Abstract:We propose a minimax-Bayes approach to Ad Hoc Teamwork (AHT) that optimizes policies against an adversarial prior over partners, explicitly accounting for uncertainty about partners at time of deployment. Unlike existing methods that assume a specific distribution over partners, our approach improves worst-case performance guarantees. Extensive experiments, including evaluations on coordinated cooking tasks from the Melting Pot suite, show our method's superior robustness compared to self-play, fictitious play, and best response learning. Our work highlights the importance of selecting an appropriate training distribution over teammates to achieve robustness in AHT.
Abstract:We consider a learning problem for the stable marriage model under unknown preferences for the left side of the market. We focus on the centralized case, where at each time step, an online platform matches the agents, and obtains a noisy evaluation reflecting their preferences. Our aim is to quickly identify the stable matching that is left-side optimal, rendering this a pure exploration problem with bandit feedback. We specifically aim to find Probably Correct Optimal Stable Matchings and present several bandit algorithms to do so. Our findings provide a foundational understanding of how to efficiently gather and utilize preference information to identify the optimal stable matching in two-sided markets under uncertainty. An experimental analysis on synthetic data complements theoretical results on sample complexities for the proposed methods.
Abstract:In Reinforcement Learning (RL) theory, we impose restrictive assumptions to design an algorithm with provably sublinear regret. Common assumptions, like linear or RKHS models, and Gaussian or log-concave posteriors over the models, do not explain practical success of RL across a wider range of distributions and models. Thus, we study how to design RL algorithms with sublinear regret for isoperimetric distributions, specifically the ones satisfying the Log-Sobolev Inequality (LSI). LSI distributions include the standard setups of RL and others, such as many non-log-concave and perturbed distributions. First, we show that the Posterior Sampling-based RL (PSRL) yields sublinear regret if the data distributions satisfy LSI under some mild additional assumptions. Also, when we cannot compute or sample from an exact posterior, we propose a Langevin sampling-based algorithm design: LaPSRL. We show that LaPSRL achieves order optimal regret and subquadratic complexity per episode. Finally, we deploy LaPSRL with a Langevin sampler -- SARAH-LD, and test it for different bandit and MDP environments. Experimental results validate the generality of LaPSRL across environments and its competitive performance with respect to the baselines.
Abstract:Motivated by the phenomenon of strategic agents gaming a recommender system to maximize the number of times they are recommended to users, we study a strategic variant of the linear contextual bandit problem, where the arms can strategically misreport their privately observed contexts to the learner. We treat the algorithm design problem as one of mechanism design under uncertainty and propose the Optimistic Grim Trigger Mechanism (OptGTM) that incentivizes the agents (i.e., arms) to report their contexts truthfully while simultaneously minimizing regret. We also show that failing to account for the strategic nature of the agents results in linear regret. However, a trade-off between mechanism design and regret minimization appears to be unavoidable. More broadly, this work aims to provide insight into the intersection of online learning and mechanism design.
Abstract:We formulate the problem of eliciting agents' preferences with the goal of finding a Kemeny ranking as a Dueling Bandits problem. Here the bandits' arms correspond to alternatives that need to be ranked and the feedback corresponds to a pairwise comparison between alternatives by a randomly sampled agent. We consider both sampling with and without replacement, i.e., the possibility to ask the same agent about some comparison multiple times or not. We find approximation bounds for Kemeny rankings dependant on confidence intervals over estimated winning probabilities of arms. Based on these we state algorithms to find Probably Approximately Correct (PAC) solutions and elaborate on their sample complexity for sampling with or without replacement. Furthermore, if all agents' preferences are strict rankings over the alternatives, we provide means to prune confidence intervals and thereby guide a more efficient elicitation. We formulate several adaptive sampling methods that use look-aheads to estimate how much confidence intervals (and thus approximation guarantees) might be tightened. All described methods are compared on synthetic data.
