Abstract:In this paper, we explore how to optimize task allocation for robot swarms in dynamic environments, emphasizing the necessity of formulating robust, flexible, and scalable strategies for robot cooperation. We introduce a novel framework using a decentralized partially observable Markov decision process (Dec_POMDP), specifically designed for distributed robot swarm networks. At the core of our methodology is the Local Information Aggregation Multi-Agent Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (LIA_MADDPG) algorithm, which merges centralized training with distributed execution (CTDE). During the centralized training phase, a local information aggregation (LIA) module is meticulously designed to gather critical data from neighboring robots, enhancing decision-making efficiency. In the distributed execution phase, a strategy improvement method is proposed to dynamically adjust task allocation based on changing and partially observable environmental conditions. Our empirical evaluations show that the LIA module can be seamlessly integrated into various CTDE-based MARL methods, significantly enhancing their performance. Additionally, by comparing LIA_MADDPG with six conventional reinforcement learning algorithms and a heuristic algorithm, we demonstrate its superior scalability, rapid adaptation to environmental changes, and ability to maintain both stability and convergence speed. These results underscore LIA_MADDPG's outstanding performance and its potential to significantly improve dynamic task allocation in robot swarms through enhanced local collaboration and adaptive strategy execution.
Abstract:This paper designs a novel trajectory planning approach to resolve the computational efficiency and safety problems in uncoordinated methods by exploiting vehicle-to-everything (V2X) technology. The trajectory planning for connected and autonomous vehicles (CAVs) is formulated as a game with coupled safety constraints. We then define interaction-fair trajectories and prove that they correspond to the variational equilibrium (VE) of this game. We propose a semi-decentralized planner for the vehicles to seek VE-based fair trajectories, which can significantly improve computational efficiency through parallel computing among CAVs and enhance the safety of planned trajectories by ensuring equilibrium concordance among CAVs. Finally, experimental results show the advantages of the approach, including fast computation speed, high scalability, equilibrium concordance, and safety.
Abstract:We consider an $n$ agents distributed optimization problem with imperfect information characterized in a parametric sense, where the unknown parameter can be solved by a distinct distributed parameter learning problem. Though each agent only has access to its local parameter learning and computational problem, they mean to collaboratively minimize the average of their local cost functions. To address the special optimization problem, we propose a coupled distributed stochastic approximation algorithm, in which every agent updates the current beliefs of its unknown parameter and decision variable by stochastic approximation method; and then averages the beliefs and decision variables of its neighbors over network in consensus protocol. Our interest lies in the convergence analysis of this algorithm. We quantitatively characterize the factors that affect the algorithm performance, and prove that the mean-squared error of the decision variable is bounded by $\mathcal{O}(\frac{1}{nk})+\mathcal{O}\left(\frac{1}{\sqrt{n}(1-\rho_w)}\right)\frac{1}{k^{1.5}}+\mathcal{O}\big(\frac{1}{(1-\rho_w)^2} \big)\frac{1}{k^2}$, where $k$ is the iteration count and $(1-\rho_w)$ is the spectral gap of the network weighted adjacency matrix. It reveals that the network connectivity characterized by $(1-\rho_w)$ only influences the high order of convergence rate, while the domain rate still acts the same as the centralized algorithm. In addition, we analyze that the transient iteration needed for reaching its dominant rate $\mathcal{O}(\frac{1}{nk})$ is $\mathcal{O}(\frac{n}{(1-\rho_w)^2})$. Numerical experiments are carried out to demonstrate the theoretical results by taking different CPUs as agents, which is more applicable to real-world distributed scenarios.
Abstract:This paper considers a distributed adaptive optimization problem, where all agents only have access to their local cost functions with a common unknown parameter, whereas they mean to collaboratively estimate the true parameter and find the optimal solution over a connected network. A general mathematical framework for such a problem has not been studied yet. We aim to provide valuable insights for addressing parameter uncertainty in distributed optimization problems and simultaneously find the optimal solution. Thus, we propose a novel Prediction while Optimization scheme, which utilizes distributed fractional Bayesian learning through weighted averaging on the log-beliefs to update the beliefs of unknown parameters, and distributed gradient descent for renewing the estimation of the optimal solution. Then under suitable assumptions, we prove that all agents' beliefs and decision variables converge almost surely to the true parameter and the optimal solution under the true parameter, respectively. We further establish a sublinear convergence rate for the belief sequence. Finally, numerical experiments are implemented to corroborate the theoretical analysis.
Abstract:This work studies the parameter identification problem of a generalized non-cooperative game, where each player's cost function is influenced by an observable signal and some unknown parameters. We consider the scenario where equilibrium of the game at some observable signals can be observed with noises, whereas our goal is to identify the unknown parameters with the observed data. Assuming that the observable signals and the corresponding noise-corrupted equilibriums are acquired sequentially, we construct this parameter identification problem as online optimization and introduce a novel online parameter identification algorithm. To be specific, we construct a regularized loss function that balances conservativeness and correctiveness, where the conservativeness term ensures that the new estimates do not deviate significantly from the current estimates, while the correctiveness term is captured by the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions. We then prove that when the players' cost functions are linear with respect to the unknown parameters and the learning rate of the online parameter identification algorithm satisfies \mu_k \propto 1/\sqrt{k}, along with other assumptions, the regret bound of the proposed algorithm is O(\sqrt{K}). Finally, we conduct numerical simulations on a Nash-Cournot problem to demonstrate that the performance of the online identification algorithm is comparable to that of the offline setting.
Abstract:This paper considers no-regret learning for repeated continuous-kernel games with lossy bandit feedback. Since it is difficult to give the explicit model of the utility functions in dynamic environments, the players' action can only be learned with bandit feedback. Moreover, because of unreliable communication channels or privacy protection, the bandit feedback may be lost or dropped at random. Therefore, we study the asynchronous online learning strategy of the players to adaptively adjust the next actions for minimizing the long-term regret loss. The paper provides a novel no-regret learning algorithm, called Online Gradient Descent with lossy bandits (OGD-lb). We first give the regret analysis for concave games with differentiable and Lipschitz utilities. Then we show that the action profile converges to a Nash equilibrium with probability 1 when the game is also strictly monotone. We further provide the mean square convergence rate $\mathcal{O}\left(k^{-2\min\{\beta, 1/6\}}\right)$ when the game is $\beta-$ strongly monotone. In addition, we extend the algorithm to the case when the loss probability of the bandit feedback is unknown, and prove its almost sure convergence to Nash equilibrium for strictly monotone games. Finally, we take the resource management in fog computing as an application example, and carry out numerical experiments to empirically demonstrate the algorithm performance.
Abstract:This paper studies a distributed policy gradient in collaborative multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL), where agents over a communication network aim to find the optimal policy to maximize the average of all agents' local returns. Due to the non-concave performance function of policy gradient, the existing distributed stochastic optimization methods for convex problems cannot be directly used for policy gradient in MARL. This paper proposes a distributed policy gradient with variance reduction and gradient tracking to address the high variances of policy gradient, and utilizes importance weight to solve the non-stationary problem in the sampling process. We then provide an upper bound on the mean-squared stationary gap, which depends on the number of iterations, the mini-batch size, the epoch size, the problem parameters, and the network topology. We further establish the sample and communication complexity to obtain an $\epsilon$-approximate stationary point. Numerical experiments on the control problem in MARL are performed to validate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.