In Reinforcement Learning (RL) theory, we impose restrictive assumptions to design an algorithm with provably sublinear regret. Common assumptions, like linear or RKHS models, and Gaussian or log-concave posteriors over the models, do not explain practical success of RL across a wider range of distributions and models. Thus, we study how to design RL algorithms with sublinear regret for isoperimetric distributions, specifically the ones satisfying the Log-Sobolev Inequality (LSI). LSI distributions include the standard setups of RL and others, such as many non-log-concave and perturbed distributions. First, we show that the Posterior Sampling-based RL (PSRL) yields sublinear regret if the data distributions satisfy LSI under some mild additional assumptions. Also, when we cannot compute or sample from an exact posterior, we propose a Langevin sampling-based algorithm design: LaPSRL. We show that LaPSRL achieves order optimal regret and subquadratic complexity per episode. Finally, we deploy LaPSRL with a Langevin sampler -- SARAH-LD, and test it for different bandit and MDP environments. Experimental results validate the generality of LaPSRL across environments and its competitive performance with respect to the baselines.