Abstract:We introduce a retrieval approach leveraging Support Vector Regression (SVR) ensembles, bootstrap aggregation (bagging), and embedding spaces on the German Dataset for Legal Information Retrieval (GerDaLIR). By conceptualizing the retrieval task in terms of multiple binary needle-in-a-haystack subtasks, we show improved recall over the baselines (0.849 > 0.803 | 0.829) using our voting ensemble, suggesting promising initial results, without training or fine-tuning any deep learning models. Our approach holds potential for further enhancement, particularly through refining the encoding models and optimizing hyperparameters.
Abstract:If sentiment analysis tools were valid classifiers, one would expect them to provide comparable results for sentiment classification on different kinds of corpora and for different languages. In line with results of previous studies we show that sentiment analysis tools disagree on the same dataset. Going beyond previous studies we show that the sentiment tool used for sentiment annotation can even be predicted from its outcome, revealing an algorithmic bias of sentiment analysis. Based on Twitter, Wikipedia and different news corpora from the English, German and French languages, our classifiers separate sentiment tools with an averaged F1-score of 0.89 (for the English corpora). We therefore warn against taking sentiment annotations as face value and argue for the need of more and systematic NLP evaluation studies.
Abstract:The "meaning" of an iconic gesture is conditioned on its informational evaluation. Only informational evaluation lifts a gesture to a quasi-linguistic level that can interact with verbal content. Interaction is either vacuous or regimented by usual lexicon-driven inferences. Informational evaluation is spelled out as extended exemplification (extemplification) in terms of perceptual classification of a gesture's visual iconic model. The iconic model is derived from Frege/Montague-like truth-functional evaluation of a gesture's form within spatially extended domains. We further argue that the perceptual classification of instances of visual communication requires a notion of meaning different from Frege/Montague frameworks. Therefore, a heuristic for gesture interpretation is provided that can guide the working semanticist. In sum, an iconic gesture semantics is introduced which covers the full range from kinematic gesture representations over model-theoretic evaluation to inferential interpretation in dynamic semantic frameworks.
Abstract:Many studies have shown that human languages tend to optimize for lower complexity and increased communication efficiency. Syntactic dependency distance, which measures the linear distance between dependent words, is often considered a key indicator of language processing difficulty and working memory load. The current paper looks at diachronic trends in syntactic language change in both English and German, using corpora of parliamentary debates from the last c. 160 years. We base our observations on five dependency parsers, including the widely used Stanford CoreNLP as well as 4 newer alternatives. Our analysis of syntactic language change goes beyond linear dependency distance and explores 15 metrics relevant to dependency distance minimization (DDM) and/or based on tree graph properties, such as the tree height and degree variance. Even though we have evidence that recent parsers trained on modern treebanks are not heavily affected by data 'noise' such as spelling changes and OCR errors in our historic data, we find that results of syntactic language change are sensitive to the parsers involved, which is a caution against using a single parser for evaluating syntactic language change as done in previous work. We also show that syntactic language change over the time period investigated is largely similar between English and German across the different metrics explored: only 4% of cases we examine yield opposite conclusions regarding upwards and downtrends of syntactic metrics across German and English. We also show that changes in syntactic measures seem to be more frequent at the tails of sentence length distributions. To our best knowledge, ours is the most comprehensive analysis of syntactic language using modern NLP technology in recent corpora of English and German.
Abstract:Parliamentary debates represent a large and partly unexploited treasure trove of publicly accessible texts. In the German-speaking area, there is a certain deficit of uniformly accessible and annotated corpora covering all German-speaking parliaments at the national and federal level. To address this gap, we introduce the German Parliament Corpus (GerParCor). GerParCor is a genre-specific corpus of (predominantly historical) German-language parliamentary protocols from three centuries and four countries, including state and federal level data. In addition, GerParCor contains conversions of scanned protocols and, in particular, of protocols in Fraktur converted via an OCR process based on Tesseract. All protocols were preprocessed by means of the NLP pipeline of spaCy3 and automatically annotated with metadata regarding their session date. GerParCor is made available in the XMI format of the UIMA project. In this way, GerParCor can be used as a large corpus of historical texts in the field of political communication for various tasks in NLP.
