Abstract:We revisit the smooth convex-concave bilinearly-coupled saddle-point problem of the form $\min_x\max_y f(x) + \langle y,\mathbf{B} x\rangle - g(y)$. In the highly specific case where each of the functions $f(x)$ and $g(y)$ is either affine or strongly convex, there exist lower bounds on the number of gradient evaluations and matrix-vector multiplications required to solve the problem, as well as matching optimal algorithms. A notable aspect of these algorithms is that they are able to attain linear convergence, i.e., the number of iterations required to solve the problem is proportional to $\log(1/\epsilon)$. However, the class of bilinearly-coupled saddle-point problems for which linear convergence is possible is much wider and can involve smooth non-strongly convex functions $f(x)$ and $g(y)$. Therefore, we develop the first lower complexity bounds and matching optimal linearly converging algorithms for this problem class. Our lower complexity bounds are much more general, but they cover and unify the existing results in the literature. On the other hand, our algorithm implements the separation of complexities, which, for the first time, enables the simultaneous achievement of both optimal gradient evaluation and matrix-vector multiplication complexities, resulting in the best theoretical performance to date.
Abstract:In this paper we study the smooth strongly convex minimization problem $\min_{x}\min_y f(x,y)$. The existing optimal first-order methods require $\mathcal{O}(\sqrt{\max\{\kappa_x,\kappa_y\}} \log 1/\epsilon)$ of computations of both $\nabla_x f(x,y)$ and $\nabla_y f(x,y)$, where $\kappa_x$ and $\kappa_y$ are condition numbers with respect to variable blocks $x$ and $y$. We propose a new algorithm that only requires $\mathcal{O}(\sqrt{\kappa_x} \log 1/\epsilon)$ of computations of $\nabla_x f(x,y)$ and $\mathcal{O}(\sqrt{\kappa_y} \log 1/\epsilon)$ computations of $\nabla_y f(x,y)$. In some applications $\kappa_x \gg \kappa_y$, and computation of $\nabla_y f(x,y)$ is significantly cheaper than computation of $\nabla_x f(x,y)$. In this case, our algorithm substantially outperforms the existing state-of-the-art methods.
Abstract:This paper is a survey of methods for solving smooth (strongly) monotone stochastic variational inequalities. To begin with, we give the deterministic foundation from which the stochastic methods eventually evolved. Then we review methods for the general stochastic formulation, and look at the finite sum setup. The last parts of the paper are devoted to various recent (not necessarily stochastic) advances in algorithms for variational inequalities.
Abstract:Inspired by a recent breakthrough of Mishchenko et al (2022), who for the first time showed that local gradient steps can lead to provable communication acceleration, we propose an alternative algorithm which obtains the same communication acceleration as their method (ProxSkip). Our approach is very different, however: it is based on the celebrated method of Chambolle and Pock (2011), with several nontrivial modifications: i) we allow for an inexact computation of the prox operator of a certain smooth strongly convex function via a suitable gradient-based method (e.g., GD, Fast GD or FSFOM), ii) we perform a careful modification of the dual update step in order to retain linear convergence. Our general results offer the new state-of-the-art rates for the class of strongly convex-concave saddle-point problems with bilinear coupling characterized by the absence of smoothness in the dual function. When applied to federated learning, we obtain a theoretically better alternative to ProxSkip: our method requires fewer local steps ($O(\kappa^{1/3})$ or $O(\kappa^{1/4})$, compared to $O(\kappa^{1/2})$ of ProxSkip), and performs a deterministic number of local steps instead. Like ProxSkip, our method can be applied to optimization over a connected network, and we obtain theoretical improvements here as well.
Abstract:Methods with adaptive scaling of different features play a key role in solving saddle point problems, primarily due to Adam's popularity for solving adversarial machine learning problems, including GANS training. This paper carries out a theoretical analysis of the following scaling techniques for solving SPPs: the well-known Adam and RmsProp scaling and the newer AdaHessian and OASIS based on Hutchison approximation. We use the Extra Gradient and its improved version with negative momentum as the basic method. Experimental studies on GANs show good applicability not only for Adam, but also for other less popular methods.
Abstract:We study structured convex optimization problems, with additive objective $r:=p + q$, where $r$ is ($\mu$-strongly) convex, $q$ is $L_q$-smooth and convex, and $p$ is $L_p$-smooth, possibly nonconvex. For such a class of problems, we proposed an inexact accelerated gradient sliding method that can skip the gradient computation for one of these components while still achieving optimal complexity of gradient calls of $p$ and $q$, that is, $\mathcal{O}(\sqrt{L_p/\mu})$ and $\mathcal{O}(\sqrt{L_q/\mu})$, respectively. This result is much sharper than the classic black-box complexity $\mathcal{O}(\sqrt{(L_p+L_q)/\mu})$, especially when the difference between $L_q$ and $L_q$ is large. We then apply the proposed method to solve distributed optimization problems over master-worker architectures, under agents' function similarity, due to statistical data similarity or otherwise. The distributed algorithm achieves for the first time lower complexity bounds on {\it both} communication and local gradient calls, with the former having being a long-standing open problem. Finally the method is extended to distributed saddle-problems (under function similarity) by means of solving a class of variational inequalities, achieving lower communication and computation complexity bounds.
