Abstract:Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning (PEFT) is an efficient alternative to full scale fine-tuning, gaining popularity recently. With pre-trained model sizes growing exponentially, PEFT can be effectively utilized to fine-tune compact modules, Parameter-Efficient Modules (PEMs), trained to be domain experts over diverse domains. In this project, we explore composing such individually fine-tuned PEMs for distribution generalization over the composite domain. To compose PEMs, simple composing functions are used that operate purely on the weight space of the individually fine-tuned PEMs, without requiring any additional fine-tuning. The proposed method is applied to the task of representing the 16 Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) composite personalities via 4 building block dichotomies, comprising of 8 individual traits which can be merged (composed) to yield a unique personality. We evaluate the individual trait PEMs and the composed personality PEMs via an online MBTI personality quiz questionnaire, validating the efficacy of PEFT to fine-tune PEMs and merging PEMs without further fine-tuning for domain composition.
Abstract:Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) and Vision Transformers (ViT) have dominated the field of Computer Vision (CV). Graph Neural Networks (GNN) have performed remarkably well across diverse domains because they can represent complex relationships via unstructured graphs. However, the applicability of GNNs for visual tasks was unexplored till the introduction of Vision GNNs (ViG). Despite the success of ViGs, their performance is severely bottlenecked due to the expensive $k$-Nearest Neighbors ($k$-NN) based graph construction. Recent works addressing this bottleneck impose constraints on the flexibility of GNNs to build unstructured graphs, undermining their core advantage while introducing additional inefficiencies. To address these issues, in this paper, we propose a novel method called Dynamic Efficient Graph Convolution (DEGC) for designing efficient and globally aware ViGs. DEGC partitions the input image and constructs graphs in parallel for each partition, improving graph construction efficiency. Further, DEGC integrates local intra-graph and global inter-graph feature learning, enabling enhanced global context awareness. Using DEGC as a building block, we propose a novel CNN-GNN architecture, ClusterViG, for CV tasks. Extensive experiments indicate that ClusterViG reduces end-to-end inference latency for vision tasks by up to $5\times$ when compared against a suite of models such as ViG, ViHGNN, PVG, and GreedyViG, with a similar model parameter count. Additionally, ClusterViG reaches state-of-the-art performance on image classification, object detection, and instance segmentation tasks, demonstrating the effectiveness of the proposed globally aware learning strategy. Finally, input partitioning performed by DEGC enables ClusterViG to be trained efficiently on higher-resolution images, underscoring the scalability of our approach.
Abstract:We demonstrate the capabilities of an attention-based end-to-end approach for high-speed quadrotor obstacle avoidance in dense, cluttered environments, with comparison to various state-of-the-art architectures. Quadrotor unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have tremendous maneuverability when flown fast; however, as flight speed increases, traditional vision-based navigation via independent mapping, planning, and control modules breaks down due to increased sensor noise, compounding errors, and increased processing latency. Thus, learning-based, end-to-end planning and control networks have shown to be effective for online control of these fast robots through cluttered environments. We train and compare convolutional, U-Net, and recurrent architectures against vision transformer models for depth-based end-to-end control, in a photorealistic, high-physics-fidelity simulator as well as in hardware, and observe that the attention-based models are more effective as quadrotor speeds increase, while recurrent models with many layers provide smoother commands at lower speeds. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to utilize vision transformers for end-to-end vision-based quadrotor control.
Abstract:Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Automatic Target Recognition (ATR) is a key technique used in military applications like remote-sensing image recognition. Vision Transformers (ViTs) are the current state-of-the-art in various computer vision applications, outperforming their CNN counterparts. However, using ViTs for SAR ATR applications is challenging due to (1) standard ViTs require extensive training data to generalize well due to their low locality; the standard SAR datasets, however, have a limited number of labeled training data which reduces the learning capability of ViTs; (2) ViTs have a high parameter count and are computation intensive which makes their deployment on resource-constrained SAR platforms difficult. In this work, we develop a lightweight ViT model that can be trained directly on small datasets without any pre-training by utilizing the Shifted Patch Tokenization (SPT) and Locality Self-Attention (LSA) modules. We directly train this model on SAR datasets which have limited training samples to evaluate its effectiveness for SAR ATR applications. We evaluate our proposed model, that we call VTR (ViT for SAR ATR), on three widely used SAR datasets: MSTAR, SynthWakeSAR, and GBSAR. Further, we propose a novel FPGA accelerator for VTR, in order to enable deployment for real-time SAR ATR applications.
Abstract:Vision Transformers (ViTs) have achieved state-of-the-art accuracy on various computer vision tasks. However, their high computational complexity prevents them from being applied to many real-world applications. Weight and token pruning are two well-known methods for reducing complexity: weight pruning reduces the model size and associated computational demands, while token pruning further dynamically reduces the computation based on the input. Combining these two techniques should significantly reduce computation complexity and model size; however, naively integrating them results in irregular computation patterns, leading to significant accuracy drops and difficulties in hardware acceleration. Addressing the above challenges, we propose a comprehensive algorithm-hardware codesign for accelerating ViT on FPGA through simultaneous pruning -combining static weight pruning and dynamic token pruning. For algorithm design, we systematically combine a hardware-aware structured block-pruning method for pruning model parameters and a dynamic token pruning method for removing unimportant token vectors. Moreover, we design a novel training algorithm to recover the model's accuracy. For hardware design, we develop a novel hardware accelerator for executing the pruned model. The proposed hardware design employs multi-level parallelism with load balancing strategy to efficiently deal with the irregular computation pattern led by the two pruning approaches. Moreover, we develop an efficient hardware mechanism for efficiently executing the on-the-fly token pruning.