Abstract:Instruction tuning has underscored the significant potential of large language models (LLMs) in producing more human-controllable and effective outputs in various domains. In this work, we focus on the data selection problem for task-specific instruction tuning of LLMs. Prevailing methods primarily rely on the crafted similarity metrics to select training data that aligns with the test data distribution. The goal is to minimize instruction tuning loss on the test data, ultimately improving performance on the target task. However, it has been widely observed that instruction tuning loss (i.e., cross-entropy loss for next token prediction) in LLMs often fails to exhibit a monotonic relationship with actual task performance. This misalignment undermines the effectiveness of current data selection methods for task-specific instruction tuning. To address this issue, we introduce ROSE, a novel Reward-Oriented inStruction data sElection method which leverages pairwise preference loss as a reward signal to optimize data selection for task-specific instruction tuning. Specifically, ROSE adapts an influence formulation to approximate the influence of training data points relative to a few-shot preference validation set to select the most task-related training data points. Experimental results show that by selecting just 5% of the training data using ROSE, our approach can achieve competitive results compared to fine-tuning with the full training dataset, and it surpasses other state-of-the-art data selection methods for task-specific instruction tuning. Our qualitative analysis further confirms the robust generalizability of our method across multiple benchmark datasets and diverse model architectures.
Abstract:Foodborne illnesses significantly impact public health. Deep learning surveillance applications using social media data aim to detect early warning signals. However, labeling foodborne illness-related tweets for model training requires extensive human resources, making it challenging to collect a sufficient number of high-quality labels for tweets within a limited budget. The severe class imbalance resulting from the scarcity of foodborne illness-related tweets among the vast volume of social media further exacerbates the problem. Classifiers trained on a class-imbalanced dataset are biased towards the majority class, making accurate detection difficult. To overcome these challenges, we propose EGAL, a deep learning framework for foodborne illness detection that uses small expert-labeled tweets augmented by crowdsourced-labeled and massive unlabeled data. Specifically, by leveraging tweets labeled by experts as a reward set, EGAL learns to assign a weight of zero to incorrectly labeled tweets to mitigate their negative influence. Other tweets receive proportionate weights to counter-balance the unbalanced class distribution. Extensive experiments on real-world \textit{TWEET-FID} data show that EGAL outperforms strong baseline models across different settings, including varying expert-labeled set sizes and class imbalance ratios. A case study on a multistate outbreak of Salmonella Typhimurium infection linked to packaged salad greens demonstrates how the trained model captures relevant tweets offering valuable outbreak insights. EGAL, funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), has the potential to be deployed for real-time analysis of tweet streaming, contributing to foodborne illness outbreak surveillance efforts.