Abstract:HeidelTime is one of the most widespread and successful tools for detecting temporal expressions in texts. Since HeidelTime's pattern matching system is based on regular expression, it can be extended in a convenient way. We present such an extension for the German resources of HeidelTime: HeidelTime-EXT . The extension has been brought about by means of observing false negatives within real world texts and various time banks. The gain in coverage is 2.7% or 8.5%, depending on the admitted degree of potential overgeneralization. We describe the development of HeidelTime-EXT, its evaluation on text samples from various genres, and share some linguistic observations. HeidelTime ext can be obtained from https://github.com/texttechnologylab/heideltime.
Abstract:Transformer-based models are now predominant in NLP. They outperform approaches based on static models in many respects. This success has in turn prompted research that reveals a number of biases in the language models generated by transformers. In this paper we utilize this research on biases to investigate to what extent transformer-based language models allow for extracting knowledge about object relations (X occurs in Y; X consists of Z; action A involves using X). To this end, we compare contextualized models with their static counterparts. We make this comparison dependent on the application of a number of similarity measures and classifiers. Our results are threefold: Firstly, we show that the models combined with the different similarity measures differ greatly in terms of the amount of knowledge they allow for extracting. Secondly, our results suggest that similarity measures perform much worse than classifier-based approaches. Thirdly, we show that, surprisingly, static models perform almost as well as contextualized models -- in some cases even better.
Abstract:As global trends are shifting towards data-driven industries, the demand for automated algorithms that can convert digital images of scanned documents into machine readable information is rapidly growing. Besides the opportunity of data digitization for the application of data analytic tools, there is also a massive improvement towards automation of processes, which previously would require manual inspection of the documents. Although the introduction of optical character recognition technologies mostly solved the task of converting human-readable characters from images into machine-readable characters, the task of extracting table semantics has been less focused on over the years. The recognition of tables consists of two main tasks, namely table detection and table structure recognition. Most prior work on this problem focuses on either task without offering an end-to-end solution or paying attention to real application conditions like rotated images or noise artefacts inside the document image. Recent work shows a clear trend towards deep learning approaches coupled with the use of transfer learning for the task of table structure recognition due to the lack of sufficiently large datasets. In this paper we present a multistage pipeline named Multi-Type-TD-TSR, which offers an end-to-end solution for the problem of table recognition. It utilizes state-of-the-art deep learning models for table detection and differentiates between 3 different types of tables based on the tables' borders. For the table structure recognition we use a deterministic non-data driven algorithm, which works on all table types. We additionally present two algorithms. One for unbordered tables and one for bordered tables, which are the base of the used table structure recognition algorithm. We evaluate Multi-Type-TD-TSR on the ICDAR 2019 table structure recognition dataset and achieve a new state-of-the-art.
Abstract:Threshold concepts are key terms in domain-based knowledge acquisition. They are regarded as building blocks of the conceptual development of domain knowledge within particular learners. From a linguistic perspective, however, threshold concepts are instances of specialized vocabularies, exhibiting particular linguistic features. Threshold concepts are typically used in specialized texts such as textbooks -- that is, within a formal learning environment. However, they also occur in informal learning environments like newspapers. In this article, a first approach is taken to combine both lines into an overarching research program - that is, to provide a computational linguistic assessment of different resources, including in particular online resources, by means of threshold concepts. To this end, the distributive profiles of 63 threshold concepts from business education (which have been collected from threshold concept research) has been investigated in three kinds of (German) resources, namely textbooks, newspapers, and Wikipedia. Wikipedia is (one of) the largest and most widely used online resources. We looked at the threshold concepts' frequency distribution, their compound distribution, and their network structure within the three kind of resources. The two main findings can be summarized as follows: Firstly, the three kinds of resources can indeed be distinguished in terms of their threshold concepts' profiles. Secondly, Wikipedia definitely appears to be a formal learning resource.
Abstract:We test the hypothesis that the extent to which one obtains information on a given topic through Wikipedia depends on the language in which it is consulted. Controlling the size factor, we investigate this hypothesis for a number of 25 subject areas. Since Wikipedia is a central part of the web-based information landscape, this indicates a language-related, linguistic bias. The article therefore deals with the question of whether Wikipedia exhibits this kind of linguistic relativity or not. From the perspective of educational science, the article develops a computational model of the information landscape from which multiple texts are drawn as typical input of web-based reading. For this purpose, it develops a hybrid model of intra- and intertextual similarity of different parts of the information landscape and tests this model on the example of 35 languages and corresponding Wikipedias. In this way the article builds a bridge between reading research, educational science, Wikipedia research and computational linguistics.