Abstract:We present PEARL (Preconditioner Enhancement through Actor-critic Reinforcement Learning), a novel approach to learning matrix preconditioners. Existing preconditioners such as Jacobi, Incomplete LU, and Algebraic Multigrid methods offer problem-specific advantages but rely heavily on hyperparameter tuning. Recent advances have explored using deep neural networks to learn preconditioners, though challenges such as misbehaved objective functions and costly training procedures remain. PEARL introduces a reinforcement learning approach for learning preconditioners, specifically, a contextual bandit formulation. The framework utilizes an actor-critic model, where the actor generates the incomplete Cholesky decomposition of preconditioners, and the critic evaluates them based on reward-specific feedback. To further guide the training, we design a dual-objective function, combining updates from the critic and condition number. PEARL contributes a generalizable preconditioner learning method, dynamic sparsity exploration, and cosine schedulers for improved stability and exploratory power. We compare our approach to traditional and neural preconditioners, demonstrating improved flexibility and iterative solving speed.
Abstract:We present Wasserstein Adaptive Value Estimation for Actor-Critic (WAVE), an approach to enhance stability in deep reinforcement learning through adaptive Wasserstein regularization. Our method addresses the inherent instability of actor-critic algorithms by incorporating an adaptively weighted Wasserstein regularization term into the critic's loss function. We prove that WAVE achieves $\mathcal{O}\left(\frac{1}{k}\right)$ convergence rate for the critic's mean squared error and provide theoretical guarantees for stability through Wasserstein-based regularization. Using the Sinkhorn approximation for computational efficiency, our approach automatically adjusts the regularization based on the agent's performance. Theoretical analysis and experimental results demonstrate that WAVE achieves superior performance compared to standard actor-critic methods.
Abstract:The multi-armed bandit (MAB) problem is a foundational framework in sequential decision-making under uncertainty, extensively studied for its applications in areas such as clinical trials, online advertising, and resource allocation. Traditional MAB formulations, however, do not adequately capture scenarios where decisions are structured hierarchically, involve multi-level constraints, or feature context-dependent action spaces. In this paper, we introduce the hierarchical constrained bandits (HCB) framework, which extends the contextual bandit problem to incorporate hierarchical decision structures and multi-level constraints. We propose the hierarchical constrained upper confidence bound (HC-UCB) algorithm, designed to address the complexities of the HCB problem by leveraging confidence bounds within a hierarchical setting. Our theoretical analysis establishes sublinear regret bounds for HC-UCB and provides high-probability guarantees for constraint satisfaction at all hierarchical levels. Furthermore, we derive a minimax lower bound on the regret for the HCB problem, demonstrating the near-optimality of our algorithm. The results are significant for real-world applications where decision-making processes are inherently hierarchical and constrained, offering a robust and efficient solution that balances exploration and exploitation across multiple levels of decision-making.
Abstract:Testing controllers in safety-critical systems is vital for ensuring their safety and preventing failures. In this paper, we address the falsification problem within learning-based closed-loop control systems through simulation. This problem involves the identification of counterexamples that violate system safety requirements and can be formulated as an optimization task based on these requirements. Using full-fidelity simulator data in this optimization problem can be computationally expensive. To improve efficiency, we propose a multi-fidelity Bayesian optimization falsification framework that harnesses simulators with varying levels of accuracy. Our proposed framework can transition between different simulators and establish meaningful relationships between them. Through multi-fidelity Bayesian optimization, we determine both the optimal system input likely to be a counterexample and the appropriate fidelity level for assessment. We evaluated our approach across various Gym environments, each featuring different levels of fidelity. Our experiments demonstrate that multi-fidelity Bayesian optimization is more computationally efficient than full-fidelity Bayesian optimization and other baseline methods in detecting counterexamples. A Python implementation of the algorithm is available at https://github.com/SAILRIT/MFBO_Falsification.
Abstract:The primary goal of reinforcement learning is to develop decision-making policies that prioritize optimal performance without considering risk or safety. In contrast, safe reinforcement learning aims to mitigate or avoid unsafe states. This paper presents a risk-sensitive Q-learning algorithm that leverages optimal transport theory to enhance the agent safety. By integrating optimal transport into the Q-learning framework, our approach seeks to optimize the policy's expected return while minimizing the Wasserstein distance between the policy's stationary distribution and a predefined risk distribution, which encapsulates safety preferences from domain experts. We validate the proposed algorithm in a Gridworld environment. The results indicate that our method significantly reduces the frequency of visits to risky states and achieves faster convergence to a stable policy compared to the traditional Q-learning algorithm.