Abstract:We study a strategic variant of the multi-armed bandit problem, which we coin the strategic click-bandit. This model is motivated by applications in online recommendation where the choice of recommended items depends on both the click-through rates and the post-click rewards. Like in classical bandits, rewards follow a fixed unknown distribution. However, we assume that the click-rate of each arm is chosen strategically by the arm (e.g., a host on Airbnb) in order to maximize the number of times it gets clicked. The algorithm designer does not know the post-click rewards nor the arms' actions (i.e., strategically chosen click-rates) in advance, and must learn both values over time. To solve this problem, we design an incentive-aware learning algorithm, UCB-S, which achieves two goals simultaneously: (a) incentivizing desirable arm behavior under uncertainty; (b) minimizing regret by learning unknown parameters. We characterize all approximate Nash equilibria among arms under UCB-S and show a $\tilde{\mathcal{O}} (\sqrt{KT})$ regret bound uniformly in every equilibrium. We also show that incentive-unaware algorithms generally fail to achieve low regret in the strategic click-bandit. Finally, we support our theoretical results by simulations of strategic arm behavior which confirm the effectiveness and robustness of our proposed incentive design.
Abstract:While the Bayesian decision-theoretic framework offers an elegant solution to the problem of decision making under uncertainty, one question is how to appropriately select the prior distribution. One idea is to employ a worst-case prior. However, this is not as easy to specify in sequential decision making as in simple statistical estimation problems. This paper studies (sometimes approximate) minimax-Bayes solutions for various reinforcement learning problems to gain insights into the properties of the corresponding priors and policies. We find that while the worst-case prior depends on the setting, the corresponding minimax policies are more robust than those that assume a standard (i.e. uniform) prior.
Abstract:In this paper, we study the problem of transferring the available Markov Decision Process (MDP) models to learn and plan efficiently in an unknown but similar MDP. We refer to it as \textit{Model Transfer Reinforcement Learning (MTRL)} problem. First, we formulate MTRL for discrete MDPs and Linear Quadratic Regulators (LQRs) with continuous state actions. Then, we propose a generic two-stage algorithm, MLEMTRL, to address the MTRL problem in discrete and continuous settings. In the first stage, MLEMTRL uses a \textit{constrained Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE)}-based approach to estimate the target MDP model using a set of known MDP models. In the second stage, using the estimated target MDP model, MLEMTRL deploys a model-based planning algorithm appropriate for the MDP class. Theoretically, we prove worst-case regret bounds for MLEMTRL both in realisable and non-realisable settings. We empirically demonstrate that MLEMTRL allows faster learning in new MDPs than learning from scratch and achieves near-optimal performance depending on the similarity of the available MDPs and the target MDP.
Abstract:The task of learning a reward function from expert demonstrations suffers from high sample complexity as well as inherent limitations to what can be learned from demonstrations in a given environment. As the samples used for reward learning require human input, which is generally expensive, much effort has been dedicated towards designing more sample-efficient algorithms. Moreover, even with abundant data, current methods can still fail to learn insightful reward functions that are robust to minor changes in the environment dynamics. We approach these challenges differently than prior work by improving the sample-efficiency as well as the robustness of learned rewards through adaptively designing a sequence of demonstration environments for the expert to act in. We formalise a framework for this environment design process in which learner and expert repeatedly interact, and construct algorithms that actively seek information about the rewards by carefully curating environments for the human to demonstrate the task in.
Abstract:In stochastic games with incomplete information, the uncertainty is evoked by the lack of knowledge about a player's own and the other players' types, i.e. the utility function and the policy space, and also the inherent stochasticity of different players' interactions. In existing literature, the risk in stochastic games has been studied in terms of the inherent uncertainty evoked by the variability of transitions and actions. In this work, we instead focus on the risk associated with the \textit{uncertainty over types}. We contrast this with the multi-agent reinforcement learning framework where the other agents have fixed stationary policies and investigate risk-sensitiveness due to the uncertainty about the other agents' adaptive policies. We propose risk-sensitive versions of existing algorithms proposed for risk-neutral stochastic games, such as Iterated Best Response (IBR), Fictitious Play (FP) and a general multi-objective gradient approach using dual ascent (DAPG). Our experimental analysis shows that risk-sensitive DAPG performs better than competing algorithms for both social welfare and general-sum stochastic games.