Abstract:We consider the problem of online aggregation of expert predictions with the quadratic loss function. We propose an algorithm for aggregating expert predictions which does not require a prior knowledge of the upper bound on the losses. The algorithm is based on the exponential reweighing of expert losses.
Abstract:We propose a novel algorithm for offline reinforcement learning using optimal transport. Typically, in offline reinforcement learning, the data is provided by various experts and some of them can be sub-optimal. To extract an efficient policy, it is necessary to \emph{stitch} the best behaviors from the dataset. To address this problem, we rethink offline reinforcement learning as an optimal transportation problem. And based on this, we present an algorithm that aims to find a policy that maps states to a \emph{partial} distribution of the best expert actions for each given state. We evaluate the performance of our algorithm on continuous control problems from the D4RL suite and demonstrate improvements over existing methods.
Abstract:A common challenge in aggregating data from multiple sources can be formalized as an \textit{Optimal Transport} (OT) barycenter problem, which seeks to compute the average of probability distributions with respect to OT discrepancies. However, the presence of outliers and noise in the data measures can significantly hinder the performance of traditional statistical methods for estimating OT barycenters. To address this issue, we propose a novel, scalable approach for estimating the \textit{robust} continuous barycenter, leveraging the dual formulation of the \textit{(semi-)unbalanced} OT problem. To the best of our knowledge, this paper is the first attempt to develop an algorithm for robust barycenters under the continuous distribution setup. Our method is framed as a $\min$-$\max$ optimization problem and is adaptable to \textit{general} cost function. We rigorously establish the theoretical underpinnings of the proposed method and demonstrate its robustness to outliers and class imbalance through a number of illustrative experiments.
Abstract:Learning conditional distributions $\pi^*(\cdot|x)$ is a central problem in machine learning, which is typically approached via supervised methods with paired data $(x,y) \sim \pi^*$. However, acquiring paired data samples is often challenging, especially in problems such as domain translation. This necessitates the development of $\textit{semi-supervised}$ models that utilize both limited paired data and additional unpaired i.i.d. samples $x \sim \pi^*_x$ and $y \sim \pi^*_y$ from the marginal distributions. The usage of such combined data is complex and often relies on heuristic approaches. To tackle this issue, we propose a new learning paradigm that integrates both paired and unpaired data $\textbf{seamlessly}$ through the data likelihood maximization techniques. We demonstrate that our approach also connects intriguingly with inverse entropic optimal transport (OT). This finding allows us to apply recent advances in computational OT to establish a $\textbf{light}$ learning algorithm to get $\pi^*(\cdot|x)$. Furthermore, we demonstrate through empirical tests that our method effectively learns conditional distributions using paired and unpaired data simultaneously.
Abstract:The Iterative Markovian Fitting (IMF) procedure based on iterative reciprocal and Markovian projections has recently been proposed as a powerful method for solving the Schr\"odinger Bridge problem. However, it has been observed that for the practical implementation of this procedure, it is crucial to alternate between fitting a forward and backward time diffusion at each iteration. Such implementation is thought to be a practical heuristic, which is required to stabilize training and obtain good results in applications such as unpaired domain translation. In our work, we show that this heuristic closely connects with the pioneer approaches for the Schr\"odinger Bridge based on the Iterative Proportional Fitting (IPF) procedure. Namely, we find that the practical implementation of IMF is, in fact, a combination of IMF and IPF procedures, and we call this combination the Iterative Proportional Markovian Fitting (IPMF) procedure. We show both theoretically and practically that this combined IPMF procedure can converge under more general settings, thus, showing that the IPMF procedure opens a door towards developing a unified framework for solving Schr\"odinger Bridge problems.
Abstract:The Schr\"odinger Bridge (SB) problem offers a powerful framework for combining optimal transport and diffusion models. A promising recent approach to solve the SB problem is the Iterative Markovian Fitting (IMF) procedure, which alternates between Markovian and reciprocal projections of continuous-time stochastic processes. However, the model built by the IMF procedure has a long inference time due to using many steps of numerical solvers for stochastic differential equations. To address this limitation, we propose a novel Discrete-time IMF (D-IMF) procedure in which learning of stochastic processes is replaced by learning just a few transition probabilities in discrete time. Its great advantage is that in practice it can be naturally implemented using the Denoising Diffusion GAN (DD-GAN), an already well-established adversarial generative modeling technique. We show that our D-IMF procedure can provide the same quality of unpaired domain translation as the IMF, using only several generation steps instead of hundreds.
