Dept. of Informatics, Bioengineering, Robotics, and Systems Engineering, University of Genoa, Genoa, Italy
Abstract:In this paper, we present an approach for integrated task and motion planning based on an AND/OR graph network, which is used to represent task-level states and actions, and we leverage it to implement different classes of task and motion planning problems (TAMP). Several problems that fall under task and motion planning do not have a predetermined number of sub-tasks to achieve a goal. For example, while retrieving a target object from a cluttered workspace, in principle the number of object re-arrangements required to finally grasp it cannot be known ahead of time. To address this challenge, and in contrast to traditional planners, also those based on AND/OR graphs, we grow the AND/OR graph at run-time by progressively adding sub-graphs until grasping the target object becomes feasible, which yields a network of AND/OR graphs. The approach is extended to enable multi-robot task and motion planning, and (i) it allows us to perform task allocation while coordinating the activity of a given number of robots, and (ii) can handle multi-robot tasks involving an a priori unknown number of sub-tasks. The approach is evaluated and validated both in simulation and with a real dual-arm robot manipulator, that is, Baxter from Rethink Robotics. In particular, for the single-robot task and motion planning, we validated our approach in three different TAMP domains. Furthermore, we also use three different robots for simulation, namely, Baxter, Franka Emika Panda manipulators, and a PR2 robot. Experiments show that our approach can be readily scaled to scenarios with many objects and robots, and is capable of handling different classes of TAMP problems.
Abstract:We present a simple and easy-to-implement algorithm to detect plan infeasibility in kinematic motion planning. Our method involves approximating the robot's configuration space to a discrete space, where each degree of freedom has a finite set of values. The obstacle region separates the free configuration space into different connected regions. For a path to exist between the start and goal configurations, they must lie in the same connected region of the free space. Thus, to ascertain plan infeasibility, we merely need to sample adequate points from the obstacle region that isolate start and goal. Accordingly, we progressively construct the configuration space by sampling from the discretized space and updating the bitmap cells representing obstacle regions. Subsequently, we partition this partially built configuration space to identify different connected components within it and assess the connectivity of the start and goal cells. We illustrate this methodology on five different scenarios with configuration spaces having up to 5 degree-of-freedom (DOF).
Abstract:Effective fall risk assessment is critical for post-stroke patients. The present study proposes a novel, data-informed fall risk assessment method based on the instrumented Timed Up and Go (ITUG) test data, bringing in many mobility measures that traditional clinical scales fail to capture. IFRA, which stands for Instrumented Fall Risk Assessment, has been developed using a two-step process: first, features with the highest predictive power among those collected in a ITUG test have been identified using machine learning techniques; then, a strategy is proposed to stratify patients into low, medium, or high-risk strata. The dataset used in our analysis consists of 142 participants, out of which 93 were used for training (15 synthetically generated), 17 for validation and 32 to test the resulting IFRA scale (22 non-fallers and 10 fallers). Features considered in the IFRA scale include gait speed, vertical acceleration during sit-to-walk transition, and turning angular velocity, which align well with established literature on the risk of fall in neurological patients. In a comparison with traditional clinical scales such as the traditional Timed Up & Go and the Mini-BESTest, IFRA demonstrates competitive performance, being the only scale to correctly assign more than half of the fallers to the high-risk stratum (Fischer's Exact test p = 0.004). Despite the dataset's limited size, this is the first proof-of-concept study to pave the way for future evidence regarding the use of IFRA tool for continuous patient monitoring and fall prevention both in clinical stroke rehabilitation and at home post-discharge.
Abstract:As collaborative robots become more common in manufacturing scenarios and adopted in hybrid human-robot teams, we should develop new interaction and communication strategies to ensure smooth collaboration between agents. In this paper, we propose a novel communicative interface that uses Mixed Reality as a medium to perform Kinesthetic Teaching (KT) on any robotic platform. We evaluate our proposed approach in a user study involving multiple subjects and two different robots, comparing traditional physical KT with holographic-based KT through user experience questionnaires and task-related metrics.
Abstract:This article investigates mixed reality (MR) to enhance human-robot collaboration (HRC). The proposed solution adopts MR as a communication layer to convey a mobile manipulator's intentions and upcoming actions to the humans with whom it interacts, thus improving their collaboration. A user study involving 20 participants demonstrated the effectiveness of this MR-focused approach in facilitating collaborative tasks, with a positive effect on overall collaboration performances and human satisfaction.
