Abstract:In this work, we consider the problem of weakly-supervised multi-step localization in instructional videos. An established approach to this problem is to rely on a given list of steps. However, in reality, there is often more than one way to execute a procedure successfully, by following the set of steps in slightly varying orders. Thus, for successful localization in a given video, recent works require the actual order of procedure steps in the video, to be provided by human annotators at both training and test times. Instead, here, we only rely on generic procedural text that is not tied to a specific video. We represent the various ways to complete the procedure by transforming the list of instructions into a procedure flow graph which captures the partial order of steps. Using the flow graphs reduces both training and test time annotation requirements. To this end, we introduce the new problem of flow graph to video grounding. In this setup, we seek the optimal step ordering consistent with the procedure flow graph and a given video. To solve this problem, we propose a new algorithm - Graph2Vid - that infers the actual ordering of steps in the video and simultaneously localizes them. To show the advantage of our proposed formulation, we extend the CrossTask dataset with procedure flow graph information. Our experiments show that Graph2Vid is both more efficient than the baselines and yields strong step localization results, without the need for step order annotation.
Abstract:While modern deep neural networks are performant perception modules, performance (accuracy) alone is insufficient, particularly for safety-critical robotic applications such as self-driving vehicles. Robot autonomy stacks also require these otherwise blackbox models to produce reliable and calibrated measures of confidence on their predictions. Existing approaches estimate uncertainty from these neural network perception stacks by modifying network architectures, inference procedure, or loss functions. However, in general, these methods lack calibration, meaning that the predictive uncertainties do not faithfully represent the true underlying uncertainties (process noise). Our key insight is that calibration is only achieved by imposing constraints across multiple examples, such as those in a mini-batch; as opposed to existing approaches which only impose constraints per-sample, often leading to overconfident (thus miscalibrated) uncertainty estimates. By enforcing the distribution of outputs of a neural network to resemble a target distribution by minimizing an $f$-divergence, we obtain significantly better-calibrated models compared to prior approaches. Our approach, $f$-Cal, outperforms existing uncertainty calibration approaches on robot perception tasks such as object detection and monocular depth estimation over multiple real-world benchmarks.
Abstract:Active localization is the problem of generating robot actions that allow it to maximally disambiguate its pose within a reference map. Traditional approaches to this use an information-theoretic criterion for action selection and hand-crafted perceptual models. In this work we propose an end-to-end differentiable method for learning to take informative actions that is trainable entirely in simulation and then transferable to real robot hardware with zero refinement. The system is composed of two modules: a convolutional neural network for perception, and a deep reinforcement learned planning module. We introduce a multi-scale approach to the learned perceptual model since the accuracy needed to perform action selection with reinforcement learning is much less than the accuracy needed for robot control. We demonstrate that the resulting system outperforms using the traditional approach for either perception or planning. We also demonstrate our approaches robustness to different map configurations and other nuisance parameters through the use of domain randomization in training. The code is also compatible with the OpenAI gym framework, as well as the Gazebo simulator.