Abstract:The inductive bias and generalization properties of large machine learning models are -- to a substantial extent -- a byproduct of the optimization algorithm used for training. Among others, the scale of the random initialization, the learning rate, and early stopping all have crucial impact on the quality of the model learnt by stochastic gradient descent or related algorithms. In order to understand these phenomena, we study the training dynamics of large two-layer neural networks. We use a well-established technique from non-equilibrium statistical physics (dynamical mean field theory) to obtain an asymptotic high-dimensional characterization of this dynamics. This characterization applies to a Gaussian approximation of the hidden neurons non-linearity, and empirically captures well the behavior of actual neural network models. Our analysis uncovers several interesting new phenomena in the training dynamics: $(i)$ The emergence of a slow time scale associated with the growth in Gaussian/Rademacher complexity; $(ii)$ As a consequence, algorithmic inductive bias towards small complexity, but only if the initialization has small enough complexity; $(iii)$ A separation of time scales between feature learning and overfitting; $(iv)$ A non-monotone behavior of the test error and, correspondingly, a `feature unlearning' phase at large times.
Abstract:We consider a general model for high-dimensional empirical risk minimization whereby the data $\mathbf{x}_i$ are $d$-dimensional isotropic Gaussian vectors, the model is parametrized by $\mathbf{\Theta}\in\mathbb{R}^{d\times k}$, and the loss depends on the data via the projection $\mathbf{\Theta}^\mathsf{T}\mathbf{x}_i$. This setting covers as special cases classical statistics methods (e.g. multinomial regression and other generalized linear models), but also two-layer fully connected neural networks with $k$ hidden neurons. We use the Kac-Rice formula from Gaussian process theory to derive a bound on the expected number of local minima of this empirical risk, under the proportional asymptotics in which $n,d\to\infty$, with $n\asymp d$. Via Markov's inequality, this bound allows to determine the positions of these minimizers (with exponential deviation bounds) and hence derive sharp asymptotics on the estimation and prediction error. In this paper, we apply our characterization to convex losses, where high-dimensional asymptotics were not (in general) rigorously established for $k\ge 2$. We show that our approach is tight and allows to prove previously conjectured results. In addition, we characterize the spectrum of the Hessian at the minimizer. A companion paper applies our general result to non-convex examples.
Abstract:We study high-dimensional, ridge-regularized logistic regression in a setting in which the covariates may be missing or corrupted by additive noise. When both the covariates and the additive corruptions are independent and normally distributed, we provide exact characterizations of both the prediction error as well as the estimation error. Moreover, we show that these characterizations are universal: as long as the entries of the data matrix satisfy a set of independence and moment conditions, our guarantees continue to hold. Universality, in turn, enables the detailed study of several imputation-based strategies when the covariates are missing completely at random. We ground our study by comparing the performance of these strategies with the conjectured performance -- stemming from replica theory in statistical physics -- of the Bayes optimal procedure. Our analysis yields several insights including: (i) a distinction between single imputation and a simple variant of multiple imputation and (ii) that adding a simple ridge regularization term to single-imputed logistic regression can yield an estimator whose prediction error is nearly indistinguishable from the Bayes optimal prediction error. We supplement our findings with extensive numerical experiments.
Abstract:Empirically-determined scaling laws have been broadly successful in predicting the evolution of large machine learning models with training data and number of parameters. As a consequence, they have been useful for optimizing the allocation of limited resources, most notably compute time. In certain applications, storage space is an important constraint, and data format needs to be chosen carefully as a consequence. Computer vision is a prominent example: images are inherently analog, but are always stored in a digital format using a finite number of bits. Given a dataset of digital images, the number of bits $L$ to store each of them can be further reduced using lossy data compression. This, however, can degrade the quality of the model trained on such images, since each example has lower resolution. In order to capture this trade-off and optimize storage of training data, we propose a `storage scaling law' that describes the joint evolution of test error with sample size and number of bits per image. We prove that this law holds within a stylized model for image compression, and verify it empirically on two computer vision tasks, extracting the relevant parameters. We then show that this law can be used to optimize the lossy compression level. At given storage, models trained on optimally compressed images present a significantly smaller test error with respect to models trained on the original data. Finally, we investigate the potential benefits of randomizing the compression level.
Abstract:Given $d$-dimensional standard Gaussian vectors $\boldsymbol{x}_1,\dots, \boldsymbol{x}_n$, we consider the set of all empirical distributions of its $m$-dimensional projections, for $m$ a fixed constant. Diaconis and Freedman (1984) proved that, if $n/d\to \infty$, all such distributions converge to the standard Gaussian distribution. In contrast, we study the proportional asymptotics, whereby $n,d\to \infty$ with $n/d\to \alpha \in (0, \infty)$. In this case, the projection of the data points along a typical random subspace is again Gaussian, but the set $\mathscr{F}_{m,\alpha}$ of all probability distributions that are asymptotically feasible as $m$-dimensional projections contains non-Gaussian distributions corresponding to exceptional subspaces. Non-rigorous methods from statistical physics yield an indirect characterization of $\mathscr{F}_{m,\alpha}$ in terms of a generalized Parisi formula. Motivated by the goal of putting this formula on a rigorous basis, and to understand whether these projections can be found efficiently, we study the subset $\mathscr{F}^{\rm alg}_{m,\alpha}\subseteq \mathscr{F}_{m,\alpha}$ of distributions that can be realized by a class of iterative algorithms. We prove that this set is characterized by a certain stochastic optimal control problem, and obtain a dual characterization of this problem in terms of a variational principle that extends Parisi's formula. As a byproduct, we obtain computationally achievable values for a class of random optimization problems including `generalized spherical perceptron' models.
