Abstract:We present PEARL (Preconditioner Enhancement through Actor-critic Reinforcement Learning), a novel approach to learning matrix preconditioners. Existing preconditioners such as Jacobi, Incomplete LU, and Algebraic Multigrid methods offer problem-specific advantages but rely heavily on hyperparameter tuning. Recent advances have explored using deep neural networks to learn preconditioners, though challenges such as misbehaved objective functions and costly training procedures remain. PEARL introduces a reinforcement learning approach for learning preconditioners, specifically, a contextual bandit formulation. The framework utilizes an actor-critic model, where the actor generates the incomplete Cholesky decomposition of preconditioners, and the critic evaluates them based on reward-specific feedback. To further guide the training, we design a dual-objective function, combining updates from the critic and condition number. PEARL contributes a generalizable preconditioner learning method, dynamic sparsity exploration, and cosine schedulers for improved stability and exploratory power. We compare our approach to traditional and neural preconditioners, demonstrating improved flexibility and iterative solving speed.
Abstract:Deep learning is revolutionizing weather forecasting, with new data-driven models achieving accuracy on par with operational physical models for medium-term predictions. However, these models often lack interpretability, making their underlying dynamics difficult to understand and explain. This paper proposes methodologies to estimate the Koopman operator, providing a linear representation of complex nonlinear dynamics to enhance the transparency of data-driven models. Despite its potential, applying the Koopman operator to large-scale problems, such as atmospheric modeling, remains challenging. This study aims to identify the limitations of existing methods, refine these models to overcome various bottlenecks, and introduce novel convolutional neural network architectures that capture simplified dynamics.
Abstract:In this work we present CppFlow - a novel and performant planner for the Cartesian Path Planning problem, which finds valid trajectories up to 129x faster than current methods, while also succeeding on more difficult problems where others fail. At the core of the proposed algorithm is the use of a learned, generative Inverse Kinematics solver, which is able to efficiently produce promising entire candidate solution trajectories on the GPU. Precise, valid solutions are then found through classical approaches such as differentiable programming, global search, and optimization. In combining approaches from these two paradigms we get the best of both worlds - efficient approximate solutions from generative AI which are made exact using the guarantees of traditional planning and optimization. We evaluate our system against other state of the art methods on a set of established baselines as well as new ones introduced in this work and find that our method significantly outperforms others in terms of the time to find a valid solution and planning success rate, and performs comparably in terms of trajectory length over time. The work is made open source and available for use upon acceptance.
Abstract:Granular materials are of critical interest to many robotic tasks in planetary science, construction, and manufacturing. However, the dynamics of granular materials are complex and often computationally very expensive to simulate. We propose a set of methodologies and a system for the fast simulation of granular materials on Graphics Processing Units (GPUs), and show that this simulation is fast enough for basic training with Reinforcement Learning algorithms, which currently require many dynamics samples to achieve acceptable performance. Our method models granular material dynamics using implicit timestepping methods for multibody rigid contacts, as well as algorithmic techniques for efficient parallel collision detection between pairs of particles and between particle and arbitrarily shaped rigid bodies, and programming techniques for minimizing warp divergence on Single-Instruction, Multiple-Thread (SIMT) chip architectures. We showcase our simulation system on several environments targeted toward robotic tasks, and release our simulator as an open-source tool.
