Abstract:We propose a distributed control law for a heterogeneous multi-robot coverage problem, where the robots could have different energy characteristics, such as capacity and depletion rates, due to their varying sizes, speeds, capabilities, and payloads. Existing energy-aware coverage control laws consider capacity differences but assume the battery depletion rate to be the same for all robots. In realistic scenarios, however, some robots can consume energy much faster than other robots; for instance, UAVs hover at different altitudes, and these changes could be dynamically updated based on their assigned tasks. Robots' energy capacities and depletion rates need to be considered to maximize the performance of a multi-robot system. To this end, we propose a new energy-aware controller based on Lloyd's algorithm to adapt the weights of the robots based on their energy dynamics and divide the area of interest among the robots accordingly. The controller is theoretically analyzed and extensively evaluated through simulations and real-world demonstrations in multiple realistic scenarios and compared with three baseline control laws to validate its performance and efficacy.
Abstract:Recent developments in robotic and sensor hardware make data collection with mobile robots (ground or aerial) feasible and affordable to a wide population of users. The newly emergent applications, such as precision agriculture, weather damage assessment, or personal home security often do not satisfy the simplifying assumptions made by previous research: the explored areas have complex shapes and obstacles, multiple phenomena need to be sensed and estimated simultaneously and the measured quantities might change during observations. The future progress of path planning and estimation algorithms requires a new generation of benchmarks that provide representative environments and scoring methods that capture the demands of these applications. This paper describes the Waterberry Farms benchmark (WBF) that models a precision agriculture application at a Florida farm growing multiple crop types. The benchmark captures the dynamic nature of the spread of plant diseases and variations of soil humidity while the scoring system measures the performance of a given combination of a movement policy and an information model estimator. By benchmarking several examples of representative path planning and estimator algorithms, we demonstrate WBF's ability to provide insight into their properties and quantify future progress.
Abstract:In this paper, we study the problem of coverage of an environment with an energy-constrained robot in the presence of multiple charging stations. As the robot's on-board power supply is limited, it might not have enough energy to cover all the points in the environment with a single charge. Instead, it will need to stop at one or more charging stations to recharge its battery intermittently. The robot cannot violate the energy constraint, i.e., visit a location with negative available energy. To solve this problem, we propose a deep Q-learning framework that produces a policy to maximize the coverage and minimize the budget violations. Our proposed framework also leverages the memory of a recurrent neural network (RNN) to better suit this multi-objective optimization problem. We have tested the presented framework within a 16 x 16 grid environment having charging stations and various obstacle configurations. Results show that our proposed method finds feasible solutions and outperforms a comparable existing technique.
Abstract:In this paper, we study the circle formation problem by multiple autonomous and homogeneous disc-shaped robots (also known as fat robots). The goal of the robots is to place themselves on the periphery of a circle. Circle formation has many real-world applications, such as boundary surveillance. This paper addresses one variant of such problem { uniform circle formation, where the robots have to be equidistant apart. The robots operate by executing cycles of the states wait-look-compute-move. They are oblivious, indistinguishable, anonymous, and do not communicate via message passing. First, we solve the uniform circle formation problem while assuming the robots to be transparent. Next, we address an even weaker model, where the robots are non-transparent and have limited visibility. We propose novel distributed algorithms to solve these variants. Our presented algorithms in this paper are proved to be correct and guarantee to prevent collision and deadlock among the swarm of robots.
Abstract:In this paper, we study the problem of coverage planning by a mobile robot with a limited energy budget. The objective of the robot is to cover every point in the environment while minimizing the traveled path length. The environment is initially unknown to the robot. Therefore, it needs to avoid the obstacles in the environment on-the-fly during the exploration. As the robot has a specific energy budget, it might not be able to cover the complete environment in one traversal. Instead, it will need to visit a static charging station periodically in order to recharge its energy. To solve the stated problem, we propose a budgeted depth-first search (DFS)-based exploration strategy that helps the robot to cover any unknown planar environment while bounding the maximum path length to a constant-factor of the shortest-possible path length. Our $O(1)$-approximation guarantee advances the state-of-the-art of log-approximation for this problem. Simulation results show that our proposed algorithm outperforms the current state-of-the-art algorithm both in terms of the traveled path length and run time in all the tested environments with concave and convex obstacles.
Abstract:With increasing population the crisis of food is getting bigger day by day.In this time of crisis,the leaf disease of crops is the biggest problem in the food industry.In this paper, we have addressed that problem and proposed an efficient method to detect leaf disease.Leaf diseases can be detected from sample images of the leaf with the help of image processing and segmentation.Using k-means clustering and Otsu's method the faulty region in a leaf is detected which helps to determine proper course of action to be taken.Further the ratio of normal and faulty region if calculated would be able to predict if the leaf can be cured at all.
Abstract:In this paper, we study the multi-robot task allocation problem where a group of robots needs to be allocated to a set of tasks so that the tasks can be finished optimally. One task may need more than one robot to finish it. Therefore the robots need to form coalitions to complete these tasks. Multi-robot coalition formation for task allocation is a well-known NP-hard problem. To solve this problem, we use a linear-programming based graph partitioning approach along with a region growing strategy which allocates (near) optimal robot coalitions to tasks in a negligible amount of time. Our proposed algorithm is fast (only taking 230 secs. for 100 robots and 10 tasks) and it also finds a near-optimal solution (up to 97.66% of the optimal). We have empirically demonstrated that the proposed approach in this paper always finds a solution which is closer (up to 9.1 times) to the optimal solution than a theoretical worst-case bound proved in an earlier work.
Abstract:We consider the configuration formation problem in modular robotic systems where a set of singleton modules that are spatially distributed in an environment are required to assume appropriate positions so that they can configure into a new, user-specified target configuration, while simultaneously maximizing the amount of information collected while navigating from their initial to final positions. Each module has a limited energy budget to expend while moving from its initial to goal location. To solve this problem, we propose a budget-limited, heuristic search-based algorithm that finds a path that maximizes the entropy of the expected information along the path. We have analytically proved that our proposed approach converges within finite time. Experimental results show that our planning approach has lower run-time than an auction-based allocation algorithm for selecting modules' spots.
Abstract:We consider the problem of configuration formation in modular robot systems where a set of modules that are initially in different configurations and located at different locations are required to assume appropriate positions so that they can get into a new, user-specified, target configuration. We propose a novel algorithm based on graph isomorphism, where the modules select locations or spots in the target configuration using a utility-based framework, while retaining their original configuration to the greatest extent possible, to reduce the time and energy required by the modules to assume the target configuration. We have shown analytically that our proposed algorithm is complete and guarantees a Pareto-optimal allocation. Experimental simulations of our algorithm with different number of modules in different initial configurations and located initially at different locations, show that the planning time of our algorithm is nominal (order of msec. for 100 modules). We have also compared our algorithm against a market-based allocation algorithm and shown that our proposed algorithm performs better in terms of time and number of messages exchanged.