Abstract:Collecting large quantities of high-quality data is often prohibitively expensive or impractical, and a crucial bottleneck in machine learning. One may instead augment a small set of $n$ data points from the target distribution with data from more accessible sources like public datasets, data collected under different circumstances, or synthesized by generative models. Blurring distinctions, we refer to such data as `surrogate data'. We define a simple scheme for integrating surrogate data into training and use both theoretical models and empirical studies to explore its behavior. Our main findings are: $(i)$ Integrating surrogate data can significantly reduce the test error on the original distribution; $(ii)$ In order to reap this benefit, it is crucial to use optimally weighted empirical risk minimization; $(iii)$ The test error of models trained on mixtures of real and surrogate data is well described by a scaling law. This can be used to predict the optimal weighting and the gain from surrogate data.
Abstract:Maximum margin binary classification is one of the most fundamental algorithms in machine learning, yet the role of featurization maps and the high-dimensional asymptotics of the misclassification error for non-Gaussian features are still poorly understood. We consider settings in which we observe binary labels $y_i$ and either $d$-dimensional covariates ${\boldsymbol z}_i$ that are mapped to a $p$-dimension space via a randomized featurization map ${\boldsymbol \phi}:\mathbb{R}^d \to\mathbb{R}^p$, or $p$-dimensional features of non-Gaussian independent entries. In this context, we study two fundamental questions: $(i)$ At what overparametrization ratio $p/n$ do the data become linearly separable? $(ii)$ What is the generalization error of the max-margin classifier? Working in the high-dimensional regime in which the number of features $p$, the number of samples $n$ and the input dimension $d$ (in the nonlinear featurization setting) diverge, with ratios of order one, we prove a universality result establishing that the asymptotic behavior is completely determined by the expected covariance of feature vectors and by the covariance between features and labels. In particular, the overparametrization threshold and generalization error can be computed within a simpler Gaussian model. The main technical challenge lies in the fact that max-margin is not the maximizer (or minimizer) of an empirical average, but the maximizer of a minimum over the samples. We address this by representing the classifier as an average over support vectors. Crucially, we find that in high dimensions, the support vector count is proportional to the number of samples, which ultimately yields universality.
Abstract:Given a sample of size $N$, it is often useful to select a subsample of smaller size $n<N$ to be used for statistical estimation or learning. Such a data selection step is useful to reduce the requirements of data labeling and the computational complexity of learning. We assume to be given $N$ unlabeled samples $\{{\boldsymbol x}_i\}_{i\le N}$, and to be given access to a `surrogate model' that can predict labels $y_i$ better than random guessing. Our goal is to select a subset of the samples, to be denoted by $\{{\boldsymbol x}_i\}_{i\in G}$, of size $|G|=n<N$. We then acquire labels for this set and we use them to train a model via regularized empirical risk minimization. By using a mixture of numerical experiments on real and synthetic data, and mathematical derivations under low- and high- dimensional asymptotics, we show that: $(i)$~Data selection can be very effective, in particular beating training on the full sample in some cases; $(ii)$~Certain popular choices in data selection methods (e.g. unbiased reweighted subsampling, or influence function-based subsampling) can be substantially suboptimal.
Abstract:In these six lectures, we examine what can be learnt about the behavior of multi-layer neural networks from the analysis of linear models. We first recall the correspondence between neural networks and linear models via the so-called lazy regime. We then review four models for linearized neural networks: linear regression with concentrated features, kernel ridge regression, random feature model and neural tangent model. Finally, we highlight the limitations of the linear theory and discuss how other approaches can overcome them.
Abstract:Diffusions are a successful technique to sample from high-dimensional distributions can be either explicitly given or learnt from a collection of samples. They implement a diffusion process whose endpoint is a sample from the target distribution and whose drift is typically represented as a neural network. Stochastic localization is a successful technique to prove mixing of Markov Chains and other functional inequalities in high dimension. An algorithmic version of stochastic localization was introduced in [EAMS2022], to obtain an algorithm that samples from certain statistical mechanics models. This notes have three objectives: (i) Generalize the construction [EAMS2022] to other stochastic localization processes; (ii) Clarify the connection between diffusions and stochastic localization. In particular we show that standard denoising diffusions are stochastic localizations but other examples that are naturally suggested by the proposed viewpoint; (iii) Describe some insights that follow from this viewpoint.