Abstract:In this paper, we study the fundamental open question of finding the optimal high-order algorithm for solving smooth convex minimization problems. Arjevani et al. (2019) established the lower bound $\Omega\left(\epsilon^{-2/(3p+1)}\right)$ on the number of the $p$-th order oracle calls required by an algorithm to find an $\epsilon$-accurate solution to the problem, where the $p$-th order oracle stands for the computation of the objective function value and the derivatives up to the order $p$. However, the existing state-of-the-art high-order methods of Gasnikov et al. (2019b); Bubeck et al. (2019); Jiang et al. (2019) achieve the oracle complexity $\mathcal{O}\left(\epsilon^{-2/(3p+1)} \log (1/\epsilon)\right)$, which does not match the lower bound. The reason for this is that these algorithms require performing a complex binary search procedure, which makes them neither optimal nor practical. We fix this fundamental issue by providing the first algorithm with $\mathcal{O}\left(\epsilon^{-2/(3p+1)}\right)$ $p$-th order oracle complexity.
Abstract:In this paper, we revisit the smooth and strongly-convex-strongly-concave minimax optimization problem. Zhang et al. (2021) and Ibrahim et al. (2020) established the lower bound $\Omega\left(\sqrt{\kappa_x\kappa_y} \log \frac{1}{\epsilon}\right)$ on the number of gradient evaluations required to find an $\epsilon$-accurate solution, where $\kappa_x$ and $\kappa_y$ are condition numbers for the strong convexity and strong concavity assumptions. However, the existing state-of-the-art methods do not match this lower bound: algorithms of Lin et al. (2020) and Wang and Li (2020) have gradient evaluation complexity $\mathcal{O}\left( \sqrt{\kappa_x\kappa_y}\log^3\frac{1}{\epsilon}\right)$ and $\mathcal{O}\left( \sqrt{\kappa_x\kappa_y}\log^3 (\kappa_x\kappa_y)\log\frac{1}{\epsilon}\right)$, respectively. We fix this fundamental issue by providing the first algorithm with $\mathcal{O}\left(\sqrt{\kappa_x\kappa_y}\log\frac{1}{\epsilon}\right)$ gradient evaluation complexity. We design our algorithm in three steps: (i) we reformulate the original problem as a minimization problem via the pointwise conjugate function; (ii) we apply a specific variant of the proximal point algorithm to the reformulated problem; (iii) we compute the proximal operator inexactly using the optimal algorithm for operator norm reduction in monotone inclusions.
Abstract:One of the first steps during the investigation of geological objects is the interwell correlation. It provides information on the structure of the objects under study, as it comprises the framework for constructing geological models and assessing hydrocarbon reserves. Today, the detailed interwell correlation relies on manual analysis of well-logging data. Thus, it is time-consuming and of a subjective nature. The essence of the interwell correlation constitutes an assessment of the similarities between geological profiles. There were many attempts to automate the process of interwell correlation by means of rule-based approaches, classic machine learning approaches, and deep learning approaches in the past. However, most approaches are of limited usage and inherent subjectivity of experts. We propose a novel framework to solve the geological profile similarity estimation based on a deep learning model. Our similarity model takes well-logging data as input and provides the similarity of wells as output. The developed framework enables (1) extracting patterns and essential characteristics of geological profiles within the wells and (2) model training following the unsupervised paradigm without the need for manual analysis and interpretation of well-logging data. For model testing, we used two open datasets originating in New Zealand and Norway. Our data-based similarity models provide high performance: the accuracy of our model is $0.926$ compared to $0.787$ for baselines based on the popular gradient boosting approach. With them, an oil\&gas practitioner can improve interwell correlation quality and reduce operation time.
Abstract:Variational inequalities are a formalism that includes games, minimization, saddle point, and equilibrium problems as special cases. Methods for variational inequalities are therefore universal approaches for many applied tasks, including machine learning problems. This work concentrates on the decentralized setting, which is increasingly important but not well understood. In particular, we consider decentralized stochastic (sum-type) variational inequalities over fixed and time-varying networks. We present lower complexity bounds for both communication and local iterations and construct optimal algorithms that match these lower bounds. Our algorithms are the best among the available literature not only in the decentralized stochastic case, but also in the decentralized deterministic and non-distributed stochastic cases. Experimental results confirm the effectiveness of the presented algorithms.