Data with underlying nonlinear structure are collected across numerous application domains, necessitating new data processing and analysis methods adapted to nonlinear domain structure. Riemannanian manifolds present a rich environment in which to develop such tools, as manifold-valued data arise in a variety of scientific settings, and Riemannian geometry provides a solid theoretical grounding for geometric data analysis. Low-rank approximations, such as nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF), are the foundation of many Euclidean data analysis methods, so adaptations of these factorizations for manifold-valued data are important building blocks for further development of manifold data analysis. In this work, we propose curvature corrected nonnegative manifold data factorization (CC-NMDF) as a geometry-aware method for extracting interpretable factors from manifold-valued data, analogous to nonnegative matrix factorization. We develop an efficient iterative algorithm for computing CC-NMDF and demonstrate our method on real-world diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging data.