Abstract:This paper addresses the problem of estimating the positions of points from distance measurements corrupted by sparse outliers. Specifically, we consider a setting with two types of nodes: anchor nodes, for which exact distances to each other are known, and target nodes, for which complete but corrupted distance measurements to the anchors are available. To tackle this problem, we propose a novel algorithm powered by Nystr\"om method and robust principal component analysis. Our method is computationally efficient as it processes only a localized subset of the distance matrix and does not require distance measurements between target nodes. Empirical evaluations on synthetic datasets, designed to mimic sensor localization, and on molecular experiments, demonstrate that our algorithm achieves accurate recovery with a modest number of anchors, even in the presence of high levels of sparse outliers.
Abstract:The problem of finding suitable point embedding or geometric configurations given only Euclidean distance information of point pairs arises both as a core task and as a sub-problem in a variety of machine learning applications. In this paper, we aim to solve this problem given a minimal number of distance samples. To this end, we leverage continuous and non-convex rank minimization formulations of the problem and establish a local convergence guarantee for a variant of iteratively reweighted least squares (IRLS), which applies if a minimal random set of observed distances is provided. As a technical tool, we establish a restricted isometry property (RIP) restricted to a tangent space of the manifold of symmetric rank-$r$ matrices given random Euclidean distance measurements, which might be of independent interest for the analysis of other non-convex approaches. Furthermore, we assess data efficiency, scalability and generalizability of different reconstruction algorithms through numerical experiments with simulated data as well as real-world data, demonstrating the proposed algorithm's ability to identify the underlying geometry from fewer distance samples compared to the state-of-the-art.
Abstract:The problem of determining the configuration of points from partial distance information, known as the Euclidean Distance Geometry (EDG) problem, is fundamental to many tasks in the applied sciences. In this paper, we propose two algorithms grounded in the Riemannian optimization framework to address the EDG problem. Our approach formulates the problem as a low-rank matrix completion task over the Gram matrix, using partial measurements represented as expansion coefficients of the Gram matrix in a non-orthogonal basis. For the first algorithm, under a uniform sampling with replacement model for the observed distance entries, we demonstrate that, with high probability, a Riemannian gradient-like algorithm on the manifold of rank-$r$ matrices converges linearly to the true solution, given initialization via a one-step hard thresholding. This holds provided the number of samples, $m$, satisfies $m \geq \mathcal{O}(n^{7/4}r^2 \log(n))$. With a more refined initialization, achieved through resampled Riemannian gradient-like descent, we further improve this bound to $m \geq \mathcal{O}(nr^2 \log(n))$. Our analysis for the first algorithm leverages a non-self-adjoint operator and depends on deriving eigenvalue bounds for an inner product matrix of restricted basis matrices, leveraging sparsity properties for tighter guarantees than previously established. The second algorithm introduces a self-adjoint surrogate for the sampling operator. This algorithm demonstrates strong numerical performance on both synthetic and real data. Furthermore, we show that optimizing over manifolds of higher-than-rank-$r$ matrices yields superior numerical results, consistent with recent literature on overparameterization in the EDG problem.
Abstract:Linear representation learning is widely studied due to its conceptual simplicity and empirical utility in tasks such as compression, classification, and feature extraction. Given a set of points $[\mathbf{x}_1, \mathbf{x}_2, \ldots, \mathbf{x}_n] = \mathbf{X} \in \mathbb{R}^{d \times n}$ and a vector $\mathbf{y} \in \mathbb{R}^d$, the goal is to find coefficients $\mathbf{w} \in \mathbb{R}^n$ so that $\mathbf{X} \mathbf{w} \approx \mathbf{y}$, subject to some desired structure on $\mathbf{w}$. In this work we seek $\mathbf{w}$ that forms a local reconstruction of $\mathbf{y}$ by solving a regularized least squares regression problem. We obtain local solutions through a locality function that promotes the use of columns of $\mathbf{X}$ that are close to $\mathbf{y}$ when used as a regularization term. We prove that, for all levels of regularization and under a mild condition that the columns of $\mathbf{X}$ have a unique Delaunay triangulation, the optimal coefficients' number of non-zero entries is upper bounded by $d+1$, thereby providing local sparse solutions when $d \ll n$. Under the same condition we also show that for any $\mathbf{y}$ contained in the convex hull of $\mathbf{X}$ there exists a regime of regularization parameter such that the optimal coefficients are supported on the vertices of the Delaunay simplex containing $\mathbf{y}$. This provides an interpretation of the sparsity as having structure obtained implicitly from the Delaunay triangulation of $\mathbf{X}$. We demonstrate that our locality regularized problem can be solved in comparable time to other methods that identify the containing Delaunay simplex.