Abstract:To accurately reproduce measurements from the real world, simulators need to have an adequate model of the physical system and require the parameters of the model be identified. We address the latter problem of estimating parameters through a Bayesian inference approach that approximates a posterior distribution over simulation parameters given real sensor measurements. By extending the commonly used Gaussian likelihood model for trajectories via the multiple-shooting formulation, our chosen particle-based inference algorithm Stein Variational Gradient Descent is able to identify highly nonlinear, underactuated systems. We leverage GPU code generation and differentiable simulation to evaluate the likelihood and its gradient for many particles in parallel. Our algorithm infers non-parametric distributions over simulation parameters more accurately than comparable baselines and handles constraints over parameters efficiently through gradient-based optimization. We evaluate estimation performance on several physical experiments. On an underactuated mechanism where a 7-DOF robot arm excites an object with an unknown mass configuration, we demonstrate how our inference technique can identify symmetries between the parameters and provide highly accurate predictions. Project website: https://uscresl.github.io/prob-diff-sim
Abstract:Differentiable simulators provide an avenue for closing the sim-to-real gap by enabling the use of efficient, gradient-based optimization algorithms to find the simulation parameters that best fit the observed sensor readings. Nonetheless, these analytical models can only predict the dynamical behavior of systems for which they have been designed. In this work, we study the augmentation of a novel differentiable rigid-body physics engine via neural networks that is able to learn nonlinear relationships between dynamic quantities and can thus learn effects not accounted for in traditional simulators.Such augmentations require less data to train and generalize better compared to entirely data-driven models. Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate the ability of our hybrid simulator to learn complex dynamics involving frictional contacts from real data, as well as match known models of viscous friction, and present an approach for automatically discovering useful augmentations. We show that, besides benefiting dynamics modeling, inserting neural networks can accelerate model-based control architectures. We observe a ten-fold speed-up when replacing the QP solver inside a model-predictive gait controller for quadruped robots with a neural network, allowing us to significantly improve control delays as we demonstrate in real-hardware experiments. We publish code, additional results and videos from our experiments on our project webpage at https://sites.google.com/usc.edu/neuralsim.
Abstract:Speech recognition systems have improved dramatically over the last few years, however, their performance is significantly degraded for the cases of accented or impaired speech. This work explores domain adversarial neural networks (DANN) for speaker-independent speech recognition on the UAS dataset of dysarthric speech. The classification task on 10 spoken digits is performed using an end-to-end CNN taking raw audio as input. The results are compared to a speaker-adaptive (SA) model as well as speaker-dependent (SD) and multi-task learning models (MTL). The experiments conducted in this paper show that DANN achieves an absolute recognition rate of 74.91% and outperforms the baseline by 12.18%. Additionally, the DANN model achieves comparable results to the SA model's recognition rate of 77.65%. We also observe that when labelled dysarthric speech data is available DANN and MTL perform similarly, but when they are not DANN performs better than MTL.
Abstract:We present a differentiable simulation architecture for articulated rigid-body dynamics that enables the augmentation of analytical models with neural networks at any point of the computation. Through gradient-based optimization, identification of the simulation parameters and network weights is performed efficiently in preliminary experiments on a real-world dataset and in sim2sim transfer applications, while poor local optima are overcome through a random search approach.
Abstract:A key ingredient to achieving intelligent behavior is physical understanding that equips robots with the ability to reason about the effects of their actions in a dynamic environment. Several methods have been proposed to learn dynamics models from data that inform model-based control algorithms. While such learning-based approaches can model locally observed behaviors, they fail to generalize to more complex dynamics and under long time horizons. In this work, we introduce a differentiable physics simulator for rigid body dynamics. Leveraging various techniques for differential equation integration and gradient calculation, we compare different methods for parameter estimation that allow us to infer the simulation parameters that are relevant to estimation and control of physical systems. In the context of trajectory optimization, we introduce a closed-loop model-predictive control algorithm that infers the simulation parameters through experience while achieving cost-minimizing performance.
Abstract:Intelligent agents need a physical understanding of the world to predict the impact of their actions in the future. While learning-based models of the environment dynamics have contributed to significant improvements in sample efficiency compared to model-free reinforcement learning algorithms, they typically fail to generalize to system states beyond the training data, while often grounding their predictions on non-interpretable latent variables. We introduce Interactive Differentiable Simulation (IDS), a differentiable physics engine, that allows for efficient, accurate inference of physical properties of rigid-body systems. Integrated into deep learning architectures, our model is able to accomplish system identification using visual input, leading to an interpretable model of the world whose parameters have physical meaning. We present experiments showing automatic task-based robot design and parameter estimation for nonlinear dynamical systems by automatically calculating gradients in IDS. When integrated into an adaptive model-predictive control algorithm, our approach exhibits orders of magnitude improvements in sample efficiency over model-free reinforcement learning algorithms on challenging nonlinear control domains.