Abstract:Training semantic segmenter with synthetic data has been attracting great attention due to its easy accessibility and huge quantities. Most previous methods focused on producing large-scale synthetic image-annotation samples and then training the segmenter with all of them. However, such a solution remains a main challenge in that the poor-quality samples are unavoidable, and using them to train the model will damage the training process. In this paper, we propose a training-free Synthetic Data Selection (SDS) strategy with CLIP to select high-quality samples for building a reliable synthetic dataset. Specifically, given massive synthetic image-annotation pairs, we first design a Perturbation-based CLIP Similarity (PCS) to measure the reliability of synthetic image, thus removing samples with low-quality images. Then we propose a class-balance Annotation Similarity Filter (ASF) by comparing the synthetic annotation with the response of CLIP to remove the samples related to low-quality annotations. The experimental results show that using our method significantly reduces the data size by half, while the trained segmenter achieves higher performance. The code is released at https://github.com/tanghao2000/SDS.
Abstract:Weakly supervised semantic segmentation has witnessed great achievements with image-level labels. Several recent approaches use the CLIP model to generate pseudo labels for training an individual segmentation model, while there is no attempt to apply the CLIP model as the backbone to directly segment objects with image-level labels. In this paper, we propose WeCLIP, a CLIP-based single-stage pipeline, for weakly supervised semantic segmentation. Specifically, the frozen CLIP model is applied as the backbone for semantic feature extraction, and a new decoder is designed to interpret extracted semantic features for final prediction. Meanwhile, we utilize the above frozen backbone to generate pseudo labels for training the decoder. Such labels cannot be optimized during training. We then propose a refinement module (RFM) to rectify them dynamically. Our architecture enforces the proposed decoder and RFM to benefit from each other to boost the final performance. Extensive experiments show that our approach significantly outperforms other approaches with less training cost. Additionally, our WeCLIP also obtains promising results for fully supervised settings. The code is available at https://github.com/zbf1991/WeCLIP.
Abstract:Few-shot segmentation remains challenging due to the limitations of its labeling information for unseen classes. Most previous approaches rely on extracting high-level feature maps from the frozen visual encoder to compute the pixel-wise similarity as a key prior guidance for the decoder. However, such a prior representation suffers from coarse granularity and poor generalization to new classes since these high-level feature maps have obvious category bias. In this work, we propose to replace the visual prior representation with the visual-text alignment capacity to capture more reliable guidance and enhance the model generalization. Specifically, we design two kinds of training-free prior information generation strategy that attempts to utilize the semantic alignment capability of the Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training model (CLIP) to locate the target class. Besides, to acquire more accurate prior guidance, we build a high-order relationship of attention maps and utilize it to refine the initial prior information. Experiments on both the PASCAL-5{i} and COCO-20{i} datasets show that our method obtains a clearly substantial improvement and reaches the new state-of-the-art performance.
Abstract:Consistency learning is a central strategy to tackle unlabeled data in semi-supervised medical image segmentation (SSMIS), which enforces the model to produce consistent predictions under the perturbation. However, most current approaches solely focus on utilizing a specific single perturbation, which can only cope with limited cases, while employing multiple perturbations simultaneously is hard to guarantee the quality of consistency learning. In this paper, we propose an Adaptive Bidirectional Displacement (ABD) approach to solve the above challenge. Specifically, we first design a bidirectional patch displacement based on reliable prediction confidence for unlabeled data to generate new samples, which can effectively suppress uncontrollable regions and still retain the influence of input perturbations. Meanwhile, to enforce the model to learn the potentially uncontrollable content, a bidirectional displacement operation with inverse confidence is proposed for the labeled images, which generates samples with more unreliable information to facilitate model learning. Extensive experiments show that ABD achieves new state-of-the-art performances for SSMIS, significantly improving different baselines. Source code is available at https://github.com/chy-upc/ABD.
Abstract:Co-salient object detection, with the target of detecting co-existed salient objects among a group of images, is gaining popularity. Recent works use the attention mechanism or extra information to aggregate common co-salient features, leading to incomplete even incorrect responses for target objects. In this paper, we aim to mine comprehensive co-salient features with democracy and reduce background interference without introducing any extra information. To achieve this, we design a democratic prototype generation module to generate democratic response maps, covering sufficient co-salient regions and thereby involving more shared attributes of co-salient objects. Then a comprehensive prototype based on the response maps can be generated as a guide for final prediction. To suppress the noisy background information in the prototype, we propose a self-contrastive learning module, where both positive and negative pairs are formed without relying on additional classification information. Besides, we also design a democratic feature enhancement module to further strengthen the co-salient features by readjusting attention values. Extensive experiments show that our model obtains better performance than previous state-of-the-art methods, especially on challenging real-world cases (e.g., for CoCA, we obtain a gain of 2.0% for MAE, 5.4% for maximum F-measure, 2.3% for maximum E-measure, and 3.7% for S-measure) under the same settings. Code will be released soon.