Abstract:We study the problem of determining the configuration of $n$ points, referred to as mobile nodes, by utilizing pairwise distances to $m$ fixed points known as anchor nodes. In the standard setting, we have information about the distances between anchors (anchor-anchor) and between anchors and mobile nodes (anchor-mobile), but the distances between mobile nodes (mobile-mobile) are not known. For this setup, the Nystr\"om method is a viable technique for estimating the positions of the mobile nodes. This study focuses on the setting where the anchor-mobile block of the distance matrix contains only partial distance information. First, we establish a relationship between the columns of the anchor-mobile block in the distance matrix and the columns of the corresponding block in the Gram matrix via a graph Laplacian. Exploiting this connection, we introduce a novel sampling model that frames the position estimation problem as low-rank recovery of an inner product matrix, given a subset of its expansion coefficients in a special non-orthogonal basis. This basis and its dual basis--the central elements of our model--are explicitly derived. Our analysis is grounded in a specific centering of the points that is unique to the Nystr\"om method. With this in mind, we extend previous work in Euclidean distance geometry by providing a general dual basis approach for points centered anywhere.
Abstract:Classical multidimensional scaling (CMDS) is a technique that aims to embed a set of objects in a Euclidean space given their pairwise Euclidean distance matrix. The main part of CMDS is based on double centering a squared distance matrix and employing a truncated eigendecomposition to recover the point coordinates. A central result in CMDS connects the squared Euclidean matrix to a Gram matrix derived from the set of points. In this paper, we study a dual basis approach to classical multidimensional scaling. We give an explicit formula for the dual basis and fully characterize the spectrum of an essential matrix in the dual basis framework. We make connections to a related problem in metric nearness.
Abstract:The classical sparse coding model represents visual stimuli as a linear combination of a handful of learned basis functions that are Gabor-like when trained on natural image data. However, the Gabor-like filters learned by classical sparse coding far overpredict well-tuned simple cell receptive field (SCRF) profiles. A number of subsequent models have either discarded the sparse dictionary learning framework entirely or have yet to take advantage of the surge in unrolled, neural dictionary learning architectures. A key missing theme of these updates is a stronger notion of \emph{structured sparsity}. We propose an autoencoder architecture whose latent representations are implicitly, locally organized for spectral clustering, which begets artificial neurons better matched to observed primate data. The weighted-$\ell_1$ (WL) constraint in the autoencoder objective function maintains core ideas of the sparse coding framework, yet also offers a promising path to describe the differentiation of receptive fields in terms of a discriminative hierarchy in future work.
Abstract:The unlabeled sensing problem is to recover an unknown signal from permuted linear measurements. We propose an alternating minimization algorithm with a suitable initialization for the widely considered k-sparse permutation model. Assuming either a Gaussian measurement matrix or a sub-Gaussian signal, we upper bound the initialization error for the r-local and k-sparse permutation models in terms of the block size $r$ and the number of shuffles k, respectively. Our algorithm is computationally scalable and, compared to baseline methods, achieves superior performance on real and synthetic datasets.
Abstract:The placement of art in public spaces can have a significant impact on who feels a sense of belonging. In cities, public art communicates whose interests and culture are being favored. In this paper, we propose a graph matching approach with local constraints to build a curatorial tool for selecting public art in a way that supports inclusive spaces. We develop a cost matrix by drawing on Schelling's model of segregation. Using the cost matrix as an input, the optimization problem is solved via projected gradient descent to obtain a soft assignment matrix. We discuss regularization terms to set curatorial constraints. Our optimization program allocates artwork to public spaces and walls in a way that de-prioritizes "in-group" preferences, by satisfying minimum representation and exposure criteria. We draw on existing literature to develop a fairness metric for our algorithmic output. Using Tufts University as a testbed, we assess the effectiveness of our approach and discuss its potential pitfalls from both a curatorial and equity standpoint.
Abstract:This paper considers the problem of measure estimation under the barycentric coding model (BCM), in which an unknown measure is assumed to belong to the set of Wasserstein-2 barycenters of a finite set of known measures. Estimating a measure under this model is equivalent to estimating the unknown barycenteric coordinates. We provide novel geometrical, statistical, and computational insights for measure estimation under the BCM, consisting of three main results. Our first main result leverages the Riemannian geometry of Wasserstein-2 space to provide a procedure for recovering the barycentric coordinates as the solution to a quadratic optimization problem assuming access to the true reference measures. The essential geometric insight is that the parameters of this quadratic problem are determined by inner products between the optimal displacement maps from the given measure to the reference measures defining the BCM. Our second main result then establishes an algorithm for solving for the coordinates in the BCM when all the measures are observed empirically via i.i.d. samples. We prove precise rates of convergence for this algorithm -- determined by the smoothness of the underlying measures and their dimensionality -- thereby guaranteeing its statistical consistency. Finally, we demonstrate the utility of the BCM and associated estimation procedures in three application areas: (i) covariance estimation for Gaussian measures; (ii) image processing; and (iii) natural language processing.