Abstract:Reinforcement learning (RL) has revolutionized decision-making across a wide range of domains over the past few decades. Yet, deploying RL policies in real-world scenarios presents the crucial challenge of ensuring safety. Traditional safe RL approaches have predominantly focused on incorporating predefined safety constraints into the policy learning process. However, this reliance on predefined safety constraints poses limitations in dynamic and unpredictable real-world settings where such constraints may not be available or sufficiently adaptable. Bridging this gap, we propose a novel approach that concurrently learns a safe RL control policy and identifies the unknown safety constraint parameters of a given environment. Initializing with a parametric signal temporal logic (pSTL) safety specification and a small initial labeled dataset, we frame the problem as a bilevel optimization task, intricately integrating constrained policy optimization, using a Lagrangian-variant of the twin delayed deep deterministic policy gradient (TD3) algorithm, with Bayesian optimization for optimizing parameters for the given pSTL safety specification. Through experimentation in comprehensive case studies, we validate the efficacy of this approach across varying forms of environmental constraints, consistently yielding safe RL policies with high returns. Furthermore, our findings indicate successful learning of STL safety constraint parameters, exhibiting a high degree of conformity with true environmental safety constraints. The performance of our model closely mirrors that of an ideal scenario that possesses complete prior knowledge of safety constraints, demonstrating its proficiency in accurately identifying environmental safety constraints and learning safe policies that adhere to those constraints.
Abstract:This paper explores the integration of optimal transport (OT) theory with multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL). This integration uses OT to handle distributions and transportation problems to enhance the efficiency, coordination, and adaptability of MARL. There are five key areas where OT can impact MARL: (1) policy alignment, where OT's Wasserstein metric is used to align divergent agent strategies towards unified goals; (2) distributed resource management, employing OT to optimize resource allocation among agents; (3) addressing non-stationarity, using OT to adapt to dynamic environmental shifts; (4) scalable multi-agent learning, harnessing OT for decomposing large-scale learning objectives into manageable tasks; and (5) enhancing energy efficiency, applying OT principles to develop sustainable MARL systems. This paper articulates how the synergy between OT and MARL can address scalability issues, optimize resource distribution, align agent policies in cooperative environments, and ensure adaptability in dynamically changing conditions.
Abstract:Contextual bandits have emerged as a cornerstone in reinforcement learning, enabling systems to make decisions with partial feedback. However, as contexts grow in complexity, traditional bandit algorithms can face challenges in adequately capturing and utilizing such contexts. In this paper, we propose a novel integration of large language models (LLMs) with the contextual bandit framework. By leveraging LLMs as an encoder, we enrich the representation of the context, providing the bandit with a denser and more informative view. Preliminary results on synthetic datasets demonstrate the potential of this approach, showing notable improvements in cumulative rewards and reductions in regret compared to traditional bandit algorithms. This integration not only showcases the capabilities of LLMs in reinforcement learning but also opens the door to a new era of contextually-aware decision systems.
Abstract:In inverse reinforcement learning (IRL), the central objective is to infer underlying reward functions from observed expert behaviors in a way that not only explains the given data but also generalizes to unseen scenarios. This ensures robustness against reward ambiguity where multiple reward functions can equally explain the same expert behaviors. While significant efforts have been made in addressing this issue, current methods often face challenges with high-dimensional problems and lack a geometric foundation. This paper harnesses the optimal transport (OT) theory to provide a fresh perspective on these challenges. By utilizing the Wasserstein distance from OT, we establish a geometric framework that allows for quantifying reward ambiguity and identifying a central representation or centroid of reward functions. These insights pave the way for robust IRL methodologies anchored in geometric interpretations, offering a structured approach to tackle reward ambiguity in high-dimensional settings.
Abstract:In the dynamic and uncertain environments where reinforcement learning (RL) operates, risk management becomes a crucial factor in ensuring reliable decision-making. Traditional RL approaches, while effective in reward optimization, often overlook the landscape of potential risks. In response, this paper pioneers the integration of Optimal Transport (OT) theory with RL to create a risk-aware framework. Our approach modifies the objective function, ensuring that the resulting policy not only maximizes expected rewards but also respects risk constraints dictated by OT distances between state visitation distributions and the desired risk profiles. By leveraging the mathematical precision of OT, we offer a formulation that elevates risk considerations alongside conventional RL objectives. Our contributions are substantiated with a series of theorems, mapping the relationships between risk distributions, optimal value functions, and policy behaviors. Through the lens of OT, this work illuminates a promising direction for RL, ensuring a balanced fusion of reward pursuit and risk awareness.