Abstract:We focus on tackling weakly supervised semantic segmentation with scribble-level annotation. The regularized loss has been proven to be an effective solution for this task. However, most existing regularized losses only leverage static shallow features (color, spatial information) to compute the regularized kernel, which limits its final performance since such static shallow features fail to describe pair-wise pixel relationship in complicated cases. In this paper, we propose a new regularized loss which utilizes both shallow and deep features that are dynamically updated in order to aggregate sufficient information to represent the relationship of different pixels. Moreover, in order to provide accurate deep features, we adopt vision transformer as the backbone and design a feature consistency head to train the pair-wise feature relationship. Unlike most approaches that adopt multi-stage training strategy with many bells and whistles, our approach can be directly trained in an end-to-end manner, in which the feature consistency head and our regularized loss can benefit from each other. Extensive experiments show that our approach achieves new state-of-the-art performances, outperforming other approaches by a significant margin with more than 6\% mIoU increase.
Abstract:Weakly supervised semantic segmentation is receiving great attention due to its low human annotation cost. In this paper, we aim to tackle bounding box supervised semantic segmentation, i.e., training accurate semantic segmentation models using bounding box annotations as supervision. To this end, we propose Affinity Attention Graph Neural Network ($A^2$GNN). Following previous practices, we first generate pseudo semantic-aware seeds, which are then formed into semantic graphs based on our newly proposed affinity Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). Then the built graphs are input to our $A^2$GNN, in which an affinity attention layer is designed to acquire the short- and long- distance information from soft graph edges to accurately propagate semantic labels from the confident seeds to the unlabeled pixels. However, to guarantee the precision of the seeds, we only adopt a limited number of confident pixel seed labels for $A^2$GNN, which may lead to insufficient supervision for training. To alleviate this issue, we further introduce a new loss function and a consistency-checking mechanism to leverage the bounding box constraint, so that more reliable guidance can be included for the model optimization. Experiments show that our approach achieves new state-of-the-art performances on Pascal VOC 2012 datasets (val: 76.5\%, test: 75.2\%). More importantly, our approach can be readily applied to bounding box supervised instance segmentation task or other weakly supervised semantic segmentation tasks, with state-of-the-art or comparable performance among almot all weakly supervised tasks on PASCAL VOC or COCO dataset. Our source code will be available at https://github.com/zbf1991/A2GNN.
Abstract:Few-shot segmentation has been attracting a lot of attention due to its effectiveness to segment unseen object classes with a few annotated samples. Most existing approaches use masked Global Average Pooling (GAP) to encode an annotated support image to a feature vector to facilitate query image segmentation. However, this pipeline unavoidably loses some discriminative information due to the average operation. In this paper, we propose a simple but effective self-guided learning approach, where the lost critical information is mined. Specifically, through making an initial prediction for the annotated support image, the covered and uncovered foreground regions are encoded to the primary and auxiliary support vectors using masked GAP, respectively. By aggregating both primary and auxiliary support vectors, better segmentation performances are obtained on query images. Enlightened by our self-guided module for 1-shot segmentation, we propose a cross-guided module for multiple shot segmentation, where the final mask is fused using predictions from multiple annotated samples with high-quality support vectors contributing more and vice versa. This module improves the final prediction in the inference stage without re-training. Extensive experiments show that our approach achieves new state-of-the-art performances on both PASCAL-5i and COCO-20i datasets.
Abstract:Sparse labels have been attracting much attention in recent years. However, the performance gap between weakly supervised and fully supervised salient object detection methods is huge, and most previous weakly supervised works adopt complex training methods with many bells and whistles. In this work, we propose a one-round end-to-end training approach for weakly supervised salient object detection via scribble annotations without pre/post-processing operations or extra supervision data. Since scribble labels fail to offer detailed salient regions, we propose a local coherence loss to propagate the labels to unlabeled regions based on image features and pixel distance, so as to predict integral salient regions with complete object structures. We design a saliency structure consistency loss as self-consistent mechanism to ensure consistent saliency maps are predicted with different scales of the same image as input, which could be viewed as a regularization technique to enhance the model generalization ability. Additionally, we design an aggregation module (AGGM) to better integrate high-level features, low-level features and global context information for the decoder to aggregate various information. Extensive experiments show that our method achieves a new state-of-the-art performance on six benchmarks (e.g. for the ECSSD dataset: F_\beta = 0.8995, E_\xi = 0.9079 and MAE = 0.0489$), with an average gain of 4.60\% for F-measure, 2.05\% for E-measure and 1.88\% for MAE over the previous best method on this task. Source code is available at http://github.com/siyueyu/SCWSSOD.
Abstract:In this paper, the main task we aim to tackle is the multi-instance semi-supervised video object segmentation across a sequence of frames where only the first-frame box-level ground-truth is provided. Detection-based algorithms are widely adopted to handle this task, and the challenges lie in the selection of the matching method to predict the result as well as to decide whether to update the target template using the newly predicted result. The existing methods, however, make these selections in a rough and inflexible way, compromising their performance. To overcome this limitation, we propose a novel approach which utilizes reinforcement learning to make these two decisions at the same time. Specifically, the reinforcement learning agent learns to decide whether to update the target template according to the quality of the predicted result. The choice of the matching method will be determined at the same time, based on the action history of the reinforcement learning agent. Experiments show that our method is almost 10 times faster than the previous state-of-the-art method with even higher accuracy (region similarity of 69.1% on DAVIS 2017 dataset).