Abstract:Over the several recent years, there has been a boom in development of flow matching methods for generative modeling. One intriguing property pursued by the community is the ability to learn flows with straight trajectories which realize the optimal transport (OT) displacements. Straightness is crucial for fast integration of the learned flow's paths. Unfortunately, most existing flow straightening methods are based on non-trivial iterative procedures which accumulate the error during training or exploit heuristic minibatch OT approximations. To address this issue, we develop a novel optimal flow matching approach which recovers the straight OT displacement for the quadratic cost in just one flow matching step.
Abstract:Given a collection of probability measures, a practitioner sometimes needs to find an "average" distribution which adequately aggregates reference distributions. A theoretically appealing notion of such an average is the Wasserstein barycenter, which is the primal focus of our work. By building upon the dual formulation of Optimal Transport (OT), we propose a new scalable approach for solving the Wasserstein barycenter problem. Our methodology is based on the recent Neural OT solver: it has bi-level adversarial learning objective and works for general cost functions. These are key advantages of our method, since the typical adversarial algorithms leveraging barycenter tasks utilize tri-level optimization and focus mostly on quadratic cost. We also establish theoretical error bounds for our proposed approach and showcase its applicability and effectiveness on illustrative scenarios and image data setups.
Abstract:Schr\"odinger Bridges (SB) have recently gained the attention of the ML community as a promising extension of classic diffusion models which is also interconnected to the Entropic Optimal Transport (EOT). Recent solvers for SB exploit the pervasive bridge matching procedures. Such procedures aim to recover a stochastic process transporting the mass between distributions given only a transport plan between them. In particular, given the EOT plan, these procedures can be adapted to solve SB. This fact is heavily exploited by recent works giving rives to matching-based SB solvers. The cornerstone here is recovering the EOT plan: recent works either use heuristical approximations (e.g., the minibatch OT) or establish iterative matching procedures which by the design accumulate the error during the training. We address these limitations and propose a novel procedure to learn SB which we call the \textbf{optimal Schr\"odinger bridge matching}. It exploits the optimal parameterization of the diffusion process and provably recovers the SB process \textbf{(a)} with a single bridge matching step and \textbf{(b)} with arbitrary transport plan as the input. Furthermore, we show that the optimal bridge matching objective coincides with the recently discovered energy-based modeling (EBM) objectives to learn EOT/SB. Inspired by this observation, we develop a light solver (which we call LightSB-M) to implement optimal matching in practice using the Gaussian mixture parameterization of the Schr\"odinger potential. We experimentally showcase the performance of our solver in a range of practical tasks. The code for the LightSB-M solver can be found at \url{https://github.com/SKholkin/LightSB-Matching}.
Abstract:Optimal transport (OT) barycenters are a mathematically grounded way of averaging probability distributions while capturing their geometric properties. In short, the barycenter task is to take the average of a collection of probability distributions w.r.t. given OT discrepancies. We propose a novel algorithm for approximating the continuous Entropic OT (EOT) barycenter for arbitrary OT cost functions. Our approach is built upon the dual reformulation of the EOT problem based on weak OT, which has recently gained the attention of the ML community. Beyond its novelty, our method enjoys several advantageous properties: (i) we establish quality bounds for the recovered solution; (ii) this approach seemlessly interconnects with the Energy-Based Models (EBMs) learning procedure enabling the use of well-tuned algorithms for the problem of interest; (iii) it provides an intuitive optimization scheme avoiding min-max, reinforce and other intricate technical tricks. For validation, we consider several low-dimensional scenarios and image-space setups, including non-Euclidean cost functions. Furthermore, we investigate the practical task of learning the barycenter on an image manifold generated by a pretrained generative model, opening up new directions for real-world applications.