in this work, the authors provide a numerical scheme for implementing such neural networks when the manifold is unknown and one only has access to finitely many sample points. The authors show that this scheme, which relies upon building a data-driven graph, converges to the continuum limit as the number of sample points tends to infinity. Here, we build upon this result by establishing a rate of convergence that depends on the intrinsic dimension of the manifold but is independent of the ambient dimension. We also discuss how the rate of convergence depends on the depth of the network and the number of filters used in each layer.
Abstract:The scattering transform is a multilayered, wavelet-based transform initially introduced as a model of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) that has played a foundational role in our understanding of these networks' stability and invariance properties. Subsequently, there has been widespread interest in extending the success of CNNs to data sets with non-Euclidean structure, such as graphs and manifolds, leading to the emerging field of geometric deep learning. In order to improve our understanding of the architectures used in this new field, several papers have proposed generalizations of the scattering transform for non-Euclidean data structures such as undirected graphs and compact Riemannian manifolds without boundary. In this paper, we introduce a general, unified model for geometric scattering on measure spaces. Our proposed framework includes previous work on geometric scattering as special cases but also applies to more general settings such as directed graphs, signed graphs, and manifolds with boundary. We propose a new criterion that identifies to which groups a useful representation should be invariant and show that this criterion is sufficient to guarantee that the scattering transform has desirable stability and invariance properties. Additionally, we consider finite measure spaces that are obtained from randomly sampling an unknown manifold. We propose two methods for constructing a data-driven graph on which the associated graph scattering transform approximates the scattering transform on the underlying manifold. Moreover, we use a diffusion-maps based approach to prove quantitative estimates on the rate of convergence of one of these approximations as the number of sample points tends to infinity. Lastly, we showcase the utility of our method on spherical images, directed graphs, and on high-dimensional single-cell data.
Abstract:The manifold scattering transform is a deep feature extractor for data defined on a Riemannian manifold. It is one of the first examples of extending convolutional neural network-like operators to general manifolds. The initial work on this model focused primarily on its theoretical stability and invariance properties but did not provide methods for its numerical implementation except in the case of two-dimensional surfaces with predefined meshes. In this work, we present practical schemes, based on the theory of diffusion maps, for implementing the manifold scattering transform to datasets arising in naturalistic systems, such as single cell genetics, where the data is a high-dimensional point cloud modeled as lying on a low-dimensional manifold. We show that our methods are effective for signal classification and manifold classification tasks.