Abstract:Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique (SMOTE) is a common rebalancing strategy for handling imbalanced data sets. Asymptotically, we prove that SMOTE (with default parameter) regenerates the original distribution by simply copying the original minority samples. We also prove that SMOTE density vanishes near the boundary of the support of the minority distribution, therefore justifying the common BorderLine SMOTE strategy. Then we introduce two new SMOTE-related strategies, and compare them with state-of-the-art rebalancing procedures. We show that rebalancing strategies are only required when the data set is highly imbalanced. For such data sets, SMOTE, our proposals, or undersampling procedures are the best strategies.
Abstract:Constant (naive) imputation is still widely used in practice as this is a first easy-to-use technique to deal with missing data. Yet, this simple method could be expected to induce a large bias for prediction purposes, as the imputed input may strongly differ from the true underlying data. However, recent works suggest that this bias is low in the context of high-dimensional linear predictors when data is supposed to be missing completely at random (MCAR). This paper completes the picture for linear predictors by confirming the intuition that the bias is negligible and that surprisingly naive imputation also remains relevant in very low dimension.To this aim, we consider a unique underlying random features model, which offers a rigorous framework for studying predictive performances, whilst the dimension of the observed features varies.Building on these theoretical results, we establish finite-sample bounds on stochastic gradient (SGD) predictors applied to zero-imputed data, a strategy particularly well suited for large-scale learning.If the MCAR assumption appears to be strong, we show that similar favorable behaviors occur for more complex missing data scenarios.
Abstract:Dedicated neural network (NN) architectures have been designed to handle specific data types (such as CNN for images or RNN for text), which ranks them among state-of-the-art methods for dealing with these data. Unfortunately, no architecture has been found for dealing with tabular data yet, for which tree ensemble methods (tree boosting, random forests) usually show the best predictive performances. In this work, we propose a new sparse initialization technique for (potentially deep) multilayer perceptrons (MLP): we first train a tree-based procedure to detect feature interactions and use the resulting information to initialize the network, which is subsequently trained via standard stochastic gradient strategies. Numerical experiments on several tabular data sets show that this new, simple and easy-to-use method is a solid concurrent, both in terms of generalization capacity and computation time, to default MLP initialization and even to existing complex deep learning solutions. In fact, this wise MLP initialization raises the resulting NN methods to the level of a valid competitor to gradient boosting when dealing with tabular data. Besides, such initializations are able to preserve the sparsity of weights introduced in the first layers of the network through training. This fact suggests that this new initializer operates an implicit regularization during the NN training, and emphasizes that the first layers act as a sparse feature extractor (as for convolutional layers in CNN).
Abstract:Missing values arise in most real-world data sets due to the aggregation of multiple sources and intrinsically missing information (sensor failure, unanswered questions in surveys...). In fact, the very nature of missing values usually prevents us from running standard learning algorithms. In this paper, we focus on the extensively-studied linear models, but in presence of missing values, which turns out to be quite a challenging task. Indeed, the Bayes rule can be decomposed as a sum of predictors corresponding to each missing pattern. This eventually requires to solve a number of learning tasks, exponential in the number of input features, which makes predictions impossible for current real-world datasets. First, we propose a rigorous setting to analyze a least-square type estimator and establish a bound on the excess risk which increases exponentially in the dimension. Consequently, we leverage the missing data distribution to propose a new algorithm, andderive associated adaptive risk bounds that turn out to be minimax optimal. Numerical experiments highlight the benefits of our method compared to state-of-the-art algorithms used for predictions with missing values.
Abstract:How to learn a good predictor on data with missing values? Most efforts focus on first imputing as well as possible and second learning on the completed data to predict the outcome. Yet, this widespread practice has no theoretical grounding. Here we show that for almost all imputation functions, an impute-then-regress procedure with a powerful learner is Bayes optimal. This result holds for all missing-values mechanisms, in contrast with the classic statistical results that require missing-at-random settings to use imputation in probabilistic modeling. Moreover, it implies that perfect conditional imputation may not be needed for good prediction asymptotically. In fact, we show that on perfectly imputed data the best regression function will generally be discontinuous, which makes it hard to learn. Crafting instead the imputation so as to leave the regression function unchanged simply shifts the problem to learning discontinuous imputations. Rather, we suggest that it is easier to learn imputation and regression jointly. We propose such a procedure, adapting NeuMiss, a neural network capturing the conditional links across observed and unobserved variables whatever the missing-value pattern. Experiments confirm that joint imputation and regression through NeuMiss is better than various two step procedures in our experiments with finite number of samples.
