Abstract:Efforts towards endowing robots with the ability to speak have benefited from recent advancements in NLP, in particular large language models. However, as powerful as current models have become, they still operate on sentence or multi-sentence level input, not on the word-by-word input that humans operate on, affecting the degree of responsiveness that they offer, which is critical in situations where humans interact with robots using speech. In this paper, we review the literature on interactive systems that operate incrementally (i.e., at the word level or below it). We motivate the need for incremental systems, survey incremental modeling of important aspects of dialogue like speech recognition and language generation. Primary focus is on the part of the system that makes decisions, known as the dialogue manager. We find that there is very little research on incremental dialogue management, offer some requirements for practical incremental dialogue management, and the implications of incremental dialogue for embodied, robotic platforms.
Abstract:While there has been a lot of research recently on robots in household environments, at the present time, most robots in existence can be found on shop floors, and most interactions between humans and robots happen there. ``Collaborative robots'' (cobots) designed to work alongside humans on assembly lines traditionally require expert programming, limiting ability to make changes, or manual guidance, limiting expressivity of the resulting programs. To address these limitations, we explore using Large Language Models (LLMs), and in particular, their abilities of doing in-context learning, for conversational code generation. As a first step, we define RATS, the ``Repetitive Assembly Task'', a 2D building task designed to lay the foundation for simulating industry assembly scenarios. In this task, a `programmer' instructs a cobot, using natural language, on how a certain assembly is to be built; that is, the programmer induces a program, through natural language. We create a dataset that pairs target structures with various example instructions (human-authored, template-based, and model-generated) and example code. With this, we systematically evaluate the capabilities of state-of-the-art LLMs for synthesising this kind of code, given in-context examples. Evaluating in a simulated environment, we find that LLMs are capable of generating accurate `first order code' (instruction sequences), but have problems producing `higher-order code' (abstractions such as functions, or use of loops).
Abstract:This work analyses the text memorization behavior of large language models (LLMs) when subjected to nucleus sampling. Stochastic decoding methods like nucleus sampling are typically applied to overcome issues such as monotonous and repetitive text generation, which are often observed with maximization-based decoding techniques. We hypothesize that nucleus sampling might also reduce the occurrence of memorization patterns, because it could lead to the selection of tokens outside the memorized sequence. To test this hypothesis we create a diagnostic dataset with a known distribution of duplicates that gives us some control over the likelihood of memorization of certain parts of the training data. Our analysis of two GPT-Neo models fine-tuned on this dataset interestingly shows that (i) an increase of the nucleus size reduces memorization only modestly, and (ii) even when models do not engage in "hard" memorization -- a verbatim reproduction of training samples -- they may still display "soft" memorization whereby they generate outputs that echo the training data but without a complete one-by-one resemblance.
Abstract:Natural Language Processing has moved rather quickly from modelling specific tasks to taking more general pre-trained models and fine-tuning them for specific tasks, to a point where we now have what appear to be inherently generalist models. This paper argues that the resultant loss of clarity on what these models model leads to metaphors like "artificial general intelligences" that are not helpful for evaluating their strengths and weaknesses. The proposal is to see their generality, and their potential value, in their ability to approximate specialist function, based on a natural language specification. This framing brings to the fore questions of the quality of the approximation, but beyond that, also questions of discoverability, stability, and protectability of these functions. As the paper will show, this framing hence brings together in one conceptual framework various aspects of evaluation, both from a practical and a theoretical perspective, as well as questions often relegated to a secondary status (such as "prompt injection" and "jailbreaking").
Abstract:There is an increasing trend towards evaluating NLP models with LLM-generated judgments instead of human judgments. In the absence of a comparison against human data, this raises concerns about the validity of these evaluations; in case they are conducted with proprietary models, this also raises concerns over reproducibility. We provide JUDGE-BENCH, a collection of 20 NLP datasets with human annotations, and comprehensively evaluate 11 current LLMs, covering both open-weight and proprietary models, for their ability to replicate the annotations. Our evaluations show that each LLM exhibits a large variance across datasets in its correlation to human judgments. We conclude that LLMs are not yet ready to systematically replace human judges in NLP.
Abstract:While the situation has improved for text-only models, it again seems to be the case currently that multimodal (text and image) models develop faster than ways to evaluate them. In this paper, we bring a recently developed evaluation paradigm from text models to multimodal models, namely evaluation through the goal-oriented game (self) play, complementing reference-based and preference-based evaluation. Specifically, we define games that challenge a model's capability to represent a situation from visual information and align such representations through dialogue. We find that the largest closed models perform rather well on the games that we define, while even the best open-weight models struggle with them. On further analysis, we find that the exceptional deep captioning capabilities of the largest models drive some of the performance. There is still room to grow for both kinds of models, ensuring the continued relevance of the benchmark.
Abstract:What makes a good Large Language Model (LLM)? That it performs well on the relevant benchmarks -- which hopefully measure, with some validity, the presence of capabilities that are also challenged in real application. But what makes the model perform well? What gives a model its abilities? We take a recently introduced type of benchmark that is meant to challenge capabilities in a goal-directed, agentive context through self-play of conversational games, and analyse how performance develops as a function of model characteristics like number of parameters, or type of training. We find that while there is a clear relationship between number of parameters and performance, there is still a wide spread of performance points within a given size bracket, which is to be accounted for by training parameters such as fine-tuning data quality and method. From a more practical angle, we also find a certain degree of unpredictability about performance across access methods, possible due to unexposed sampling parameters, and a, very welcome, performance stability against at least moderate weight quantisation during inference.
Abstract:Collaboration is an integral part of human dialogue. Typical task-oriented dialogue games assign asymmetric roles to the participants, which limits their ability to elicit naturalistic role-taking in collaboration and its negotiation. We present a novel and simple online setup that favors balanced collaboration: a two-player 2D object placement game in which the players must negotiate the goal state themselves. We show empirically that human players exhibit a variety of role distributions, and that balanced collaboration improves task performance. We also present an LLM-based baseline agent which demonstrates that automatic playing of our game is an interesting challenge for artificial systems.
Abstract:It has been established in recent work that Large Language Models (LLMs) can be prompted to "self-play" conversational games that probe certain capabilities (general instruction following, strategic goal orientation, language understanding abilities), where the resulting interactive game play can be automatically scored. In this paper, we take one of the proposed frameworks for setting up such game-play environments, and further test its usefulness as an evaluation instrument, along a number of dimensions: We show that it can easily keep up with new developments while avoiding data contamination, we show that the tests implemented within it are not yet saturated (human performance is substantially higher than that of even the best models), and we show that it lends itself to investigating additional questions, such as the impact of the prompting language on performance. We believe that the approach forms a good basis for making decisions on model choice for building applied interactive systems, and perhaps ultimately setting up a closed-loop development environment of system and simulated evaluator.
Abstract:Active participation in a conversation is key to building common ground, since understanding is jointly tailored by producers and recipients. Overhearers are deprived of the privilege of performing grounding acts and can only conjecture about intended meanings. Still, data generation and annotation, modelling, training and evaluation of NLP dialogue models place reliance on the overhearing paradigm. How much of the underlying grounding processes are thereby forfeited? As we show, there is evidence pointing to the impossibility of properly modelling human meta-communicative acts with data-driven learning models. In this paper, we discuss this issue and provide a preliminary analysis on the variability of human decisions for requesting clarification. Most importantly, we wish to bring this topic back to the community's table, encouraging discussion on the consequences of having models designed to only "listen in".