Abstract:Natural Language Processing (NLP) has seen remarkable advances in recent years, particularly with the emergence of Large Language Models that have achieved unprecedented performance across many tasks. However, these developments have mainly benefited a small number of high-resource languages such as English. The majority of languages still face significant challenges due to the scarcity of training data and computational resources. To address this issue, this thesis focuses on cross-lingual transfer learning, a research area aimed at leveraging data and models from high-resource languages to improve NLP performance for low-resource languages. Specifically, we focus on Sequence Labeling tasks such as Named Entity Recognition, Opinion Target Extraction, and Argument Mining. The research is structured around three main objectives: (1) advancing data-based cross-lingual transfer learning methods through improved translation and annotation projection techniques, (2) developing enhanced model-based transfer learning approaches utilizing state-of-the-art multilingual models, and (3) applying these methods to real-world problems while creating open-source resources that facilitate future research in low-resource NLP. More specifically, this thesis presents a new method to improve data-based transfer with T-Projection, a state-of-the-art annotation projection method that leverages text-to-text multilingual models and machine translation systems. T-Projection significantly outperforms previous annotation projection methods by a wide margin. For model-based transfer, we introduce a constrained decoding algorithm that enhances cross-lingual Sequence Labeling in zero-shot settings using text-to-text models. Finally, we develop Medical mT5, the first multilingual text-to-text medical model, demonstrating the practical impact of our research on real-world applications.
Abstract:The 1st Workshop on Data Contamination (CONDA 2024) focuses on all relevant aspects of data contamination in natural language processing, where data contamination is understood as situations where evaluation data is included in pre-training corpora used to train large scale models, compromising evaluation results. The workshop fostered a shared task to collect evidence on data contamination in current available datasets and models. The goal of the shared task and associated database is to assist the community in understanding the extent of the problem and to assist researchers in avoiding reporting evaluation results on known contaminated resources. The shared task provides a structured, centralized public database for the collection of contamination evidence, open to contributions from the community via GitHub pool requests. This first compilation paper is based on 566 reported entries over 91 contaminated sources from a total of 23 contributors. The details of the individual contamination events are available in the platform. The platform continues to be online, open to contributions from the community.
Abstract:Research on language technology for the development of medical applications is currently a hot topic in Natural Language Understanding and Generation. Thus, a number of large language models (LLMs) have recently been adapted to the medical domain, so that they can be used as a tool for mediating in human-AI interaction. While these LLMs display competitive performance on automated medical texts benchmarks, they have been pre-trained and evaluated with a focus on a single language (English mostly). This is particularly true of text-to-text models, which typically require large amounts of domain-specific pre-training data, often not easily accessible for many languages. In this paper, we address these shortcomings by compiling, to the best of our knowledge, the largest multilingual corpus for the medical domain in four languages, namely English, French, Italian and Spanish. This new corpus has been used to train Medical mT5, the first open-source text-to-text multilingual model for the medical domain. Additionally, we present two new evaluation benchmarks for all four languages with the aim of facilitating multilingual research in this domain. A comprehensive evaluation shows that Medical mT5 outperforms both encoders and similarly sized text-to-text models for the Spanish, French, and Italian benchmarks, while being competitive with current state-of-the-art LLMs in English.
Abstract:We present NoticIA, a dataset consisting of 850 Spanish news articles featuring prominent clickbait headlines, each paired with high-quality, single-sentence generative summarizations written by humans. This task demands advanced text understanding and summarization abilities, challenging the models' capacity to infer and connect diverse pieces of information to meet the user's informational needs generated by the clickbait headline. We evaluate the Spanish text comprehension capabilities of a wide range of state-of-the-art large language models. Additionally, we use the dataset to train ClickbaitFighter, a task-specific model that achieves near-human performance in this task.
Abstract:In this position paper, we argue that the classical evaluation on Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks using annotated benchmarks is in trouble. The worst kind of data contamination happens when a Large Language Model (LLM) is trained on the test split of a benchmark, and then evaluated in the same benchmark. The extent of the problem is unknown, as it is not straightforward to measure. Contamination causes an overestimation of the performance of a contaminated model in a target benchmark and associated task with respect to their non-contaminated counterparts. The consequences can be very harmful, with wrong scientific conclusions being published while other correct ones are discarded. This position paper defines different levels of data contamination and argues for a community effort, including the development of automatic and semi-automatic measures to detect when data from a benchmark was exposed to a model, and suggestions for flagging papers with conclusions that are compromised by data contamination.