Abstract:Interpretability of learning algorithms is crucial for applications involving critical decisions, and variable importance is one of the main interpretation tools. Shapley effects are now widely used to interpret both tree ensembles and neural networks, as they can efficiently handle dependence and interactions in the data, as opposed to most other variable importance measures. However, estimating Shapley effects is a challenging task, because of the computational complexity and the conditional expectation estimates. Accordingly, existing Shapley algorithms have flaws: a costly running time, or a bias when input variables are dependent. Therefore, we introduce SHAFF, SHApley eFfects via random Forests, a fast and accurate Shapley effect estimate, even when input variables are dependent. We show SHAFF efficiency through both a theoretical analysis of its consistency, and the practical performance improvements over competitors with extensive experiments. An implementation of SHAFF in C++ and R is available online.
Abstract:Variable importance measures are the main tools to analyze the black-box mechanism of random forests. Although the Mean Decrease Accuracy (MDA) is widely accepted as the most efficient variable importance measure for random forests, little is known about its theoretical properties. In fact, the exact MDA definition varies across the main random forest software. In this article, our objective is to rigorously analyze the behavior of the main MDA implementations. Consequently, we mathematically formalize the various implemented MDA algorithms, and then establish their limits when the sample size increases. In particular, we break down these limits in three components: the first two are related to Sobol indices, which are well-defined measures of a variable contribution to the output variance, widely used in the sensitivity analysis field, as opposed to the third term, whose value increases with dependence within input variables. Thus, we theoretically demonstrate that the MDA does not target the right quantity when inputs are dependent, a fact that has already been noticed experimentally. To address this issue, we define a new importance measure for random forests, the Sobol-MDA, which fixes the flaws of the original MDA. We prove the consistency of the Sobol-MDA and show its good empirical performance through experiments on both simulated and real data. An open source implementation in R and C++ is available online.
Abstract:Random forests on the one hand, and neural networks on the other hand, have met great success in the machine learning community for their predictive performance. Combinations of both have been proposed in the literature, notably leading to the so-called deep forests (DF) [25]. In this paper, we investigate the mechanisms at work in DF and outline that DF architecture can generally be simplified into more simple and computationally efficient shallow forests networks. Despite some instability, the latter may outperform standard predictive tree-based methods. In order to precisely quantify the improvement achieved by these light network configurations over standard tree learners, we theoretically study the performance of a shallow tree network made of two layers, each one composed of a single centered tree. We provide tight theoretical lower and upper bounds on its excess risk. These theoretical results show the interest of tree-network architectures for well-structured data provided that the first layer, acting as a data encoder, is rich enough.
Abstract:The presence of missing values makes supervised learning much more challenging. Indeed, previous work has shown that even when the response is a linear function of the complete data, the optimal predictor is a complex function of the observed entries and the missingness indicator. As a result, the computational or sample complexities of consistent approaches depend on the number of missing patterns, which can be exponential in the number of dimensions. In this work, we derive the analytical form of the optimal predictor under a linearity assumption and various missing data mechanisms including Missing at Random (MAR) and self-masking (Missing Not At Random). Based on a Neumann series approximation of the optimal predictor, we propose a new principled architecture, named Neumann networks. Their originality and strength comes from the use of a new type of non-linearity: the multiplication by the missingness indicator. We provide an upper bound on the Bayes risk of Neumann networks, and show that they have good predictive accuracy with both a number of parameters and a computational complexity independent of the number of missing data patterns. As a result they scale well to problems with many features, and remain statistically efficient for medium-sized samples. Moreover, we show that, contrary to procedures using EM or imputation, they are robust to the missing data mechanism, including difficult MNAR settings such as self-masking.
Abstract:We introduce SIRUS (Stable and Interpretable RUle Set) for regression, a stable rule learning algorithm which takes the form of a short and simple list of rules. State-of-the-art learning algorithms are often referred to as "black boxes" because of the high number of operations involved in their prediction process. Despite their powerful predictivity, this lack of interpretability may be highly restrictive for applications with critical decisions at stake. On the other hand, algorithms with a simple structure-typically decision trees, rule algorithms, or sparse linear models-are well known for their instability. This undesirable feature makes the conclusions of the data analysis unreliable and turns out to be a strong operational limitation. This motivates the design of SIRUS, which combines a simple structure with a remarkable stable behavior when data is perturbed. The algorithm is based on random forests, the predictive accuracy of which is preserved. We demonstrate the efficiency of the method both empirically (through experiments) and theoretically (with the proof of its asymptotic stability). Our R/C++ software implementation sirus is available from CRAN.