Abstract:We propose a dataset to study the influence of object-specific characteristics on human pick-and-place movements and compare the quality of the motion kinematics extracted by various sensors. This dataset is also suitable for promoting a broader discussion on general learning problems in the hand-object interaction domain, such as intention recognition or motion generation with applications in the Robotics field. The dataset consists of the recordings of 15 subjects performing 80 repetitions of a pick-and-place action under various experimental conditions, for a total of 1200 pick-and-places. The data has been collected thanks to a multimodal setup composed of multiple cameras, observing the actions from different perspectives, a motion capture system, and a wrist-worn inertial measurement unit. All the objects manipulated in the experiments are identical in shape, size, and appearance but differ in weight and liquid filling, which influences the carefulness required for their handling.
Abstract:Dexterous in-hand manipulation is a unique and valuable human skill requiring sophisticated sensorimotor interaction with the environment while respecting stability constraints. Satisfying these constraints with generated motions is essential for a robotic platform to achieve reliable in-hand manipulation skills. Explicitly modelling these constraints can be challenging, but they can be implicitly modelled and learned through experience or human demonstrations. We propose a learning and control approach based on dictionaries of motion primitives generated from human demonstrations. To achieve this, we defined an optimization process that combines motion primitives to generate robot fingertip trajectories for moving an object from an initial to a desired final pose. Based on our experiments, our approach allows a robotic hand to handle objects like humans, adhering to stability constraints without requiring explicit formalization. In other words, the proposed motion primitive dictionaries learn and implicitly embed the constraints crucial to the in-hand manipulation task.
Abstract:This paper presents a comprehensive framework to enhance Human-Robot Collaboration (HRC) in real-world scenarios. It introduces a formalism to model articulated tasks, requiring cooperation between two agents, through a smaller set of primitives. Our implementation leverages Hierarchical Task Networks (HTN) planning and a modular multisensory perception pipeline, which includes vision, human activity recognition, and tactile sensing. To showcase the system's scalability, we present an experimental scenario where two humans alternate in collaborating with a Baxter robot to assemble four pieces of furniture with variable components. This integration highlights promising advancements in HRC, suggesting a scalable approach for complex, cooperative tasks across diverse applications.
Abstract:Hands are a fundamental tool humans use to interact with the environment and objects. Through hand motions, we can obtain information about the shape and materials of the surfaces we touch, modify our surroundings by interacting with objects, manipulate objects and tools, or communicate with other people by leveraging the power of gestures. For these reasons, sensorized gloves, which can collect information about hand motions and interactions, have been of interest since the 1980s in various fields, such as Human-Machine Interaction (HMI) and the analysis and control of human motions. Over the last 40 years, research in this field explored different technological approaches and contributed to the popularity of wearable custom and commercial products targeting hand sensorization. Despite a positive research trend, these instruments are not widespread yet outside research environments and devices aimed at research are often ad hoc solutions with a low chance of being reused. This paper aims to provide a systematic literature review for custom gloves to analyze their main characteristics and critical issues, from the type and number of sensors to the limitations due to device encumbrance. The collection of this information lays the foundation for a standardization process necessary for future breakthroughs in this research field.
Abstract:This work aims to tackle the intent recognition problem in Human-Robot Collaborative assembly scenarios. Precisely, we consider an interactive assembly of a wooden stool where the robot fetches the pieces in the correct order and the human builds the parts following the instruction manual. The intent recognition is limited to the idle state estimation and it is needed to ensure a better synchronization between the two agents. We carried out a comparison between two distinct solutions involving wearable sensors and eye tracking integrated into the perception pipeline of a flexible planning architecture based on Hierarchical Task Networks. At runtime, the wearable sensing module exploits the raw measurements from four 9-axis Inertial Measurement Units positioned on the wrists and hands of the user as an input for a Long Short-Term Memory Network. On the other hand, the eye tracking relies on a Head Mounted Display and Unreal Engine. We tested the effectiveness of the two approaches with 10 participants, each of whom explored both options in alternate order. We collected explicit metrics about the attractiveness and efficiency of the two techniques through User Experience Questionnaires as well as implicit criteria regarding the classification time and the overall assembly time. The results of our work show that the two methods can reach comparable performances both in terms of effectiveness and user preference. Future development could aim at joining the two approaches two allow the recognition of more complex activities and to anticipate the user actions.