Abstract:Although large language models (LLMs) have apparently acquired a certain level of grammatical knowledge and the ability to make generalizations, they fail to interpret negation, a crucial step in Natural Language Processing. We try to clarify the reasons for the sub-optimal performance of LLMs understanding negation. We introduce a large semi-automatically generated dataset of circa 400,000 descriptive sentences about commonsense knowledge that can be true or false in which negation is present in about 2/3 of the corpus in different forms. We have used our dataset with the largest available open LLMs in a zero-shot approach to grasp their generalization and inference capability and we have also fine-tuned some of the models to assess whether the understanding of negation can be trained. Our findings show that, while LLMs are proficient at classifying affirmative sentences, they struggle with negative sentences and lack a deep understanding of negation, often relying on superficial cues. Although fine-tuning the models on negative sentences improves their performance, the lack of generalization in handling negation is persistent, highlighting the ongoing challenges of LLMs regarding negation understanding and generalization. The dataset and code are publicly available.
Abstract:Large Language Models (LLMs) combined with instruction tuning have made significant progress when generalizing to unseen tasks. However, they have been less successful in Information Extraction (IE), lagging behind task-specific models. Typically, IE tasks are characterized by complex annotation guidelines which describe the task and give examples to humans. Previous attempts to leverage such information have failed, even with the largest models, as they are not able to follow the guidelines out-of-the-box. In this paper we propose GoLLIE (Guideline-following Large Language Model for IE), a model able to improve zero-shot results on unseen IE tasks by virtue of being fine-tuned to comply with annotation guidelines. Comprehensive evaluation empirically demonstrates that GoLLIE is able to generalize to and follow unseen guidelines, outperforming previous attempts at zero-shot information extraction. The ablation study shows that detailed guidelines is key for good results.
Abstract:Named Entity Recognition (NER) is a core natural language processing task in which pre-trained language models have shown remarkable performance. However, standard benchmarks like CoNLL 2003 do not address many of the challenges that deployed NER systems face, such as having to classify emerging or complex entities in a fine-grained way. In this paper we present a novel NER cascade approach comprising three steps: first, identifying candidate entities in the input sentence; second, linking the each candidate to an existing knowledge base; third, predicting the fine-grained category for each entity candidate. We empirically demonstrate the significance of external knowledge bases in accurately classifying fine-grained and emerging entities. Our system exhibits robust performance in the MultiCoNER2 shared task, even in the low-resource language setting where we leverage knowledge bases of high-resource languages.
Abstract:In the absence of readily available labeled data for a given task and language, annotation projection has been proposed as one of the possible strategies to automatically generate annotated data which may then be used to train supervised systems. Annotation projection has often been formulated as the task of projecting, on parallel corpora, some labels from a source into a target language. In this paper we present T-Projection, a new approach for annotation projection that leverages large pretrained text2text language models and state-of-the-art machine translation technology. T-Projection decomposes the label projection task into two subtasks: (i) The candidate generation step, in which a set of projection candidates using a multilingual T5 model is generated and, (ii) the candidate selection step, in which the candidates are ranked based on translation probabilities. We evaluate our method in three downstream tasks and five different languages. Our results show that T-projection improves the average F1 score of previous methods by more than 8 points.
Abstract:Zero-resource cross-lingual transfer approaches aim to apply supervised models from a source language to unlabelled target languages. In this paper we perform an in-depth study of the two main techniques employed so far for cross-lingual zero-resource sequence labelling, based either on data or model transfer. Although previous research has proposed translation and annotation projection (data-based cross-lingual transfer) as an effective technique for cross-lingual sequence labelling, in this paper we experimentally demonstrate that high capacity multilingual language models applied in a zero-shot (model-based cross-lingual transfer) setting consistently outperform data-based cross-lingual transfer approaches. A detailed analysis of our results suggests that this might be due to important differences in language use. More specifically, machine translation often generates a textual signal which is different to what the models are exposed to when using gold standard data, which affects both the fine-tuning and evaluation processes. Our results also indicate that data-based cross-lingual transfer approaches remain a competitive option when high-capacity multilingual language models are not available.